Sure it is, playing the objective is what I was born to do but I don't use shotguns all that much so I usually win the fights where a shotgun user would die. BF1 is actually my first BF game where I am above 2 in K/D.
And my SPM is not heavily inflated by playing Operations since I've barely played it since launch week

. But you do get quite a good SPM by playing the objective in Rush too, just not as much since there's almost half the amount of players in those games.
And a big pre-made is not necessary to win Rush games, just me and my friend playing the objective. Maybe 25% of my games have been in a party of 3 or 4 people, the rest is just me and him hurting our backs from carrying all that weight of the team

I'm glad Rush is back to being as fun as it was in BC2, which before this game still was my favorite Battlefield so far.