man I swear the load times have gotten worse each time I play
completely kills the momentum :/
I really wish the game had realistic reload mechanics though where the spare bullets in a mag get ejected if you reload early
Well the thing is, nobody wants to nod to kd, nobody wants to nod to SPM, what stat then is the one people will accept, just overall score?
I like playing with my try hard guys for wins and my KD is usually decent in squad games but it is usually much better when I play alone with randoms. I am mainly a infantry player that likes to rush points and defend points from being back capped. Playing with a group of try hards who are kill hungry vultures will lower your kill count a bit if you are actually moving with the squad.
Why can't I find the new rifle mode? Am I blind?
Also I'm not sure I like the Warbonds system..
One of the support pistols has this, the Repetierpistole.
Warbonds mean absolute shit once you find the weapons on a class that you like. I have something like 11,000 just sitting there.
I only unlocked all the grenades and melee weapons
For every other class I only have two or three weapons unlocked
I understand why they did it this way, to balance the playing field by not locking all the weapons behind levels
Model 10 is OP and i love it, just running around 1 shotting people and them getting mad>>>>
What i do hate about hate assault is that if you do use a shotty, you have no protection for people that are mid range to far
It just got "nerfed" as well. And its due to class balance.
Maaaaaaaaaaan I'd really, really, really love for DICE's technical team to seriously reduce the amount of sharpening TAA introduces when combined with resolution scaling. The covering is very nice but fuck me the sharpening is so aggressive. Normally I'm again post processing AA, but I'd happily use it here if the image wasn't sharpened so badly.
I feel it's being applied after the scaling when it really should be applied before. Like in my case render at 130% res scaling from native 1440p, apply TAA, then scale back down to my 1440p display.
Any GAF group on PC? Is there a clan feature or something like that in BF1?
I got a mic and like to chat while playing. I'm not a huge Conquest fan but Rush, Domination etc is fun. My origin is makikouz
How I feel when I read this.....
What does that mean to a techno n00b like me?
I've learnt something today. I've heard of Aliasing, but had no real idea what it was.
Out of interest could you post some screens of what your game looks like after you've fine tuned it? I'm assuming this is a PC thing so it's interesting to me as a PS4 pro user to see the difference.
Not as a 'my shit's better than your shit' or whatever, but just out of interest.
Not the best example, but I just made this. A better example would be more than just a single object, but a scene with lots of trees or a city or something. Lots of hard edges.
Aliasing is a "problem" for everyone as it's just a technical hurdle with 3D rendering and something developers are still trying to find solutions to. Different engines have different means if implementing anti-aliasing. Before the advent of modern engines (most of which use what is called deferred rendering) anti-aliasing solutions like MSAA (multi-sampling aliasing) were viable, if expensive, and very effective as they weren't post-processing solutions. But deferred rendering engines, which are very efficient at approximating complex effects cheaply, do not play well with MSAA. So it's like we had one really great anti-aliasing solution that is no longer compatible with modern engines, that in turn are capable of more complex and impressive rendering anyway. Pros and cons of technical leaps.
You can definitely be wary of your kd ratio as well as long as it doesn't trump objectives. Personally I'm a kd guy, it's my own personal gage of how I feel I'm doing in terms of combat. So while I know a lot of Battlefield players say don't care about it, I say care about it as long as you can still help the team with the objectives. Because those kills do help and count, that's why it's a game where that's what we're doing the whole match.
But it's a whole different ballgame from cod, and once you learn the flow you'll be alright
As long as you balance it with the SPM you're laughing.
I sit around a KDR of 2.1 with a SPM of around 800, which I think is a decent balance of combat and objective work![]()
So the medic class.
I've been reading everyone's post and trying to adhere to the advice given.
I ended up choosing the Selbstlader Factory. For my play style it feels the most balanced and I feel more capable and effective defending. And IMO, I think I'm starting to see thatthat the medic class is more of a defensive class and clearly not aggressive. Obviously I'm sure some of you would disagree, but that's just my opinion.yes finally
I played with my buddy last night and I ended up going 24-20 and fourth place on my team and we ended up winning the match. I got a shit ton of revives and heals in so I guess I should be happy with it.
I'm gonna keep playing the class and see if it gets better but at the moment I'm not having that much fun with it.
To be honest, I just don't enjoy playing the Medic class for the most part, nor do I enjoy the Medic weapons. So I don't play the class very much.So the medic class.
I've been reading everyone's post and trying to adhere to the advice given.
I ended up choosing the Selbstlader Factory. For my play style it feels the most balanced and I feel more capable and effective defending. And IMO, I think I'm starting to see thatthat the medic class is more of a defensive class and clearly not aggressive. Obviously I'm sure some of you would disagree, but that's just my opinion.yes finally
I played with my buddy last night and I ended up going 24-20 and fourth place on my team and we ended up winning the match. I got a shit ton of revives and heals in so I guess I should be happy with it.
I'm gonna keep playing the class and see if it gets better but at the moment I'm not having that much fun with it.
Based on the last point alone I'd change class. There is no point forcing yourself if you aren't enjoying it.
It'll just lead to you hating the game.
Yeah I think I might. I was trying to be decent at all the classes but I'm starting to think it's not worth it anymore.
How can you say this? A high SPM tells you that the person plays the objective frequently. A person with a K/D and SPM means they are very efficient at playing. A person with a high K/D and low SPM most likely camps back. I don't understand how you can just wave off stats like it doesn't give an idea if a person's efficiency. I feel like this is done by people with average stats. The fact of the matter is someone with a high score in both categories, as well as win is just better than you. Trying to belittle how the person received a high SPM because they used a system in the game is incredibly petty.And using squad orders to farm points by marking objectives teammates are taking and then switching back to the one your squad is taking gives you a ton of points too. SPM says nothing about a player really.
If a person has a great number in all if this, including win/loss, they are a good player.Well the thing is, nobody wants to nod to kd, nobody wants to nod to SPM, what stat then is the one people will accept, just overall score?
How can you say this? A high SPM tells you that the person plays the objective frequently. A person with a K/D and SPM means they are very efficient at playing. A person with a high K/D and low SPM most likely camps back. I don't understand how you can just wave off stats like it doesn't give an idea if a person's efficiency. I feel like this is done by people with average stats. The fact of the matter is someone with a high score in both categories, as well as win is just better than you. Trying to belittle how the person received a high SPM because they used a system in the game is incredibly petty.
If a person has a great number in all if this, including win/loss, they are a good player.
You actually play the objective. If I saw you on the other team I'd think to myself: "Okay, Squidge is going to be so annoying because he's always on the objective. I better watch my surroundings carefully.Rate my stats
85% win ratio
1380 SPM
Around a 1.3 - 1.4 KDR
49 service stars Model 10 (most in UK)
2.8mil score Assault
Only 253 games played haha
You actually play the objective. If I saw you on the other team I'd think to myself: "Okay, Squidge is going to be so annoying because he's always on the objective. I better watch my surroundings carefully."Plus he is a dirty shotgun user "huehuehue
First things first, the MG.15 is a solid LMG. The Bar is my favorite but you don't want guns with only 20 in a magazine, so try that. Secondly, if you're constantly dropping ammo pouches/crates to everyone you see, you'll get a decent amount of miscellaneous score. Not as much a medic, but a good amount. Staying around B bunker in Monte Grappa also helps.I like playing Operations but getting 10-15k points in 25 minutes is not rewarding at all. since i keep losing more games than winning, i dont get the bonus either. Even when i did win a round, i only got 40k points instead of the the 50k+ points im used to getting with medic and assualt on a 2.5x major victory. They really need to make sure the losing team gets at least a 1.25x or 1.5x bonus for every enemy battalion they hold off.
Another reason why its so frustrating is because i feel like ammo isnt really as useful to earn points as healing. i would drop a med pack in a bunker and earn like 500 points just like that. with ammo i get maybe 60 points. repair tool is useless now that tanks can heal themselves but i do appreciate the crossbow so i can take out tanks at a distance without going on a suicidal run to drop the mine.
And lastly, i have just been playing poorly lol. I still end up at the top of my team but I feel i am personally responsible for the team losing because of not finishing off kills that allow them to take objectives with just a few tickets left and not taking objectives because i failed to go on streaks i just go on with my medic and assault classes. Last night on the very last battalion we got them down to zero tickets but they took both objectives as died like a little bitch three times in less than a minute.
What's everyone's favorite LMGs? I want something that is quick and snappy, good sights and has more than 20 bullets.
Oddly enough, my SPM is still higher than it was for assault and medic but thats probably because i mostly played domination with those two classes.
You actually play the objective. If I saw you on the other team I'd think to myself: "Okay, Squidge is going to be so annoying because he's always on the objective. I better watch my surroundings carefully.".Plus he is a dirty shotgun user huehuehue
I dont think its possible to actually play the objective and have a K/D higher than that
Offcourse its possible. Many people have it.
The people i know with a higher K/D ratio than that also have a much lower score per minute and lower skill rating than me. That to me are people who dont PTFO as much
The guys i play with and myself have all arround 3 kd and 1100 to 1400 SPM. And we PTFO like crazy. Top 4 of the team is usually us.
I dont think its possible to actually play the objective and have a K/D higher than that
My two friends that I play with have SPM close to that. 1288 and 1240 respectively. One has a 2.91 k/d and the other has a 3.57. It's doable. I have a 920 SPM but it's going up.The guys i play with and myself have all arround 3 kd and 1100 to 1400 SPM. And we PTFO like crazy. Top 4 of the team is usually us.
The guys i play with and myself have all arround 3 kd and 1100 to 1400 SPM. And we PTFO like crazy. Top 4 of the team is usually us.
My two friends that I play with have SPM close to that. 1288 and 1240 respectively. One has a 2.91 k/d and the other has a 3.57. It's doable. I have a 920 SPM but it's going up.
Maaaaaaaaaaan I'd really, really, really love for DICE's technical team to seriously reduce the amount of sharpening TAA introduces when combined with resolution scaling. The covering is very nice but fuck me the sharpening is so aggressive. Normally I'm again post processing AA, but I'd happily use it here if the image wasn't sharpened so badly.
I feel it's being applied after the scaling when it really should be applied before. Like in my case render at 130% res scaling from native 1440p, apply TAA, then scale back down to my 1440p display.