Shoot the doritos.PC for me. Gotta get the most out of this GTX 560 before BF4 shows up and embarrasses me
Shoot the doritos.PC for me. Gotta get the most out of this GTX 560 before BF4 shows up and embarrasses me
Looking a this video (Premium March Video)
really makes me appreciate BF3. It really was one of the the best games of the generation for me. Probably Top 3.
It also confirms that all premium owners get access to the BF4 beta.
Ok how do i play specific DLC maps?
Bought the premium edition for $25 (steal!) redeemed my code and downloaded all the maps off the store for free, search tdm on specific maps and no dice, either no one is them or just a 2/3 people in the room.
did i miss something, do people have the same DLC packages when i join? or is it segregated?
On Xbox360
Also is there specific search options like DLC pack list, Eg END GAME DLC, AFTERMATH DLC
Contacted EA support about BF2142 missing on my Veteran rank... now I got this:
Way to miss the point EA -.-
i don't get it...
They added everything, even the shitty modern combat one.
I should only have BF1942, BF2, 2142, BC2, BF1943, BF3, and Heroes
Anyone want to squad up? I need a decent chopper pilot. I'm 4k away from the TV missiles. I cant take these randoms anymore. It's so painful. I'm on PC and my tag is GlenChivas
I'd like to point out that I hate Anti Air with a passion. Some people literally spend minutes standing in a corner and keep spamming those damn IGLAs/Stingers whenever they can. Not to mention the mobile and stationary AA's are a pain to deal with.
I'd like to point out that I hate Anti Air with a passion. Some people literally spend minutes standing in a corner and keep spamming those damn IGLAs/Stingers whenever they can. Not to mention the mobile and stationary AA's are a pain to deal with.
Whole minutes? My god! And firing off as many of their specific counter-measures as they can carry? The humanity! Why, pilots should be free to wreak havoc on the map at their leisure. The impertinence of the Engineer class!
The problem here is that no one was using them before the heli nerf, but now that it only takes one person to take a heli down everyone is using them. It's pretty pathetic if you ask me.
Helis were not a problem before, it required 2 people to take them down, just like the heli carries 2 people. Now they're useless.
No one was using them before because they were ineffective. With the pilot and gunner perks stacking, they couldn't be hit at all. Now a pilot has to actually fly instead of hovering over the battlefield and mowing down everyone. I love being a gunner in a good pilot's chopper. Eventually we'll get shot down, but I'll rack up plenty of kills before then. No vehicle is supposed to be a constant, invulnerable presence.
This is bullshit. All it took was 2 people, and there's 32 in a team. Yet there's only 1 heli. Just because people didn't work in a team/squad doesn't mean that's reason to nerf the opposing threat. That's rediuclous.
I never had any problems taking down helis pre-nerf. I wasn't however an impatient lone wolf.
Good, I know I make it a point to annoy the shit out of anyone that Kills me with a chopper. I will hunt you down.I'd like to point out that I hate Anti Air with a passion. Some people literally spend minutes standing in a corner and keep spamming those damn IGLAs/Stingers whenever they can. Not to mention the mobile and stationary AA's are a pain to deal with.
Ah, I forgot this is the PC thread. I'm a 360 gamer. You can rarely get 12 people to effectively co-ordinate on consoles. You'll never get anyone to be a recon and use a SOFLAM, so javelins are strictly anti-tanks. And it never took just 2 people, because pilot and gunner's perks stacked, so there was always ECM-flare-ECM-flare...
Do you disagree that heli's were overpowered? I find that most pilots are simply angry that they don't have free reign over the maps anymore. How would you balance them versus infantry, or do you not think they should be?
Good, I know I make it a point to annoy the shit out of anyone that Kills me with a chopper. I will hunt you down.
...You can rarely get 12 people to effectively co-ordinate on consoles. You'll never get anyone to be a recon and use a SOFLAM...
Let me tell you about my SOFLAM.
and the 7 other people using Javelins.
Usually when I can't launch BF3 I log off of battlelog and origin, and then log in back to battlelog. After that I just join a match and that makes origin start up automatically as usual and start the game. Maybe that might work with you.So i tried playing for the first time since launch, only to be reminded why i hated origin.
The game won't fucking launch! I just get the initializing at the bottom left corner, it disappears in a few seconds and nothing happens.
Tried re-installing origin and it didn't work.
Can anyone please help.
Usually when I can't launch BF3 I log off of battlelog and origin, and then log in back to battlelog. After that I just join a match and that makes origin start up automatically as usual and start the game. Maybe that might work with you.
Are you trying or tried to play co-op?
BF3.exe is probably running in the background, kill it with task manager
60% Health is like easy mode turned on lol (joined mid way)
I killed BF3.exe and tried to launch again, BF3.exe won't even appear in the task manager.
Is this happening in Coop? Cause I had the same problem. I had to start with normal multiplayer, alt tab without closing the game, then start a coop game.
It looks like BF3.exe appears for about 15 seconds and disappears when attempting to start campaign and multiplayer.
I already updated my ati 5850 to the latest drivers.I've had this problem and, if I remember correctly, my video drivers were the problem.
So uh does this game still have an active multiplayer?
Thinking about purchasing it now that I got a beefier PC, but with battlefield 4 on the horizon I'm not sure it's such a good investment.
Im also guessing you will need the premium package with all the expansons?
Still active, maybe not GAF, but a lot of people online are playing. I'd suggest you wait for the BF3 Premium combo goes on sale for $30 bucks, usuaally.
So uh does this game still have an active multiplayer?
Thinking about purchasing it now that I got a beefier PC, but with battlefield 4 on the horizon I'm not sure it's such a good investment.
Im also guessing you will need the premium package with all the expansons?
It looks like BF3.exe appears for about 15 seconds and disappears when attempting to start campaign and multiplayer.