I'm going to guess it wasJoker taking center stage again, by posing as Black Mask.
I've already unlocked the proximity detonator upgrade which keeps going off prematurely, so no dice. Definitely going to skip that upgrade in NG+, assuming nothing carries over.Any destructible panel marked in detective vision will do it. Just gell up the wall and keep the left trigger down ready to detonate, the game will tell you how many hostiles the blast will incapacitate so just hit the button when it says at least one. I was a bit trigger happy at first and just knocking them out instead if taking them down, be patient and let therm get close enough to the gel. Just keep your eye on the hostile counter.
Good to know, I'll stop pulling my hair out trying to get it on this room then.You need a solid wall. The lighter surfaces and glass stuff doesn't work.
Perfect, thanks!You can do it as part of the Deadshot side mission. That's how I got it done.
I've already unlocked the proximity detonator upgrade which keeps going off prematurely, so no dice. Definitely going to skip that upgrade in NG+, assuming nothing carries over.
ffffffuck. It's been a while since I played AC NG+, didn't remember if it did that or not.If its like Batman AC....all upgrades carry over into New Game+
Not to worry, I'll just have to wait for the patchNot sure where you got that window, but it seems that today's patch made it so that you can't use it anyway. Sorry to get your hopes up. :/
I'm currently running around snagging datapacks. I've interrogated all the Enigma Goons, and yet the stats screen says I've got one left.
So annoying!
Finishing up the worst nightmare challenges. Are there any predator areas that respawn after game completion? That would suck if not. I remember AC still had predator areas after beating the main campaign.
Finishing up the worst nightmare challenges. Are there any predator areas that respawn after game completion? That would suck if not. I remember AC still had predator areas after beating the main campaign.
If you've not finished the game yet, yes, you have one left.
Really lagging behind on these. I'm 15/15 for the combat one, 14/15 for the city/exploration one, and at like 5/15 for the predator one, largely because I haven't seen an area in ages that has an explosive gel takedown spot.Finishing up the worst nightmare challenges. Are there any predator areas that respawn after game completion? That would suck if not. I remember AC still had predator areas after beating the main campaign.
Really lagging behind on these. I'm 15/15 for the combat one, 14/15 for the city/exploration one, and at like 5/15 for the predator one, largely because I haven't seen an area in ages that has an explosive gel takedown spot.
Could not agree more. Rocksteady's art is really, really hit and miss. More miss, really. Like some weird mash-up of cartoony and grimdark Unreal Engine bullshit.As a batman fan: some of Rocksteady's art in this series borders on butchery (Harley...my god). I can't imagine how anyone who's familiar at all with any of the source material can in good faith call the art direction of AC "good" by any measure of the word. If anything, Warner mont did as good as a job as they could have given they had to make people in this game look like a realistic regression of the shit in AC/AA and still manage to look decent.
Yeah, we're in the exact same spot. Really feel that the game is short on predator areas. And if they're going to have sequential challenges set in the areas they do have, they should really make sure the challenges are viable in those areas.I'm in exactly the same position (except that I'm still only 14/15 on combat).
I'm off to the, so think I'm right near the end now.Morgue
I'm in exactly the same position (except that I'm still only 14/15 on combat).
I'm off to the, so think I'm right near the end now.Morgue
Worst thing is, I was doing a lot of the higher level challenges near when I started, but because you have to unlock them in order they've not registered.
Pain in the arse!
What was the thing about stuff not respawning? Was it group of enemies?
For the worst nightmare track ,you want to try and get all those challenges asap, because once you've did a story area, that's it. You can't come back later and do a predator room again to try complete more of the challenges. AC for example, respawned the subway area, and the room in the museum with Freeze's suit often.
I've come across a lot of destructible walls, but they're all ones you can punch through to takedown, and apparently it HAS to be one that can only be destroyed by gel.
I've held off getting any upgrades with the word "proximity" in just in case, as I've heard they detonate too early to be effective.
I'm in the exact same spot stuck on the same one. By the time I got to the multiple exotic takedown one there simply has not been a wall to gel in the last 3-4 predator rooms.
I've come across a lot of destructible walls, but they're all ones you can punch through to takedown, and apparently it HAS to be one that can only be destroyed by gel.
I've held off getting any upgrades with the word "proximity" in just in case, as I've heard they detonate too early to be effective.
I've already unlocked the proximity detonator upgrade which keeps going off prematurely, so no dice. Definitely going to skip that upgrade in NG+, assuming nothing carries over.
So it really is just the type of wall that's not working. Good to know, thanks.Just so you know this doesn't matter. If you put the gel on a solid wall and have the proximity upgrade unlocked it will detonate as soon as a person gets close to it and it will take them down no problem.
Finishing up the worst nightmare challenges. Are there any predator areas that respawn after game completion? That would suck if not. I remember AC still had predator areas after beating the main campaign.
I really have no desire to touch online. I platinum'd the first two games but doubt I will get some of those online trophies. Speaking of which, I was surprised there were no DLC trophies attached to Deathstroke's medals like how there were with Catwoman in Arkham City.
They need to get a patch out, I'm leaving this game sealed up until a single player patch is out. If its not patched soon I'm just returning it to amazon. There's too many horror stories of people starting over hours into it, including my friend hit a falling through the world glitch 8 hours deep. The venom and seething anger over on the official forums is amazing.
They need to get a patch out, I'm leaving this game sealed up until a single player patch is out. If its not patched soon I'm just returning it to amazon. There's too many horror stories of people starting over hours into it, including my friend hit a falling through the world glitch 8 hours deep. The venom and seething anger over on the official forums is amazing.
Finally won a match as batman after playing him 4-5 times.
The best thing to do is to silent takedown the special bosses. You get a truckload of intimidation for doing it. The second best thing is to not die at all. If you chain takedowns you get more intimidation. Variation doesn't matter if you die before you can do your next takedown.
Also got my dark knight suit. Time to tackle I am the night mode.
I would give it a shot. As someone who got a reset on weapon unlocks and alternative outfits unlocks TWICE I shouldn't say this, but honestly they nailed the meta-game on some many levels:
- when you are a thug you really don't look upyou are completely in the zone and focused on the enemy faction. Then all of a sudden something comes out of the floor or right down from the sky and you're done.
- as heroes, you have all the time to study enemies behaviour and patterns, since they have no option or resource to pressure you. It's a unique feeling to successfully tail, isolate and takedown an enemy.
- character customization is incredible. I can't get enough of the opening sequences when you look at your teammates and your carefully designed thug.
- unless the host knows what he's doing, it's fairly balanced: even clans who come up as a group get switched around. The key to winning is cooperation and, surprise surprise, the ones who do this faster and more efficiently are usually hero players.
- melee takedowns are memorable and the animations are well worth the risk you'll take to perform them.
I'm playing on PC and I haven't run into anything gamebreaking or not solvable by just reloading. I managed to outglitch the Burnley Tower comm station. BUT , despite the fact that I've spent 18 or so hours on the story collecting things, already beat the story, all the case files, and only missingMost Wanteds, I haven't been able to get theEnigma and AnarkyMost Wanted to pop up.Blackgate Prisoners
Inverted takedowns are great on bosses because they don't drop into the danger zone around them. But you do a little bit of damage to them. Chaining and variation are the key!
Also dropping thugs in multiplayer is hilarious when your dressed up like adam west, its always amusing.
Yes yes yes. This is pretty much everything we wanted from it, glad people are playing and seeing some of the great stuff in it. Playing batman and stealthing real people as thugs is super satisfying. I never get bored of hitting thugs with batarangs from a distance when they are mid fight just to fuck with them. Especially if you need a team to catch up in tickets to give you some more time. Some times we had people actually need to suicide as a hero to keep a team from winning so they could have more time to win themselves (as heroes).
GT did a little explanation of our mutiplayer here for those who are interested; http://www.gametrailers.com/videos/rmon8w/batman--arkham-origins-how-to-battle-the-bat---mp-overview
Those only showed up for me after completing all the crime scene investigations.
Unfortunately, I've already done that.My friend has put even more hours into collecting things than me and he is also having this problem. He's done more than I have, basically.
Hmm. Did you also do all the drug canisters? The Most Wanted you're looking for is the last one to populate for me. All others are complete except Enigma and I am after the conclusion of the story campaign. They might not trigger until then. Dunno.
Multiplayer's totally worth it, if only for that perfect moment where you get to control Bane and snap Batman's back over your knee. Such a FUCK YEAH feeling.
Hey, do you have any idea if there's something in the works for multiplayer? Particularly, I've been having difficulties with the players failing to connect to the host, kicking us back to the lobby, and also the game suddenly gets stuck on the loading screen. Also, this is probably a joint operation between WBM and SD, but you wouldn't happen to know when the first set of skins is coming, do ya?
Unfortunately, I've already done that.My friend has put even more hours into collecting things than me and he is also having this problem. He's done more than I have, basically.
Bane is a powerhouse. You can absolutely anihilate the entire team with him. Not tried The Joker. Is he up to snuff?
If you position yourself well and are on-target with your shots, he can be a force. Much more finesse required to play him than Bane, though, definitely.Bane is a powerhouse. You can absolutely anihilate the entire team with him. Not tried The Joker. Is he up to snuff?
The guys are working on patches right now and are aware of all the major issues people are having. Honesty wouldn't know an ETA though, but its being worked on right now for release asap I guess.
if that counts. I just went through theAnarky.Police station
Did you not do anything on the side or something? I'm assuming challenge mode stuff is included in that percentage too.
There's a ton of Riddler stuff but it doesn't seem to be as well done as AC. The relays are just part of the collectible stuff you do for him.
If you position yourself well and are on-target with your shots, he can be a force. Much more finesse required to play him than Bane, though, definitely.
The guys are working on patches right now and are aware of all the major issues people are having. Honesty wouldn't know an ETA though, but its being worked on right now for release asap I guess.
The Joker has a bit more finesse, but is just as strong, he has a main pistol which is super accurate and one hits people, but its slow rate of fire. He also has a secondary pistol which is an explosive rounds burst fire pistol, takes a lot to control though, which is AWESOME. NB; I designed both of those guns, so I'm bias as to how much I like him. He also can melee takedown people in awesome ways. Some of the most brutal takedowns come from the Joker.
ffffffuck. It's been a while since I played AC NG+, didn't remember if it did that or not.
That's cool. It's nice that they play so differently. I assume he is much faster than Bane?
Hahah! I shall have a ganders when I get the chance (SP save file glitch has me a little bummed out at the moment). Did you have anything to do with the Elite designs? They were really impressive, I made an audible gasp when I saw them. Mad Dog FTW.