I can deal with BFBC2 perks, there not "magic" like CoD's. I can understand wearing more kevlar, using higher caliber bullets, or maybe packing more of a charge in your explosive, at least you cant jump off rooftops, pull of matrix type knife teleports or pull a new gun out your ass.
Adding scopes is 100% awesome, any kind of ability to mod your gun is totally legit in my book. I like how BFBC2 implamented it too, they allow the user the crutch of a scope vs. added equipment. I suggest everyone find that gun they can iron sight then take advantage of perk 1. Only class I ever touch the scope with is the Sniper/Sniper rifle build. I admit tho I like to D-bag it up and go S.Rifle+ACOG for some CQC, the old SV-98 quick scope ACOG or the classic VSS.
I will admit tho Magnum ammo is a game changer and if you wanna see its power find a buddy who doesn't have VIP maps. Join his game and you will see the population who hasn't unlocked it can barely damage you and you win 90% of the shootouts. Even now my buddy who just started, while an excellent shot, is basically fodder. Truth be told a good amount of players will tell you how once you unlock it you can feel the difference.
I know what would be cool tho...negative effects due to certain perk selects.
Magnum Ammo = Reduced clip size, like 5-10 less bullets?
Body Armor = Slower Movement
Lightweight= Reduced HP
Sure have perks in the catagory that don't penalize the player like +Ammo, Nades, Box Enhancers etc...
Lol seriously at this point how many people use +Ammo/Health Range/Speed?
Why were at it....why no Engy love with some +Repair speed and effectiveness? Every class (even the Engy, with +Explosives/Exp. Damage) get some personal love...why no love for the wrench

Snipers get Spotting scopes, Medic and Assualt have box enhancers Engys should get a lil nod to speed/+cool down on the wrench.
All those times your standing behind a tank watching the health go up and down as you try to repair it faster then they can fire another rockets, be nice to win that fight due to you choosing enhanced wrench. Even being able to dip behind cover, zip-zip-zip fast repair goooooooo, reward the wrench enhanced Engys vehicle prowless

Best new perk I'd shit bricks for.....
Engineer perk: Repair MCOM :O
Do it DICE lol