So a max of five tiles in between the district and city tiles?The district is tile 0, and the city center has to be within a 6 tile radius of it.
Sorry for being dense.
So a max of five tiles in between the district and city tiles?The district is tile 0, and the city center has to be within a 6 tile radius of it.
So a max of five tiles in between the district and city tiles?
Sorry for being dense.
So I've finished my first proper game of Civ 6. I used the "play now" button so I think the difficulty setting (Prince) is much higher than anything I ever played on before.
I was in the lead for a science victory but last for everything else, but the time limit ran out so I got a score defeat![]()
Finally got my first Deity win, was a culture victory with France.
After countless games lost/restarted early due to the AI being extremely aggressive while somehow being able to start multiple cities before I can even get my second settler out.
on deity AIs start with 3 settlers and 5 warriors. Yet they are still unable to deal with barbarians.
Well that explains a lot lol.
Thanks! Knowing this will save me from a lot of headaches.Yes.
Playing religious game is a bit confusing. Why some city has the religious proportion ring and some don't? Some still stuck in Pantheon and I can't convert them, huh? The most annoying is that it allows me to spread but nothing happen at all.Shouldn't it has action preview ala battle action?
Is there a good tutorial for me to look at?
If you go to the city overview you can see how many followers a city has, more than half the population need to convert before a city converts.
I was wondering I took over America's religion when I wiped them but what happens if I go for a religious victory with it?
on deity AIs start with 3 settlers and 5 warriors. Yet they are still unable to deal with barbarians.
The difficulty spike between King and Emperor is ridiculous. I basically handed the entire world their asses on King on my first attempt. With Emperor, Germany declared war on me with five warriors on turn 35ish. Even if I had done nothing but produce warriors from the beginning I couldn't have gotten five out. The tactics were pretty bad, and if I had a slinger or two more it probably would have gone the other way, but I basically had a warrior and a slinger to fight the war with. Oh, the barbarians were attacking at the same time.
Generally speaking I was hoping that the increased difficulty would actually be more about making the AI smarter rather than just giving them a huge lead in development in early game this time around.
You begin to understand this when you have a barb camp 5 tiles from your capital spawn a Horseman every turn for five turns straight. The only thing that makes it even remotely possible to deal with it is the poor tactical AI of the barbarians, and the tactical AI of the AI players is somehow even worse (presumably because they have to mix more unit types and also give some consideration to not going kamikaze with every single unit).
The barbs just need to be toned down. Specifically, the requirements for Horseman and Horse Archer barbs need to be much higher. That, along with a much-needed general nerf to cavalry units, would probably fix most of the problems.
Ok, game is finally getting a bit hard on immortal
Do they cheat early? Or are they just super efficient
Okay got curious and looked up the details of the difficult levels. It's kind of absurd how crazy the AI bonuses get. I thought they just got extra units to start but they get bonuses to combat strength, xp, and huge bonuses to resource gains and production. I realize it must be incredibly difficult if not impossible (in terms of both complexity/resources) to design good AI for a game like this (just look how long it took for computers to reliably beat humans at chess) but the bonuses they get seem to be a pretty scathing indictment of how thin the fundamental challenge the AI can put up is.
It wouldn't bother me as much if multiplayer with real humans was a realistic option for most people.
Any chance we can get some Donald Trump DLC for America? I think that'd be pretty funny. Thinking of some of the benefits, obviously building walls should only take 1 or 2 turns. maybe have a penalty where they don't allow you to have open borders? let's go firaxis! I'm ready to make America great again in CIV!
Any chance we can get some Donald Trump DLC for America? I think that'd be pretty funny. Thinking of some of the benefits, obviously building walls should only take 1 or 2 turns. maybe have a penalty where they don't allow you to have open borders? let's go firaxis! I'm ready to make America great again in CIV!
So I was bored and decided to look at strategic resources.
Strategic resources are pretty useless this time round, which I don't like. No buildings or wonders require them, and most units don't need them. Even with no resources you can successfully run a war from the start of the game all the way to the end, it's just easier if you have some. Sure they're rarer now, but it's pointless to go out of your way for that spot of Coal or Oil since they'll be obsolete pretty soon anyway. I mean the most important resource is Horses only cause you can exploit the selling units mechanic right now.
So I was bored and decided to look at strategic resources.
Strategic resources are pretty useless this time round, which I don't like. No buildings or wonders require them, and most units don't need them. Even with no resources you can successfully run a war from the start of the game all the way to the end, it's just easier if you have some. Sure they're rarer now, but it's pointless to go out of your way for that spot of Coal or Oil since they'll be obsolete pretty soon anyway. I mean the most important resource is Horses only cause you can exploit the selling units mechanic right now.
Can you not demand another civ not convert your cities if you don't found a religion? Playing a quick game on a tiny map and getting converted. I wanted to demand they stop conversion to get the casus belli (since they never actually stop).
The best way is to kill the missionaries.
And that's the real kick in the pants: all the Eurekas/Inspirations you get screwed out of if you can't get those resources.
There is no way to do this with military units right? Only apostles?