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Assassins Creed 4: Black Flag |OT| Not Based on a DisneyLand Ride


Are there any locations where a man o' war might spawn? Looking to capture another for my fleet.

Nvm. Moment I posted this a few popped up, haha


Oh wow. I boarded a ship during a storm and next thing I know I lose 10 crew members when the wave hits. So weird seeing the ship fly up in the air while not controlling it... I didn't even know it let you board during storms.


I really don't like the AC games but I love Black flag, especially the ship battles.

I wish there was a sim out there with the tall ship battles that looked as good as this.

My one complaint is the whole stupid virtual reality thing , it really breaks the immersion of the game. I know its part of the AC series but I hate it just the same.

White Man

I hope we get back to the mythology. ACBF didn't feel like an Assassins Creed game. Really didn't like the faceless Abstergo employee floating head character either. I'm sure it'll end up being Desmond clone or something equally insane.

I hope we get back to AC3 sequels. Maybe involving the kid who saw Haytham kill his father at the opera. Or some new female assassin who is involved in the French revolution. Though I'm unsure how they'll progress the mythology because things seemed to have hit a climax with AC3.

I like how in the hacked computer files they tease just about every single possible setting for an AC game.


Good summary.

They story as pointed out is a mess, jumps between places way too much. Just feels like a bunch of mission loosely connected.

Your second point is my biggest problem with the game. I really hope they go back to to one big city. Brotherhood and Revelations are still my favorite two of the series because of that.

And your third point is completely valid. It was very boring to keep boarding those ships to get the maximum amount of materials for all the upgrades just because it was always the same. Sure ocassionaly you have to destroy the flag of the ship (which is more annoying than anything if you ask me) and stuff but still. The boarding just isn't fun after you have done it a couple of times.
Eh. I agree that the cities should be bigger than what we got, but I really hated the one city theme that we got in Brotherhood and Revelations. There just isn't enough variety within them to be fun.

I think ACII got it right. There were like three cities, no? Plus the bits connecting them together. Each city felt distinctive and not just "oh, this again"

White Man

I think I liked ACII and Brotherhood about equally as far as cities go. I really loved Rome and thought it more than held its own as a single setting, but I did like the variety of the cities in II, especially in comparison to the cities in the first game, which were the equivalent of palette swaps.


Eh. I agree that the cities should be bigger than what we got, but I really hated the one city theme that we got in Brotherhood and Revelations. There just isn't enough variety within them to be fun.

I think ACII got it right. There were like three cities, no? Plus the bits connecting them together. Each city felt distinctive and not just "oh, this again"

Well yeah if they can get it done like in II again that would be preferable of course. I just have my doubts that they can pull this off. We'll see I guess.


So I'm doing the upgrade route from PS3 to PS4 via the code and disc from PS3 version. Has there been any information as to if there has been any issues with this? I know you need the disc to play, also, wondering how much you need to download. Wondering if it's better to just trade in my PS3 version of the game and get the PS4 version.


So I'm doing the upgrade route from PS3 to PS4 via the code and disc from PS3 version. Has there been any information as to if there has been any issues with this? I know you need the disc to play, also, wondering how much you need to download. Wondering if it's better to just trade in my PS3 version of the game and get the PS4 version.
It stands to reason that you will need to download the entirety of the PS4 version. The PS3 disc in the tray is purely for authentication reasons.

Unless you intend to also play the game some more on PS3, it is logical to trade in the PS3 disc and get the PS4 boxed copy.


It stands to reason that you will need to download the entirety of the PS4 version. The PS3 disc in the tray is purely for authentication reasons.

Unless you intend to also play the game some more on PS3, it is logical to trade in the PS3 disc and get the PS4 boxed copy.

I kind of thought this but didn't want to believe it =\ Thanks. Guess I'll be trading in this PS3 game.


Do we know whether the PS4 version supports 3D yet?
Nothing on the box, so it doesn't look like it does. But, no one knows how they're advertising 3D support for PS4 games, and it doesn't seem like any of the early PS4 owners have both AC4 and a 3D TV and have given it a try.

So, uh... I guess I'll report back tomorrow afternoon with an answer one way or another. :)


So I ended up with this game from Target's B2G1.

Does the story continue from previous AC games? The last one I completed was AC2.


Eh. I agree that the cities should be bigger than what we got, but I really hated the one city theme that we got in Brotherhood and Revelations. There just isn't enough variety within them to be fun.

I think ACII got it right. There were like three cities, no? Plus the bits connecting them together. Each city felt distinctive and not just "oh, this again"
I still think the cities had a hell of a lot more character in AC1 than any of its sequels (Revelations is a close second). But exploration and traversal were much more polished in ACB and ACR (AC2 had some major mechanical issues with traversal). Regardless, not having big cities to traverse in an AC game is like not having tracks to drive on in a Gran Turismo game.


is there some ps4 gameplay somewhere ?? Also how long is this game?

I've been playing a few hours every night for the last 10 days and haven't finished yet (up to sequence 10 out of 13). There's a hell of a lot to do, so length isn't something you should worry about... You could probably rush through it a lot quicker than I've been taking, of course... but if you want to make the most out of the game you'll do more than just go from mission to mission.
is the stuff to do in this game fun and worthwhile? None of the stuff in AC3 like ship (fun but kinda pointless) and frontier trading felt meaningful gameplay or storywise.


is the stuff to do in this game fun and worthwhile? None of the stuff in AC3 like ship (fun but kinda pointless) and frontier trading felt meaningful gameplay or storywise.

Like 70% of your time you'll be on your ship sailing around the Caribbean. The usual assassination and naval missions are also present, along with crafting (which is a lot better than ACIII in that everything is laid out in front of you in a straight forward manner and it's not a tedious grind), special armour 'quests' - think Altair's armour in ACII, and treasure hunting. There's also the metagame with Kenway's fleet which is pretty cool on its own - I guess it could be contrasted with the trading in III, but it's actually worthwhile and makes sense.

Things like treasure hunting and random collectables are pretty... irrelevant... to progressing through the story, but they are fun to do, IMO. Make of that what you will.

Escape Goat

is the stuff to do in this game fun and worthwhile? None of the stuff in AC3 like ship (fun but kinda pointless) and frontier trading felt meaningful gameplay or storywise.

The ship stuff is pretty much the game. Everything else is what you'd expect from AC3. I played the game with only a couple crafts. I obtained the best sword and pistol pretty early on. I don't understand putting so many weapons and swords in these games if there all pretty interchangeable.

If you didn't like the ship combat in AC3 then you'll probably not find this game worth your time. You seemingly spend more time playing captain of the high seas than assassinating anyone.


I have over 40 hours playtime and visited every location but haven't found a social chest yet, what gives?
Seen a couple of those blue chest symbols but nothing. Been online pretty much the whole time.


I have over 40 hours playtime and visited every location but haven't found a social chest yet, what gives?
Seen a couple of those blue chest symbols but nothing. Been online pretty much the whole time.

Those blue chests are social chests. I've found a few


Not an asshole.
Installing on my PS4 right now. So excited!

My first AC since AC2, so I'm hoping the huge gap will make this feel super fresh : )


I loved the native American aspect of AC3. The political history of US was less gripping but not bad still. I loved the optional missions on islands or shipwrecks, they were nicely designed with good story and cutscenes.

Guys remember when first rumors about this ACBF said that it's gonna be open world mmorpg with naval battles? Maybe it was, but they dropped it, maybe that's why the story is lacking?
I enjoyed AC3's story, but was definitely getting tired of the AC formula. I already got this game from the Nvidia holiday bundle, just waiting for release. Really excited and glad they've changed things up a bit, I just hope the PC version doesn't suffer from too many technical problems.


Played whole day. What an amazing game. The graphics, the atmosphere, music, gameplay, everything is top notch. Just cruising on a ship and listening to songs on a foggy night is fucking awesome. And dat water is just beautiful. There's a lot of new exciting features and gameplay additions. AC franchise might be the only one to innovate on a large scale with every new game. It's unbelievable how good the open world feels. I'd rate it best game ever/10. I love everything about it.
Played whole day. What an amazing game. The graphics, the atmosphere, music, gameplay, everything is top notch. Just cruising on a ship and listening to songs on a foggy night is fucking awesome. And dat water is just beautiful. There's a lot of new exciting features and gameplay additions. AC franchise might be the only one to innovate on a large scale with every new game. It's unbelievable how good the open world feels. I'd rate it best game ever/10. I love everything about it.

Well, that's just not true. GTA has done a very good job, in it's very long career, of pushing the envelope while maintaining the same idea of open world gameplay. I'll concede that GTA is much more limited in scope than what a time-period jumping game like AC can do, but there was barely any innovation to Brotherhood, Revelations, or 3 from 2.


Lol the combat and free running is still the same from the first game.

Except that they have added alternate attacks after blocking with Y/Triangle and reduced the buttons needed for free running from 3 to 1.

The only thing that keeps changing are the time periods and settings the games are set in. The core is still very much the same.

I wouldn't call that innovative, but with a development cycle that short there is just not enough time to touch the core mechanics.
The ship stuff is pretty much the game. Everything else is what you'd expect from AC3. I played the game with only a couple crafts. I obtained the best sword and pistol pretty early on. I don't understand putting so many weapons and swords in these games if there all pretty interchangeable.

If you didn't like the ship combat in AC3 then you'll probably not find this game worth your time. You seemingly spend more time playing captain of the high seas than assassinating anyone.

ship combat was fine in 3. but there was no real incentive to do it and it kinda didn't have to do with the core story at all. if its the key thing here, i won't complain.

Any of yall get this on ps4 yet? how is 900p gate going down? Is the framerate reaallly solid 30 with zero drops?
I was tinkering around in the multiplayer options on the Wii U version last night and I created a GAF clan. If anyone wants in, please let me know.
Installing on my PS4 right now. So excited!

My first AC since AC2, so I'm hoping the huge gap will make this feel super fresh : )

Anxiously awaiting :)

Strangely enough this is my most anticipated launch title. Though I wish they would have just straight gone with a new pirate series, at the end of the day, this is a massive, gorgeous open world pirate game, and I should probably just shut up.

Really want to hear/see some specific PS4 impressions though. Seems like some of the tech advances were pretty nice.


Just finished. I think it was really good, but a couple of sticking points keep it from being my favorite.
1. Was there a story? This made 3 seem gripping.
2. I miss meaty big cities.
3. By late game, naval combat seems really same-y and tedious. Thank goodness the game has an awesome fast travel system.

Overall, probably my second or third favorite.

You already beat it? O_O. You guys sure are fast.


Anxiously awaiting :)

Strangely enough this is my most anticipated launch title. Though I wish they would have just straight gone with a new pirate series, at the end of the day, this is a massive, gorgeous open world pirate game, and I should probably just shut up.

Really want to hear/see some specific PS4 impressions though. Seems like some of the tech advances were pretty nice.

I agree. This game design is good enough to be its own series. It really does a good job capturing that Sid Meier's Pirates exploration and combat feel for next gen gaming.

Would love to see more.


Just started the game on PS4... Is the black flag "button" in the center of the main menu supposed to do something? It's not doing anything when I'm hitting it and my OCD side is getting annoyed by that lol.


so the captain kenway's legacy pack, hidden mystery pack and uplay passport couldn't install on the ps4. anyone else with this issue?


anyone that played the game on ps3 or 360 and jumped to ps4, are the differences really that noticeable? im between getting this for PC or ps4


I think I liked ACII and Brotherhood about equally as far as cities go. I really loved Rome and thought it more than held its own as a single setting, but I did like the variety of the cities in II, especially in comparison to the cities in the first game, which were the equivalent of palette swaps.

When AC make its triumphant return to europe in Napolean France, AC will be great again.


anyone that played the game on ps3 or 360 and jumped to ps4, are the differences really that noticeable? im between getting this for PC or ps4
Well, one thing that stood out right away is the vegetation. When you're hiding in the bushes, the only way to see where your character is (since you're completely covered) is by the movement of the plants as you sneak around. Pretty neat, if you ask me. I think I remember seeing a X360 video, and since the plants didn't move at all (which is odd, because they did in AC3, even if it wasn't as dynamic as PS4), they had to pare them down a bit so you can still see Edward.
Any one able to get second screen to work?

Really wanted to use the vita for it. IT connects no problems and I can remote play but it just says "this screen is not in use" when I second screen
Just unlocked the
outfit thing, but I'm not sure if I wanna wear it. Supposedly you take less damage, and it does look kind of neat. But I wish it had a hood to cover Edward's playdough looking hair. :p Most of the time, I just use his default assassin outfit because I just think it looks better than most others.


I just got to the third "city" and I must say, I'm disappointed. The first city in the game is pretty good - decently dense and fun to freerun/platform on it. The other 2 cities are pretty meh and too open. AC3 had the exact same problem, so it's very disappointing.
Anyone experiencing an issue where things like pistol shots and explosions sound loud but voices sound quiet?

I can't seem to be able to fix it. Other than that the game is enjoyable. Only wish they didn't remove the Assassin Recruits.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
No one else is getting bad screen flicker constantly in the PS4 version? It's strobing like crazy for me whenever I look at dense vegetation when I move myself or the camera.

No problems in BF4, KZ or Resogun. Just this game.

EDIT: It flickers on all sorts of stuff. In Havanah, if I stand on a building and rotate the camera, certain surfaces have a light strobing on them, while others don't. It looks like some kind of light depth of field effect gone awry. Sometimes I can be hanging in front of a wall, and moving the camera slightly makes this light flicker occur on the entire texture in front of me. On other walls, it doesn't do it.

But looking at the dense foliage in the beginning level- the entire area where the foliage was on the screen would flicker slightly when I panned the camera.

It doesn't look like a bad video card type of error, but some really bad rendering code or something...

EDIT2: I figured it out. There was a goddamn "edge enhancer" option running on my TV. Turned that off and all flickering went away. Whew.
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