Hovering over a map tile to see what it provides should have the info instantly pop up.
That little delay is going to be a massive trigger as we play more and more of the game.
Hovering over a map tile to see what it provides should have the info instantly pop up.
How many civilizations can you play with at the same time?
No clue, I'll let someone else answer.
What mechanics are used to limit expansion this time around?
Increasing settler and district costs, luxury resources mostly acting as happiness and each copy of a resource can only be utilized by four cities.
Will the AI expand or just sit around on one or two citites?
They do expand relatively fast, but they also often seem like they have no idea on how to use their settlers.
Are the AI better at the tactical elements this time around? I found them by far the most challenging in Civ4 which I liked, but Civ5 was completely broken in this regard.
It's probably still significantly worse than Civ4 but marginally better than Civ5. Unfortunately it feels like the barb AI is more competent than the civ AI at combat.
How aggressive is the AI in early game? Will it attack you, or can you still get around most of the game almost without militay units?
Yeah you'll most assuredly get into war, no way you can live without military units or a way to buy them fast. Barbarians will make sure that you build early military. Yes they'll declare war on you early.
Just encountered a "game breaking" bug in that I cannot proceed. My single missionary is surrounded by Russian troops and the game will not let me move or continue to the next turn. Has anyone encountered this? Any ideas on how to proceed?
I haven't played as all civs yet, but I very much like Scythia. I really like the double light cavalry production and Tomyris' vampiric powers are super awesome. I don't have to field as large an army since they'll snowball really hard, and my units can keep themselves high in HP by selectively killing off weakened units.So what is everyone's favorite civ/leader so far? I don't necessarily mean the strongest (that would probably be Barbarossa) but the one that you like and fits your playstyle.
Mine is Rome. I like to expand a lot and Rome's abilities fit into that. Also Legions are just really powerful. Game turns into easy mode for a while when you get them.
There should be an option to make the missionary go to sleep or skip turn, which should let you proceed.Just encountered a "game breaking" bug in that I cannot proceed. My single missionary is surrounded by Russian troops and the game will not let me move or continue to the next turn. Has anyone encountered this? Any ideas on how to proceed?
How do you establish trade routes across oceans?
There should be an option to make the missionary go to sleep or skip turn, which should let you proceed.
And yeah, for some reason religious units cannot be disbanded which is incredibly dumb.
drive those camels over water.
Thanks. So you can only establish international trade with other cities who also have a ocean tile?
Edit: That doesn't seem to be the limitation. For some reason I can only establish trade with a single specific overseas city on the shores. Not any other one.
I always play Civ on the huge map, which in Civ 6 defaults to 12 civs. I forgot to check if i could manually add more.Thanks! Anybody know the answer to the first question? I always liked to play Civ4 with the 50civ mod, that is the best limit on settler-spamming that Ive seen since you will only ever be able to build one or max two citites before being walled in by others, hopefully it is possible to play with these conditions in civ6 as well.
That little delay is going to be a massive trigger as we play more and more of the game.
Thanks. So you can only establish international trade with other cities who also have a ocean tile?
Edit: That doesn't seem to be the limitation. For some reason I can only establish trade with a single specific overseas city on the shores. Not any other one.
There's a thread on reddit that has a fix for this, there are a lot of tweaks you can make in the game's XML files:
That little delay is going to be a massive trigger as we play more and more of the game.
Found a post on this.
Thanks for all your help. It also appears you can only establish a single overseas trade route per harbour.
I don't have that impression. Each commercial district and harbour district adds one to your trade route capacity, you should be free to assign the trade routes however you want.
Just tested this using three cities. City A (no harbour) is where my trader was originally located. To trade with the target overseas city I could travel via the harbour of City B (which has no present overseas trade routes). City C also has a harbour and is already trading with the target overseas city. Moving the trader from A to C, I would expect the trade route to be available (via harbour in C) but it wasn't. Interestingly the option to travel via the harbour of City B also disappeared despite being pretty close to City C. All cities in this scenario have trading posts and spare trade route capacity (7/9).
Edit: Just moved the trader to City B and it can use the harbour again to establish the international trade route.
Still can't figure out Colaeus' ability though.
So City C is already trading with the target city, and you can't establish another route from City C with the target city? You can only have one trader per each specific combination of origin and destination city, that's true regardless of land or sea trade.
I assume it's because otherwise you would always try to delete them before losing a theological combat, therefore not giving the bonus to the religion of your enemy, and the malus to yours.And yeah, for some reason religious units cannot be disbanded which is incredibly dumb.
I assume it's because otherwise you would always try to delete them before losing a theological combat, therefore not giving the bonus to the religion of your enemy, and the malus to yours.
However you might argue that you could probably say the same thing about any military unit about to die anyway, so I don't really know if that's the reasoning behind it...
Yeah disbanding is currently pretty stupid. The gold return on disbanding needs to either be reduced or removed, and one shouldn't get a gold return for disbanding outside of friendly territory anyway. Disbanding religious units should reward 0 gold, I am totally okay with that.
I wasn't ruling out disbanding entirely :O just specifically that the gold return on disbanding is pretty dumb, and that if religious units can disband, they should just disband for 0 gold instead of Firaxis trying to find some fair price for them or something.But disbanding a dying religious unit inside your own territory is something you definitely want to do unless you don't care about your religion.
I lost my 2nd game, was going for domination on King difficulty, as Sumeria, and it was going swimmingly until I realised America had an unassailable culture advantage. Apparently even the nuclear apocalypse couldn't convince tourists to stop going to America. I was 1 HP from capturing Washington... but my Modern Armor died from contamination.
I've come to the conclusion that early city states are really just good for capturing them.
Thanks! Anybody know the answer to the first question? I always liked to play Civ4 with the 50civ mod, that is the best limit on settler-spamming that Ive seen since you will only ever be able to build one or max two citites before being walled in by others, hopefully it is possible to play with these conditions in civ6 as well.
Thanks! Anybody know the answer to the first question? I always liked to play Civ4 with the 50civ mod, that is the best limit on settler-spamming that Ive seen since you will only ever be able to build one or max two citites before being walled in by others, hopefully it is possible to play with these conditions in civ6 as well.
They're pretty strong. Surprisingly so.Holy crap war carts are enormously OP.
Who is best leader for a science victory, it's the last type I need...
also why does every game I'm in with Brazil lead to them declaring war on me 25 turns in... it's happened as Scythia, America, Russia and I forget the last one..
I can't launch the game. The preparing to launch window appears and then disappears. I never see Civ 6 show up in the task manager.
I just reinstalled windows. Reinstalled steam and pointed it to my steam games on a different hard drive.
I can launch other games.
Verify integrity doesn't help. It hits 100%, and show successfully validated.
I deleted the game and downloaded it again too.
Any ideas?
Who is best leader for a science victory, it's the last type I need...
also why does every game I'm in with Brazil lead to them declaring war on me 25 turns in... it's happened as Scythia, America, Russia and I forget the last one..
Who is best leader for a science victory, it's the last type I need...