Kane Zakharov
Just had a long intense match in Alborz Mountains. Jets are so much fun
until you get roflstomped by a better enemy pilot
Drop em like liquid is pretty hard mission to complete in public matchmaking. No one understands to wait for the flashbangs at the bus hostage part and there's no way to communicate with your partner. I can't understand why DICE didn't put any kind of text chat into coop.
It's a bitch, if you want, i'll do it with you with voice chat?
Sure! My Origin name is Atruvius.
Maybe i'm finally going to reach 25 Claymore Kills for my Pecheneg skin assignment in the CTF maps.
Still find claymores really weak overall and the worst gadget in the Support slot.
ADD ME if you feel like playing, im on during the day, i stay on if i have people to play with, so if you fancy a game, just add me, ill always accept a request to play with people ^_^
Name on Battlelog?
click on the ADD ME in my previous post..
im about to go to bed though
Nope. Not active
Here. Add away.
These people play
anyone have some servers that they enjoy playing on that theyd like to share? i keep getting booted by admins everytime i kill one of them :/
What the fuck, I got killed by a javelin and I wasn't even in a vehicle!
Love End Game, dirtbikes are fun
What the fuck, I got killed by a javelin and I wasn't even in a vehicle!
Love End Game, dirtbikes are fun
When a tank/apc activates their countermeasures straight before the javelin hits, projectile gets diverted and impacts somewhere besides/around the tank. That's the way you can get hit by it i think.
And fuck again at battlelog. I'm momentarily totally hooked for CTF mode but when i only search for CTF maps i get around 10 servers (6 of them emty or not even half full). Now i tried filtering for 32 players (64 is not really playable) and got around 25 servers -_-
Just got battlefield 3 premium some days ago, first battlefield been enjoying my time but it's been getting a bit boring going solo, I've got a friend who's played a lot but he's burned out, looking for some people to play in squads and stuff, if someone could add so we can play some games together.
Just got battlefield 3 premium some days ago, first battlefield been enjoying my time but it's been getting a bit boring going solo, I've got a friend who's played a lot but he's burned out, looking for some people to play in squads and stuff, if someone could add so we can play some games together.
Anyone know where the cheapest place is for Premium in the UK?
Awww I'm Canadian too!Where in the heck is the french guyand the canadianNorua? I miss my multi-nationality posse.Spli1nters
I was born in Asia so it's still pretty multi-national.![]()
Awww I'm Canadian too!
Spl1nter is playing HoTS and Norua is traveling.
Since I'm feeling left out, brothers, I have retired from BF3. It's getting nice out, and there are things to be done and places to see.
I'll see you all for BF4!
Since I'm feeling left out, brothers, I have retired from BF3. It's getting nice out, and there are things to be done and places to see.
I'll see you all for BF4!
Thanks Man, downloading all the updates now!!
Ok, I am sick and tired of COD Black Ops 2 lag fest. Is it to late to get into Battlefield 3 (Xbox 360)? I strictly play Hardcore Teamdeath match on COD. Is there a hardcore mode on Battlefield 3?
I would say thats a poor excuse then I look at the hours you have played amongst your accounts and realize that I should bow down and pay tribute....
How do you play this damn game
I am getting blown up for free
and I can't fly ANY vehicles
Be aware of surroundings, look at minimap for enemy blips, pay attention to screen for enemies/vehicles and Doritos, and practice flying in an empty server.