BFGAF?Is BF1 5.1 or 7.1 on the PS4?
BFGAF?Is BF1 5.1 or 7.1 on the PS4?
St. Quentin Scar begs to differ. Easily the best map in the game.
! They are so lame and annoying aren't they.All I want to say, is fuck artillery trucks that sit out of bounds during Operation matches.
Fuck you.
Wrong, good artillery truck players get tons of kills while sniping objective points.LOOOOOOOOL
And they don't even get kills either; they just sit and tickle tanks all day. Whatever, that's one less person to help the team out.
Struggling playing Scout, especially because the gadgets are all mostly crap or too situational except for the Flare, especially the K-Bullets are a joke. The Sniper Shield allows for some interesting tactical play, but I would murder for even a limpet charge for versatility. Wish the class had a spawn beacon like in BF3/4, you really should be rewarded for pushing and smart tactical play. Otherwise I feel as if I would be better off playing any of the other classes when it comes to supporting my team.
Have a question though: Unlocked the Gewehr 95 Infantry and really enjoy that one (well, compared to the other Scout weapons at least)... but what are the actual reasons to get the Gewehr 95 Carbine besides the better hipfire? Does it have optic sights? What are the drawbacks over the Infantry version?
Rarely ever saw a good Artillery Truck player.Wrong, good artillery truck players get tons of kills while sniping objective points.
its a good map, lots of cover, I more referring to fao, grappa, empire and the new one.St. Quentin Scar begs to differ. Easily the best map in the game.
Operations matchmaking needs a complete overhaul
a server browser would be a nice start
sick of waiting in loading screens for 3 minutes just to see if I can get in a game
it's a miracle the game has been out for a month now and it's just as bad as it was then, albeit worse since the lower player count
Check the weapons tab. It has all the classes and clicking on each one will show you your actual progress in XP.
how do i join these gaf parties? or are you guys full on most nights?
Plattform and server region.It's always interesting to me when on forums and I read posts like this and compare it to my experience. Ive 150 hours of glorious gaming, play daily and loving it .. And then you have someone sound so miserable with this game, how can there be such disparity? I'm honestly asking because I find it intriguing when you have such opposite ends of the spectrum differences
gewehr 95 is a top tier weapon
Yeah it rocks. I'm running with the carbine version and am making such great plays with it. Plays like this one: are not uncommon for me since discovering this weapon.
My k/d and spm have been steadily rising since i have been using it and i don't think i'm switching to anything else anytime Soon.
You are much better with rifles than me.
Years of CoD has got me into the habit of constantly moving, even when I'm aiming. It makes it really hard to score OHKO from range.
Decent video there mate
I have always like weapons like the Fal and famas in Cod so i guess it makes sense that this rifle feels right for me.
Anyways since this weapon doesn't have a sweetspot you wont really make OHKOs at range anyways unless you give a headshot and i rarely try to go for those anyways unless the enemy doesn't move too much. You should try it sometime.
And this vid is ok but not anything too special. It was kind of like shooting fish in a barrel. They did not give me too much resistance. I have made better plays but i often forget to press the share button.
Looking forward to more games with UKGaf btw, that shit was awesome.
Glad you enjoyed it![]()
It's a right friendly crew and we actually play some brilliant games. I'm sure in the coming months the attendance will dwindle but come March it'll be full swing again with the new DLC
The autoloader extended is a mid range destroyer... easy enough to spam and decent damage and magazine count
I'm now really enjoying the medic class
its a good map, lots of cover, I more referring to fao, grappa, empire and the new one.
The tracker is a unofficial stat tracking site that only tracks and adds people who sign up to the leaderboards. I remember reading the subreddit when it was being created and thinking it wouldn't work. Its also not always accurate within its community.
I started using this weapon and I love it. I got over 1100 kills with it by now. Its amazing.Yeah it rocks. I'm running with the carbine version and am making such great plays with it. Plays like this one: are not uncommon for me since discovering this weapon.
My k/d and spm have been steadily rising since i have been using it and i don't think i'm switching to anything else anytime Soon.
That new face to face domination game mode is pretty fun, played a few rounds on the Amiens map. Assault only with shotties and knives with no sidearms, gadgets or health regen. People who cry about the M10 should prob stay far away.
Slightly related, but why make only 1 map for small game modes like TDM, Domination or Pigeons out of each large map? Amiens could be easily divided into 3 or 4 smaller maps and it would stop the quick modes getting boring if there were 4 times as many maps to play.
To be fair, you are juggling between platforms instead of focusing on just one.I'm surprised to see that I'm top 30 for infantry K/D and top 70 for win % on Xbox right now. I play with one other friend and that's it so I don't know how my win % is ranked that high. Luck I guess. It's nowhere near that good on PS4.
Yeah it rocks. I'm running with the carbine version and am making such great plays with it. Plays like this one: are not uncommon for me since discovering this weapon.
My k/d and spm have been steadily rising since i have been using it and i don't think i'm switching to anything else anytime Soon.
St. Quentin Scar begs to differ. Easily the best map in the game.
Played an operations round last night where we couldnt we take the first map before the Amiens suburbs. Forget what its called. We even had a blimp on the last sector but every time we captured a point, the enemy team came rushing in and took it back within seconds. This went on for like half an hour. I had no idea why no one was staying back to defend objectives. We had multiple tanks throughout the round, but we couldnt hold anything for more than a few seconds.
I look at the scoreboard at the end of the round. I am at 2nd place with 30k points and over 50 kills and 30 deaths. The only guy above me has 144 kills and only 20 deaths and only a couple thousand extra points IIRC. And there is a guy in 10th place with 109 kills and no deaths.
i have no idea how you can get that many kills without playing the objective. The 0 deaths guy was either a pilot or hacking. I never felt like they were taking out any enemies because every objective fell immediately and there were barely any guys around to help me keep it. Our best guys were our worst guys and totally sold us out.
I'm starting to get used to the flow of the game, and am loving it. I'm still struggling with where lines of sights are and good places for cover, but I've been replaying the same two Operations maps over and over again to get used to them.
Also, I'm trying out the medic class, and the sweeper is fun to use. But what is up with teammates skipping to redeploy right away when I'm like 5 meters away to revive? Like seriously, I'm standing right next to a guy who died ready to revive him, and nope, stuck the syringe in the ground.
The Model 10 Hunter
Lol that pic is golden
Gewher 95What's the best sniper in this game?
I gotta start using it again, that straight pull bolt makes it so good.gewehr 95 is a top tier weapon
Tanks doing shit all but killing
A really effective sniper
That'll about do it haha.
Your problem was typical random syndrome. They take an objective then immediately race to the next one. Leaving the first one vulnerable to a re-take.
It's a guaranteed ticket bleed. Easiest way to defend against teams like that is to keep dedicated squads on each objective. Once they take one they always make it harder for the next one but by the time they get there, the dedicated squad on the one that just fell takes it back easy.
Tactics 101 that, rinse and repeat until all tickets gone. Even with behemoth it's still easy and the tactics don't change. It just gets boring as hell when they are forced back to their territory line and they all resort to sniping because they give up.
What's the best sniper in this game?
Huge number of people playing on alts recently, I've noticed.
Huge number of people playing on alts recently, I've noticed.
What's the point in playing on an alt in a Battlefield game?
Once your stats get too far gone......
It retires accounts mate. Can't be dealing with the personal shame haha
I think the only Alt i have ever made (not counting MMO's) is Warcraft 3. I was much better on my second account.