Unknown One
I left because I felt like it :lol
Crakatak187 said:I left because I felt like it :lol
Crakatak187 said:I played 4-5 conquest games in a row today. When I started a Rush game afterward as usual it was nothing but cheese from both sides.
Crakatak187 said:Sometimes I wonder does Dice know what hell they are doing when it comes to balance.
crate bashing is hard in BC1? wait... what!?TheSeks said:See, you don't have to worry about that shit in BC1, because they removed most of that shit.
Sure you can crate bash still, but it's HARD to do.
You should get BC1 and grease Faceless into playing BC1 daily again, so I can join up and we do Rush for a few hours and I get closer to my 10K2 trophy. :lol (Nearly 3000 of 10002 kills. *sigh*)
Faceless said:is this some sort of ruse to get me to pull out all the stops in BC1 crate bashing next time?
THEY CLIMBIN IN YOUR BASE, SNATCHIN YOUR CHOPPERS UPTheSeks said:LMAO Faceless steals the attacking team's Atacama Rush Apache, I get in and make the whole enemy team my Nemesis.
that A/B/A/B part was hilarious! but for me, the play of the day was on Isla Inocentes, when i was at our base trying to take out the Hind because it seemed like everyone else was doing it instead of attacking, then i push forward, die and it's time to spawn... who should i spawn on..WTF, SEKOKU IS IN THE BACK OF THEIR BASE KILLING THE DUDES ON THE MGS :lol :lol :lol guess i'm spawning there!Also that Port Valadez Rush attacking round was "Arrive derci, baby!" Someone on our team leaves a quad/ATV/4-wheeler at B second set. I get on, move past an attacking Bradley/defenders, get to third set. Bail. XM8 Compact a dude, "Arrive derci, baby!" him arm A. Faceless is like "NO B" I'm like "NO FUCK B, A!"
+100 attacking bonus
Arm B. Get taken out. Someone arms B. We get it.
Arm B forth set (hardest in the round), die. Revive, take out dudes with dead medic's LMG, revive him. Take out a dude that takes me out. BOOM, objective destroyed.
Faceless is at A. Help him cheese the crate to boom it.
That was just hilarious. The second and third set I'm just "ARRIVE DERCI, BABY!" (blam blam) *move to next set* "ARRIVE DERCI, BABY!" (blam blam) defenders didn't know what was up. :lol
it takes less of ... everything ... to destroy a crate. less C4, RPG's, mortars, grenades and bullets damage it! the light tanks are RIDICULOUS at close-mid range if you pace it. there are just as many tank sniping spots, though with the laser guided win bomb, that makes tanks a bit less dangerous at sniping. and while there are less Stationary AT spots that can hit the crates, there are more Grenade Launcher spots.edit:
Well, it's less cheesy to crate bash in BC1. You have to get close to C4 it. Grenading it takes a while. Arming/holding is more effective than bashing.
it's super easy in Rush. you know the inlet everyone pulls up to when attacking the first A crate. directly across the stream from there, you can run up the hill. in Conquest, you gotta do it the hard way, as i'm sure you saw me trying to do many times in a tank...Edit2: HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET UP THE MOUTAIN/ATTACKING THIRD SET Laguna Presa Rush, Faceless? While I'm remembering it. I wish the screeen shot function was working because that was insane.
bah, if they're RPGing it, you'll get killed by the splash damage when repairing and if they're C4ing it, that only stops single guys, 2 people can 1 shot it.abuC said:You should be able to repair the crate like the Beta, considering most teams now just try to blow the thing up. It makes no sense that you can't repair it, the attackers can fly UAVs in, fire rockets at it, throw C4 on it etc, there's just too many ways to destroy it without the defense being able to repair it.
seriously, you had like 5000 points, and i was like 1000 behind and i had maybe 8 kills... just all those +50's for every kill you got in the Hind!
that A/B/A/B part was hilarious! but for me, the play of the day was on Isla Inocentes, when i was at our base trying to take out the Hind because it seemed like everyone else was doing it instead of attacking, then i push forward, die and it's time to spawn... who should i spawn on..WTF, SEK IS IN THE BACK OF THEIR BASE KILLING THE DUDES ON THE MGS :lol :lol :lol guess i'm spawning there!
it takes less of ... everything ... to destroy a crate. less C4, RPG's, mortars, grenades and bullets damage it! the light tanks are RIDICULOUS at close-mid range if you pace it. there are just as many tank sniping spots, though with the laser guided win bomb, that makes tanks a bit less dangerous at sniping. and while there are less Stationary AT spots that can hit the crates, there are more Grenade Launcher spots.
it's super easy in Rush. you know the inlet everyone pulls up to when attacking the first A crate. directly across the stream from there, you can run up the hill. in Conquest, you gotta do it the hard way, as i'm sure you saw me trying to do many times in a tank...
yeah, if you get disconnected your stats are saved, you only lose them (usually 1.5 games' worth) if the server crashes. you can usually tell it's the server that crashed because it just goes to the title screen with no error message instead of "you have been disconnected".Nameless said:You know you're doing something right when members of the opposing team suddenly start using the gun you've been dealing justice upon their faces with.
Also a quick question. If you get disconnected from a game are your stats from said game saved? My connection is shit: Wireless router down stairs being picked up by my laptop which is tethered to my 360 for XBL. I get disconnected about 35% of the games I play and lag causes me to either die and/or miss kills a couple of time each game. :-/
Nameless said:You know you're doing something right when members of the opposing team suddenly start using the gun you've been dealing justice upon their faces with.
Also a quick question. If you get disconnected from a game are your stats from said game saved? My connection is shit: Wireless router down stairs being picked up by my laptop which is tethered to my 360 for XBL. I get disconnected about 35% of the games I play and lag causes me to either die and/or miss kills a couple of time each game. :-/
yeah, ever since that last update a few months ago fixed roadkills, i've been running people over like crazy. all it takes is a moment! it's especially great when an enemy is repairing their tank and i just hop in and reverse over them.Crakatak187 said:Almost had your tank but somehow you ran me over when I was drilling. I was at your side. That team was frustrating to be in.
Cornbread78 said:$hit, I haven't played with you guys in a couple weeks. Do you guys have any PSN room left? Str1ker and Green don't play BFBC2 much anymore, the Ba$tards :lol
The Faceless Master said:yeah, if you get disconnected your stats are saved, you only lose them (usually 1.5 games' worth) if the server crashes. you can usually tell it's the server that crashed because it just goes to the title screen with no error message instead of "you have been disconnected".
i know because sometimes my ISP is shitty and i get disconnected over and over.
Mr Nightman said:What os are you using on your laptop?
olimpia84 said:Yeah, hit detection was horrible last night. It was pretty much impossible to win one-on-one situations.
No_Style said:Pretty good games with GAF tonight. Did you know they try to balance the team with people who are not in squads? That's why I got shifted over after a round of Port Valdez.
Someone here said abuC is one of the best BC2 players around? I totally agree! After spending time tonight in squad with him (that's why I didn't accept the invite, Dreamgazer), that guy is a killing machine. Although he did revive me into another death once, but that's my fault for not using the mic. :lol
I might be taking a few days off BC2 to hopefully play some Halo: Reach. Shifting between FPSes is always a bit annoying.
greenjerk said:i know, i know. i want to put my backlog keeps calling! :lol
1stStrike said:You guys should check out my first official thread![]()
Congrats for the thread!!1stStrike said:You guys should check out my first official thread
I don't think there's a lot of hope of me getting back to BC2 at this point. Probably when the Vietnam expansion comes out, but now that it's fall all kinds of kick ass games are coming out :|
I do have a vent server setup (details in that thread) so feel free to join up whether you end up playing Vindictus or not. We can still just sit around and BS![]()
TheSeks said:Ewww... pay to play and source engine. D:
1stStrike said:It's actually F2P :[
TheSeks said:Okay... edit it to "Ew... money scam that'll nickle and dime you until you realize you wasted $150 on a Korean MMO and Source engine. D:"
I don't really like MMOs, can you tell?
Crakatak187 said:As long as you play Twisted Metal when it comes out![]()
Nameless said:You know you're doing something right when members of the opposing team suddenly start using the gun you've been dealing justice upon their faces with.
that game was so sad... 3/4 of my squad was recon, and only 1 of them actually tried to cap bases, the other 2 either camped at the train near our starting base, or on the hill near the US base. *the entire game*abuC said:Just played one of the most frustrating games ever in BC2, with one of the worst teams I have ever seen. Was just thoroughly dominated in Conquest mode on Arica harbor against a bunch of 20-30 ranked players. We started down the hill near A, my teammates never deemed A important, they were too busy trying to get B and C, which is beyond stupid. It of course resulted in the fall of B, and then C, and guess who was trapped in their spawn area. I had never been in a game where we were trapped in the spawn when both teams were at 12 a piece. Then, a bunch of guys were just sitting by A, not actually trying to secure it, just sitting really close but not close enough to actually do anything.
The Faceless Master said:that game was so sad... 3/4 of my squad was recon, and only 1 of them actually tried to cap bases, the other 2 either camped at the train near our starting base, or on the hill near the US base. *the entire game*
Nameless said:That's good to know. The most frustrating thing is when log causes your shots to miss. I also have to knife someone 2-3 times sometimes before it registers your kill.
I think using a crossover cable instead of the crappy little standard ethernet cable that came with my old router to connect the laptop to the 360 may help.
Crakatak187 said:As long as you play Twisted Metal when it comes out![]()
abuC said:Just played one of the most frustrating games ever in BC2, with one of the worst teams I have ever seen. Was just thoroughly dominated in Conquest mode on Arica harbor against a bunch of 20-30 ranked players. We started down the hill near A, my teammates never deemed A important, they were too busy trying to get B and C, which is beyond stupid. It of course resulted in the fall of B, and then C, and guess who was trapped in their spawn area. I had never been in a game where we were trapped in the spawn when both teams were at 12 a piece. Then, a bunch of guys were just sitting by A, not actually trying to secure it, just sitting really close but not close enough to actually do anything.
Crakatak187 said:Man I wish I can collapse that damn lighthouse or punch a shitload of holes into it.
Crakatak187 said:Had an awesome "Grand Theft night" with JM and Dreamgazer :lol
Zh1nt0 said:Further updates for Battlefield Bad Company 2:Vietnam will be out later on. Check back on the internetz for further info