Labrynian Rebel

Can't wait!
Civilization VI's Sogno di Volare live at Cadogan Hall
The official channel just uploaded this. I'd slap it onto the OP as thread theme, cause it's great.
For those who missed it, they also uploaded a performance of Baba Yetu from that same live concert a couple days ago.
Mwuahaha I had to clear my steam cache but it's working! Bye gaf for awhile! it Unlocked earlier for you guys?
Yes. It unlocks in AU, NZ and Asia in ~3 hours and 50 minutes.
Steps, for those unfamiliar:
1) Log out of the Steam mobile app and change your password via the the desktop client
1) Download and install FlyVPN (20-minute session limit) TunnelBear (500MB data limit), VPN Gate (no hard limits) or VyprVPN (500MB bandwidth limit).
3) Connect to a server in Australia, New Zealand or Asia
4) Restart Steam (if you're logged in)
5) Unlock the game
6, optional) Switch to Offline Mode to preserve the "Play" button as it will revert back to "Pre-load" once you're no longer connected to the VPN (even if you disconnect mid-game, you won't be booted out)
Civilization VI's Sogno di Volare live at Cadogan Hall
The official channel just uploaded this. I'd slap it onto the OP as thread theme, cause it's great.
I'm in guys. See you in a week.
omg its running
Can one of you please check real quick if there is hotseat multiplayer as an option?
Awesome, thanks!Yeah it's in.
The UI is so beautiful and informative at the same time. Love it
Eh, can you not rename cities anymore?
Eh, can you not rename cities anymore?
So, unlocking early through VPN, are Steam typically cool with that or is it a breach of TOS?
No review thread? Or did I miss it?
Where's the hype for thisITS CIV 6!!
Early unlock worked *O*
Got a few good beers (Westmalle Tripple), smoked mackerel on toasted baquette with peper and olive oil, a big bag of Cannabis Sativa and no work untill monday.
See you on the other side great leaders of civilizations!
Game actually runs pretty well on my surface pro 2. Load times are pretty long though.
Ugh there's no reroll map. What the hell Firaxis.
They work a little more awkward than in previous entries. I can't get any info on how battles will turn out for some reason.Nice! We have a Surface Pro 3 that I was thinking about using.
Are there good touch screen controls?
Unfortunately this isnt working for me. Doh!