Yeah, I got that part. It's the part after getting the shapes is what getting me stuck. Trying to figure out what numerical values they all hold for the phone (assuming that what they are meant for)
You uncovered the poster right? Should be 1986
Yeah, I got that part. It's the part after getting the shapes is what getting me stuck. Trying to figure out what numerical values they all hold for the phone (assuming that what they are meant for)
Yeah, I got that part. It's the part after getting the shapes is what getting me stuck. Trying to figure out what numerical values they all hold for the phone (assuming that what they are meant for)
You uncovered the poster right? Should be 1986
Do all the puzzles have an associated silver/gold file, or do some rooms just give you an escape password and nothing else? I'm in theand am wondering if I'm missing something.infirmary
I'm over tired and I'm definitely missing some small detail during the opening sequence so I'll ask here and forever be in shame.I have the gold password for the safe but I can't find the last SD card to escape the elevator.
the first two are just the watch the third one is the watch and vita game. All 3 are completed listings meaning they sold at that amount.
Kagari, did I hear you say on Twitter that this was your GOTY so far? 999 was my 2010 GOTY and hearing you say that seriously makes me excited to play this...
On the elevator, a 0 or a 3 will give you different SD cards assuming you have already entered the old men and children. Zero the 3rd, get it?
Yes, it's my current GOTY.
I'm over tired and I'm definitely missing some small detail during the opening sequence so I'll ask here and forever be in shame.I have the gold password for the safe but I can't find the last SD card to escape the elevator.
I understand your pain. I am stuck on the second puzzle. I never had this issue with 999. Is it just me, or are the puzzles harder in this one?
Also, poster help? I feel really bad having to ask this but I don't want to stop playing yet.
Order's shipped, but still marked as getting here Thursday. Blast.
IIRC there's a coin in room 04.
For the people afraid of the black bars running around, 95% of these have been puzzle solution spoilers.
Just as a heads up.
A 1/20 chance of a story spoiler is still too much for me.
Also, why hasn't mind shipped yet? Vita version, pre-order bonus, ordered Sep 18. Still says hasn't shipped. Delivery estimate: Friday.
Going to ask one more thing before I call it quits for the night. I am in room 04, examined everything. Phi is saying to examine the right ankle of the silhouette, but no matter what I do, nothing is occurring. I cannot seem to find the coin in room 04. Any additional help you can give?
Edit: I really blow at puzzle games. Math, languages, I can handle those, but toss me a puzzle and my mind falls apart. Must perserve and reach VN stuff!
Have you tried clicking the poster a 2nd time? It should give you a zoomed in view where you have to scratch stuff off.
So right after my last freakout...
(After reaching Lock 8 and, get my first bad end, unlock Lock 8 and reach Lock 9.)watch Phi "pay me back" for betraying her, go back to the choice and watch said betrayal actually happen
I've read Ever 17 before so I'm familiar with setups involving characters remembering choices made in alternate universes, but I don't think I fully got the "your choice in the future changes thing Phi was talking about. Though I understand what happened in the route where she betrays me... but Alice changing her decision isn't explained yet, unless I'm just not getting what happened there with the info they gave me. Then the bomb accusation cutting off, GAH. Such a tease!
Also,I get no respect around here!Phi reaches 9 and she gets let off with a scolding after actually trying to ditch us, but Sigma barely does anything when he reaches 9 and he immediately gets BAD ENDded?
Believe me, I have spammed the hell out of that poster with everything I had. Alas, the all-glorious coin must be found first.
Believe me, I have spammed the hell out of that poster with everything I had. Alas, the all-glorious coin must be found first.
Believe me, I have spammed the hell out of that poster with everything I had. Alas, the all-glorious coin must be found first.
Hold on, I'm gonna save my game and try to go that way for a bit, see if I can't help. Give me a bit.
Try entering 6811 into the phone number. I think it might get you the coin. That section was the first room I did the puzzles for so it's hard to remember.
The coin is inside the locker...
IWhich I am unable to access atm. All I have right now is the box cutter and foil. I got the shapes, but I cannot distinguish their meaning.
So right after my last freakout...
(After reaching Lock 8 and, get my first bad end, unlock Lock 8 and reach Lock 9.)watch Phi "pay me back" for betraying her, go back to the choice and watch said betrayal actually happen
I've read Ever 17 before so I'm familiar with setups involving characters remembering choices made in alternate universes, but I don't think I fully got the "your choice in the future changes thing Phi was talking about. Though I understand what happened in the route where she betrays me... but Alice changing her decision isn't explained yet, unless I'm just not getting what happened there with the info they gave me. Then the bomb accusation cutting off, GAH. Such a tease!
There are markings in every room that have to do with the lockers.
Double tap the desks below the markings on the wall to slide out the metal plate, but the sheet on it, then slide it back to reveal the password for the lockers. You can make multiple sheets of shapes out of the single roll of foil.
You're lucky that we both ended up going down the same route first!
I get home and want to download the game...and I need to update my PS Vita. This process apparently takes over 30 minutes.
And I wonder why I never want to play anything but my PC or DS these days. slow is PSN? It's downloaded 10MB in 3 minutes. What the hell?
So right after my last freakout...
(After reaching Lock 8 and, get my first bad end, unlock Lock 8 and reach Lock 9.)watch Phi "pay me back" for betraying her, go back to the choice and watch said betrayal actually happen
I've read Ever 17 before so I'm familiar with setups involving characters remembering choices made in alternate universes, but I don't think I fully got the "your choice in the future changes thing Phi was talking about. Though I understand what happened in the route where she betrays me... but Alice changing her decision isn't explained yet, unless I'm just not getting what happened there with the info they gave me. Then the bomb accusation cutting off, GAH. Such a tease!
Also,I get no respect around here!Phi reaches 9 and she gets let off with a scolding after actually trying to ditch us, but Sigma barely does anything when he reaches 9 and he immediately gets BAD ENDded?
This game =
This game... just spent 6 hours straight going down the leftmost branch, getting to my first "To Be Continued..." screen.Have to stop myself from starting on a different route or else I'm gonna be up all night, haha.And man, has it been a blood bath. Old lady, Alice, Luna, Clover and Tenmyouji, Dio and K - all dead. D: I had no idea what the username/password combination was for the computer in the Director's Room. Is it something that I missed or will I figure it out after completing other branches?
I've been stubborn and played on Hard the entire way through so far.While I probably will get more satisfaction about solving the puzzles this way, I'm a little worried about the missed dialog since the banter/interaction in 999 during the puzzle-solving portions was lot of fun.And I've gotten all the gold files as well, but haven't been reading them though as per Kagari's warning up thread about spoilery stuff being in the Archives.
Must... wait till tomorrow... to turn on 3DS again... T.T
This game... just spent 6 hours straight going down the leftmost branch, getting to my first "To Be Continued..." screen.Have to stop myself from starting on a different route or else I'm gonna be up all night, haha.And man, has it been a blood bath. D: Also, I had no idea what the username/password combination was for the computer in the Director's Room. Is it something that I missed or will I figure it out after completing other branches?
I've been stubborn and played on Hard the entire way through so far.While I probably will get more satisfaction about solving the puzzles this way, I'm a little worried about the missed dialog since the banter/interaction in 999 during the puzzle-solving portions was lot of fun.And I've gotten all the gold files as well, but haven't been reading them though as per Kagari's warning up thread about spoilery stuff being in the Archives.
Must... wait till tomorrow... to turn on 3DS again... T.T
So regarding the Lounge. . . I just have to know about the 2nd safe puzzle.
Am I missing another hint outside of the bartender's note? Was I supposed to just brute force it since one the mentioned drinks was a lie?
The son's words are the lie.