Any one able to get second screen to work?
Really wanted to use the vita for it. IT connects no problems and I can remote play but it just says "this screen is not in use" when I second screen
I'm pretty sure there is no 3D option for this or any other ps4 game right now. They seemed to have either dropped the option or everyone was in such a rush at launch that they did not dedicate any resources to 3D.
Maybe in the second wave of titles, but for now there are zero 3D launch titles for the PS4.
There is no 3D in AC4. Odd that they couldn't do it for PS4, even if they left it out of the last gen versions. As far as I know, Trine 2 is the only 3D-capable game at launch (and it looks amazing, BTW).Anyone know how to enable 3D on the PS4 version?
How is the MP in this game? Any good?
Is there an "introductory mission" for clearing out a fort? I'd like to go ahead and start clearing them (the Easy ones, at any rate), but it's always odd when you do something and then the game shows you later on how to do that thing (happened with the Mayan Se... things).
Yeah, there is. Go ahead and start clearing them whenever you want. It's simple enough to figure out as you do it.Especially if you've played ACIII.
How is the MP in this game? Any good?
Are there the usual trophies that require getting all chests and such?
I keep hearing great things about this game. How is this possible after the awful AC3? lol
Shocking news, devs can improve!I keep hearing great things about this game. How is this possible after the awful AC3? lol
Shocking news, devs can improve!
Encountered a random, but epic bug while playing pc version. Youtube link.
Encountered a random, but epic bug while playing pc version. Youtube link.
High-ultra on gtx 570 = barely stable 30fpsHow's the game performance-wise?
Use Better DS3, it's offline and more stableEverytime I get desynchronized from a mission my controller stops working. Anybody else have that problem?
On PC, using PS3 Controller via MotionJoy. Has worked for every other game so far.
When is the 1080p patch? I figure I waited this long from 360 to ps4 might as well wait for the extra resolution.
High-ultra on gtx 570 = barely stable 30fps
Loving this game so much. I've played all of them and after the travesty that was AC3 I told myself I was done with the series. Watching the GB QL and hearing about the premise of the future stuff intrigued me enough to pick it up for PS4. So glad I did, been playing this more than any other launch game. Just finished Sequence 3 and I think I have an unhealthy addiction to hunting down Frigates to farm metal for ship upgrades so that I can be more efficient and hunting down more ships lol
Use Better DS3, it's offline and more stable
High-ultra on gtx 570 = barely stable 30fps
Use Better DS3, it's offline and more stable
Encountered a random, but epic bug while playing pc version. Youtube link.
How are you playing it on PC already?
Isn't this a different main dev team than AC3? Shame the best selling version was the worst one.Shocking news, devs can improve!
what should I avoid going after to save time?
The ship upgrade mechanic sounds amazing, I hope its a deep system as WHO doesnt like upgrading their stuff and WORKING for it![]()
uh oh...
Uhh...everything? Are you on the clock or something?
How come I can't fast travel? I have discovered all the sync points in Havana already...
You need to get to Sequence 4 I believe before fast travel opens up.