*Expect this path to play out the same way as all the others in this branch*
There's a reason the Japanese title is called "Good People Die" 
*Expect this path to play out the same way as all the others in this branch*
plat trophy or plat status.
phew, was a second away from buying it on psn![]()
Just get both if you're undecided. The game deserves the support anyway.
So about the difficulty levels. I read that easy has hints from characters but what about the files you're talking about here? Do I miss content by choosing easy or hard?
So about the difficulty levels. I read that easy has hints from characters but what about the files you're talking about here? Do I miss content by choosing easy or hard?
Just get both if you're undecided. The game deserves the support anyway.
ugh, stuck on thecolored roots problem
it's wayy to late and I'm obviously either overthinking this or just retarded... any hints?![]()
Luna casually sits my ass down andasks me if I'm a robot. Then we go into discussion about the laws of robotics.
Having played 999, I know that this type of tangent is going to be part of the plot somehow. THIS GAME...
Oh boo, this branch ends on the samecliffhanger lock as the other one. Oh well, they had to make me play the left and middle paths at some point.bomb accusation
Just gottato finish the right path (for now)... Really don't want to though, it makes me feel like such a jerk.betray Clover when she's caring for Alice and Quark
Just think of how she treated you in 999...
i think this may have a good chance at hitting gaf's top 10 list this year. it'd be the first time a handheld game would do so since 2006, i think, and it'd be especially nice since it's multiplatform.
That is also me. My cards been charged though so its getting close
My vita copy is shipping soon now. I assume they came from the same place as 3DS, so I would guess they just processed all 3DS orders first.
How's the English voice acting compared to the Japanese voice acting so far? As a European 3DS owner we won't get the English dub so am I missing out?
well, you can compare the OVAs.
When they say this game is 30+ hours.. Is that one playthrough or going through each of the routes?
I spent like, two or three days deciding what the hell I was going to do aboutand the VA nailed it.his accent. Cockney seemed like the best bet,
After I beat the game, I'll go to page 26 and start highlighting every spoiler!
This way I'll be able to laugh with you all!!!
It's crazy seeing people have trouble on the first puzzle. I didn't really get stumped until I entered the.Lounge
Easy will give you access to the silver files, Hard gives you access to the gold files which have more information.
How do I get past the GAULEM Bay? Desription of the problem under the spoiler tags:
I need a rag or something like that to clean up the oil and I have a bunch of stuff I can't use anywhere.
The star shaped thing doesn't fit the hole, I don't find anything I could open with the silver key, nor any screws I could unscrew.
I pushed the button and the robot's eyes turned red, but that's it.
Wonder what the V means on the map (I thought of voltage, but I can't find the spot anywhere in the real room) anyway).
So these files are hidden in the environment right? In both modes the way to get them is the same?
So these files are hidden in the environment right? In both modes the way to get them is the same?
Take the radio from next to the gaulem's head. Go over to the computer monitor and set it to the frequency you need. The drawer underneath it will unlock and you can put the star-shapped thing in it. Inside the middle drawer is a wheel you can use on the star area in the wall by the door.
i think this may have a good chance at hitting gaf's top 10 list this year. it'd be the first time a handheld game would do so since 2006, i think, and it'd be especially nice since it's multiplatform.
I was recently told by a friend of mine that you can't get True End on easy.