I'm hoping that when i go and replay in new game+ to finish up the worst nightmare challenges that the progress and dark knight suit unlock will also transfer over to the standard single player save.
So the Enigma stuff. I managed to glitch the burnley tower after several attempts so I bypassed that stupid vent. Anyways, did all the towers, destroyed all the relay things.Went to what I thought would be a face to face with Enigma and I just punched a computer. And then there's that locked door right ther next to said punched computer that I can't get into. I'm guessing I need all the Extortion files to get in there, right?
Oh, damn, I forgot I have like one drug canister and one Penguin arms container to go. Crap. I'll do those then get back to you. I have finished the campaign, though. I've just been going around the city doing whatever is closest on the map at a given moment, be it datapacks or whatever.
Multiplayer's totally worth it, if only for that perfect moment where you get to control Bane and snap Batman's back over your knee. Such a FUCK YEAH feeling.
So the Enigma stuff. I managed to glitch the burnley tower after several attempts so I bypassed that stupid vent. Anyways, did all the towers, destroyed all the relay things.Went to what I thought would be a face to face with Enigma and I just punched a computer. And then there's that locked door right ther next to said punched computer that I can't get into. I'm guessing I need all the Extortion files to get in there, right?
LOL Bro that's Arkham City style. I'm all over the fast-travel keeping me mission-focused!
Haha, I'm not so much of a crude, I use fast travel when I'm done with an area. But I usually say "ok, I'm going to get everything in this area" so I get all the datapacks, drug stashes, arms crates, relays, etc., as well as all the crap inside the instances, before I fast travel to the next area. I remember just going around looking for crap to do in AC, though. Ah, good times.
I'm hoping that when i go and replay in new game+ to finish up the worst nightmare challenges that the progress and dark knight suit unlock will also transfer over to the standard single player save.
Haha, I'm not so much of a crude, I use fast travel when I'm done with an area. But I usually say "ok, I'm going to get everything in this area" so I get all the datapacks, drug stashes, arms crates, relays, etc., as well as all the crap inside the instances, before I fast travel to the next area. I remember just going around looking for crap to do in AC, though. Ah, good times.
What's this tower glitch I'm hearing about? The only freeze I had the whole time was launching multiplayer. I had no glitches, no problems. It got a bit frameratey after long play sessions but if I relaunched it cleared right up. I'm on PS3, is PC more buggy or something (I know I could read back, but it's a long thread)?
To those who at least deactivated the server, what did Enigma mean byhe's discovered a special secret? Does he know Batman is Bruce Wayne?
Just completed the Enigma stuff, so underwhelming.
That's it.You go into his room and he's gone, behind a destructible wall is a Riddler trophy.
PC overall is less buggy, or so I've heard. But the main problem is the Burnley comm tower bug, where when you jump through the window and hack Enigma's first console, it locks you in. Once you take off the vent cover to get out, the game won't let you climb into it.
I encountered this but I used the super jump to circumvent it.
Huh, that's curious..He doesn't seem to know it in the later games, but that would definitely be in line with the Hush story
I wish! The characters are all amazing. (I'm mostly props/environments/weapons). They were designed mostly by 1 of my colleagues. But the character artists did an AMAZING job creating them in game. And then the guys doing the customization just made it perfect. Every single outfit and piece you have morphs to every body type you have. It still amazes me, that every combination works so well. Character team fucking nailed it.
Is it possible to finish all the side missions (case files & most wanted) before finishing the main story? I'm...sort of role playing this in a sense in that I'd like to complete the story AND have everything else wrapped up so it really feels like a finish to it all. I just got to the 90% completion part (which now sounds like it reverts to 70% or so).
I don't think so. One of the Most Wanted is, um... sort of a result of the final climax. For role playing, it will totally make sense.
Goddamn, why did they makesuch a tough boss?! Timing the counters feels bizarrely tough.Deathstroke
lol, I almost considered restarting on easy because of him.
Goddamn, why did they makesuch a tough boss?! Timing the counters feels bizarrely tough.Deathstroke
lol, I almost considered restarting on easy because of him.
I feel lame just countering the whole time. lol, I'll do whatever gets me through this fight tho.
Finished the game yesterday. Damn fantastic overall!
The game seemed to have some major "The Dark Knight" style influences story wise. Even a little bit of Batman Begins. I'm sure all those influences started in comics before that, but yeah, the real dire situations Batman finds himself in towards the climax of it all, really reminded me of those two films.
This game shits all over the previous two story wise in my opinion. Batman is darker, and often is pushed to his very limits toward the latter half of the game. I really *love* that about Batman films/games. He reminded me of Christian Bales Batman quite a lot when there were close up shots of his face and he was grinding his teeth. A lot of those kinda scenes were the "WHERE ARE THEY?!!!" equivalent. The story cutscenes in general were fantastic.
Great art in this one too, a lot better than the previous two. Graphically everything looked fantastic too. Especially when there were close ups of Batman and other villains. Twas very impressive!
Overall, a superb game! I can't wait to see if WB Montreal get another pop at the series soon.
Finished the game yesterday. Damn fantastic overall!
Overall, a superb game! I can't wait to see if WB Montreal get another pop at the series soon.
Just wait until your Shock Gloves are upgraded. At that point you'll counter a few blows and then GET DAT 50-70 HIT COMBO, SON. Shock Gloves + Special Multi Takedown OP, nerf nao
I knew it. I'm glad I let you spoil it for me.
This would have been the game to surprise us with a secret, meaty something at the end of that quest chain. But after City, I had no reason to believe...
Eh, I'll do it anyway...
Finished the game yesterday. Damn fantastic overall!
The game seemed to have some major "The Dark Knight" style influences story wise. Even a little bit of Batman Begins. I'm sure all those influences started in comics before that, but yeah, the real dire situations Batman finds himself in towards the climax of it all, really reminded me of those two films.
This game shits all over the previous two story wise in my opinion. Batman is darker, and often is pushed to his very limits toward the latter half of the game. I really *love* that about Batman films/games. He reminded me of Christian Bales Batman quite a lot when there were close up shots of his face and he was grinding his teeth. A lot of those kinda scenes were the "WHERE ARE THEY?!!!" equivalent. The story cutscenes in general were fantastic.
Great art in this one too, a lot better than the previous two. Graphically everything looked fantastic too. Especially when there were close ups of Batman and other villains. Twas very impressive!
Overall, a superb game! I can't wait to see if WB Montreal get another pop at the series soon.
Sounds amazing. I assume this is something I'll get through the story later.
Even better in the German version:
All main characters (except Joker - which makes sense since this Joker is pretty different from Ledger's Joker) retain their voices from the movies. It really drives the atmosphere through the roof.
Fortunately the German Bane doesn't sound as if someone just ripped out his tongue
Seeing the "Queen Industries" crates and stuff has me hoping they make a green arrow game. I could see that being so cool. Add some free running to make the traversal of environments more smooth, various types of arrows to upgrade and such... man, that'd be great.
I don't understand. The characters retain their voices from the movies? Do you mean the Dark Knight Trilogy? I'm confused.![]()
I don't understand. The characters retain their voices from the movies? Do you mean the Dark Knight Trilogy? I'm confused.![]()
So yes and no. They retain the voices from the films in German. In other words, when the movie released there they have to overdub the English voices with German ones...and those voices are the same ones used in this game. Except Joker, of course.
Haha, I should have clarified that. Yep, the main characters retain their German voices from the Dark Knight Trilogy movies.
this propane remote claw thing is driving me insane
the challenge? If you mean because of the "habit" of the claw to pull them into walls, I'd try luring enemies with the sonic batarang in a place where there's nothing in the way of the propane's trajectory. Or you can put an enemy down with a triple stun close to a propane tank, so that as soon as he rise up, cue the Training day gif, BOOM!![]()
Anyone else notice that Gordons right hand man, GCPD Det. Harvey Bullock, is played by the same actor, Robert Costanzo, who played him in the Animated Series? I noticed it as soon as I heard him. Twas fantastic to hear him in this.
I now want a Birds of Prey game staring Barbara Gordon Batgirl, Huntress, Catwoman, and Black Canary.
I feel lame just countering the whole time. lol, I'll do whatever gets me through this fight tho.
is enigma stuff worth doing? Is there a satisfying payoff?