I just beat the game and mine says 26%. What's the last boss you encountered?
I just beat the opening scene, and collected all the Uplinks in that area to see what happened.
.....Nothing really happened. >_> Are the Riddler trophies gone?
Still no update on a fix for the Burnley tower glitch?![]()
It's weird, the game has been out now for what, a week and I still want more Batman.
Bring it on Rocksteady.
if that counts. I just went through theAnarky.Police station
Did you not do anything on the side or something? I'm assuming challenge mode stuff is included in that percentage too.
There's a ton of Riddler stuff but it doesn't seem to be as well done as AC. The relays are just part of the collectible stuff you do for him.
Curious...how do you access the Batsuit Chamber in the non-Wii U versions?
On Wii U, it asks you toplace your index finger on the Gamepad and then 'scans' it, followed by a message saying 'WELCOME BRUCE WAYNE'
so ive beaten the game and done all of the side missions except for the Enigma stuff. if i start a new game plus, will all my progress with the collectibles carry over? and is the new game plus the same as it was in Arkham City (harder enemies and no counter prompts)?
When I tried to mash attack on deathstroke he would pull off an un-counterable combo that would take a decent chunk of my health away. Almost like he was slapping my hand for doing something I knew I shouldn't have been doing.
The latter is yes, the former I think so.
This part in AA scared the shit out of me the first time.
I beat both Arkham games on hard and did New game+ pretty easy in AC except like one part, but this game I was dying so much in first hour on Hard I just restarted on normal.
Still no update on a fix for the Burnley tower glitch?![]()
Can someone recap the Wii U performance for this game?
Any comparisons? Would be very much appreciated.
I did the silly glitch to fix the glitch trick on the PC version to complete it. You can go into the tower and hack the first terminal, fast travel out and do the glitch to get it done. Stupid, but it worked.Still no update on a fix for the Burnley tower glitch?![]()
I used a combination of the crouch and hitting the jump button onto the wall. I did it on my third try so I never bothered to try to redo the glitch from there. Sorry.Has anyone done the Burnley Tower using this method? If so, got any protips that aren't in the video? I actually got him to do the jump thing once but didn't land inside the fence :/
Took me about ten minutes to get it right. Yes, this bug is painfully silly because it's so central to the game, but there is fortunately an hilarious way around it (check video) for anyone who can't wait. Unfortunately I have no tips for you. If you've done it once I think you're doing it right.Has anyone done the Burnley Tower using this method? If so, got any protips that aren't in the video? I actually got him to do the jump thing once but didn't land inside the fence :/
Took me about ten minutes to get it right. Yes, this bug is painfully silly because it's so central to the game, but there is fortunately an hilarious way around it (check video) for anyone who can't wait. Unfortunately I have no tips for you. If you've done it once I think you're doing it right.
I managed to do it in on my third try.
Anyway, finished the game and I'll say that they recycled too much stuff from AC which explains the relatively low ratings the game got. It only managed to excel in boss fights - really.
Gonna test it soon.Also to the people who wanted the FoV fix (derrick and others), here it is:
Has anyone done the Burnley Tower using this method? If so, got any protips that aren't in the video? I actually got him to do the jump thing once but didn't land inside the fence :/
I loved Arkham City, I loved the open world and enjoyed it way more than Asylum which I thought was good but not great. AC was a huge step up to me. Which one is Origins more like? I still don't really know what this game is trying to be, is it some kind of alternate reality version of this series?
And shorter.It's a prequel. Compared to AC it has a better story, better combat, better art style, but it's also unpolished and buggy as shit.
And shorter.
Just beat the game, awesome ride, I would say it took me around 23 hours total. 15 for the main game and have done about 8 hours worth of side missions with only 2 most wanted left. I would say story wise this is my favorite and the most enjoyable one of the three for me. So I have a question for those that beat it,What was the spoiler everyone was so up in arms about?
Well AC was 10 hours for me while AO was 6(I beat it on the 2nd day I got it and I rarely ever do that anymore) for me just doing the campaign and not touching anything else(until they were beaten) so I guess it does vary on the person like you said.A single playthrough for AO was longer than mine form AC. I'm sure it's different for everyone, but AO can't be shorter, if it's shorter at all.
I'm going to guess it wasJoker taking center stage again, by posing as Black Mask.