I played it but I honestly can't reacall a lot about it. Did they gate upgrade items as thoroughly in DS2? But I remember from Bloodborne how the devs controlled your upgrade level very thoroughly at first until it would start to rain the previous stones while gating you on the next one.They took the upgrade system out of Bloodborne? Did you not play Dark Souls 2?
I agree with most of what you're saying butObviously, right?
Between that, and getting locked out of two different side quests I was highly interested in going through without any sort of warning that that was going to happen, accidentally finding out I doomed thatto insanity because I apparently wasn't supposed toblind nun,give her dark tomes
This game has by FAR my favorite PvP. You can invade everywhere, you get the orb right at the High Wall, it's instantaneous, super aggressive monsters provide plenty of help against gankers and sometimes I have to turn off the covenants because they won't stop calling me.
Can people share their secrets to doing good damage? I feel like every weapon I upgrade disappoints in terms of damage. In DS1 it was possible to do really good damage even as early as the Parish, so everything in this feels like spitwads.
I thought Sorcery would be better at higher levels, but with a +10 Court Sorcerer's Staff and 40 int my Soul Spear did 310 damage to (to my knowledge) non-resistant mobs. What a joke.
I agree with most of what you're saying but
A- the above isn't true
B- you can see and even talk to sieg in the dungeon you just can't get to him
I played it but I honestly can't reacall a lot about it. Did they gate upgrade items as thoroughly in DS2? But I remember from Bloodborne how the devs controlled your upgrade level very thoroughly at first until it would start to rain the previous stones while gating you on the next one.
I know, that's how I found him the first time and realized he's in the cell in the first place. The place I'm looking for was essentially the other side of his cell, which I can unlock with the jailers key I found.And that's where you're supposed to go around the profane capitol. Mind you, I'm only reading it off a guide, I haven't done it myself yet, but it's highly unintuitive to think you have to go to the new area to end up back where he is.
What is the purpose of the elevator that's in the chapel like area before thefight? If you're facing the boss door, it's to the left. It just goes up toDeaconUnless I am missing a ladder or additional elevator that makes it one. It just seems like "Oh yeah, interconnected see?!", but pointless.allow you to open the large doors that lead to the upper front section of the outside, but it's not actually a shortcut to anywhere, other than just allowing you to drop down to the bonfire.
Yeah that part sucks, it's not even easy to find it or get to it even if you knew it was in the area.I know, that's how I found him the first time and realized he's in the cell in the first place. The place I'm looking for was essentially the other side of his cell, which I can unlock with the jailers key I found.And that's where you're supposed to go around the profane capitol. Mind you, I'm only reading it off a guide, I haven't done it myself yet, but it's highly unintuitive to think you have to go to the new area to end up back where he is.
But I mean... if you've gone down literally every path in an area and also not found any illusory walls, I'd say it's pretty intuitive to move onto the next area.
Open up the shortcut to the left of his fog gate, it will take you 1 minute tops to reach him then.is a decent boss. What really kills me is the long as fuck walk to him.Pontiff sulyvahn
sooooo uh does anyone know how to leave a covenant?
I went with
Rosarios Covenant and idk how to like abandon or leave it
I have but it's still an annoying trek.Open up the shortcut to the left of his fog gate, it will take you 1 minute tops to reach him then.
That's not intuitive, that's just process of elimination. The only intuitive part of that is that you wouldn't think the developer would put a prompt to continue the sidequest if there wasn't a way to do so. The fact is, even if I hadn't looked at a guide, I spent like an hour searching the dungeons, which is an area I loathe, full of the definitively most annoying enemy in the game, only to find out that the princess is in another castle. Even if I found it through just continuing to play the game, I'd still be mad that I was made to waste my time in that place because the developer was obtuse about the level design.
Get Great Axe, infuse it to Heavy and upgrade is as much as you can.
Funnily enough I have a Heavy Great Axe +7 (or +6) and am underwhelmed by the damage. It's not exactly like Dark Souls, where an upgraded Zwei would actually, properly wreck whoever was in front of you.
Is there anything like the chalice dungeons in this game?
Well, again, I never assumed that the game just didn't have a way to get there, some how some way, but if I have to spend an hour of searching in an area I despise just to confirm that I've wasted my time looking for something here, when I had no indication I shouldn't do so in the first place, that's just bullshit. If there was some cue I missed that would have told me that I need to keep pushing forward, by all means, I'll take the L on missing it, but if he's in the cell, and I just got the keys, and I have a handful of jail cells upstairs that I know were locked before, then I have every reason to think that's where I'm supposed to go.I suppose what I meant to say was that it's common sense to move on when you've exhausted literally every possibility, not that it's intuitive quest design. I searched that area as thoroughly as I could, but I know From doesn't do random teleporters within locations so when I couldn't find a way in that would logically be connected to that room from an architectural standpoint, I moved on.
I've been playing these games blind since Demon's Souls and the moments of epiphany when I finally find the means to trigger the next part of a sidequest are some of my favorite parts of the games.
Take the covenant symbol out of your inventory's covenant slot.
Couple of quick questions.
Do smaller shields parry easier?
Also, is there any way to tell which summon sign is an NPC?
Has anyone tried that parrying dagger instead of a shield?
Hi guys. Im hitting a point where im starting to lose interest. Seems a common thing for me these days once i get over 20 hours into a game.
Anyway im at. If it took me 20 hours to get here. Roughly how long is left? If its like 4 hours i mighy just push on but im tempted to put the game down for a week or two if its longer.dancer
Anyone? No paladins here? ;_;What's the best Straight-ish sword in the game for a STR/FTH build? Currently rockin' Astora's Straight Sword +4 but want to save my shardz for something better.
I don't really understand the distinction you've placed between the different Souls games and Bloodborne.
For example, in Dark Souls 1, there was no readily available source of large titanite shards until around Blight Town, or Sen's Fortress if you wanted to buy them. Until then you could only upgrade with regular titanite.
In Bloodborne, you could farm the large titanite equivalent (twin blood stone shards if I remember right) pretty early as well.
I would say around 7 hours if you critical path it and dont do any of the optional areas.Hi guys. Im hitting a point where im starting to lose interest. Seems a common thing for me these days once i get over 20 hours into a game.
Anyway im at. If it took me 20 hours to get here. Roughly how long is left? If its like 4 hours i mighy just push on but im tempted to put the game down for a week or two if its longer.dancer
What does "properly wreck" even mean? Are you looking to literally one shot every enemy or something?
Just realized that. TheOpen up the shortcut to the left of his fog gate, it will take you 1 minute tops to reach him then.
Just realized that. Thebonfire is the closest one, notchurch or vorshka. I feel like a fucking idiot.central irithyll
Is there a way to farm Embers or buy unlimited amounts later in the game? Seems like they really limited them.
What item let's me end an online session ? Just need help on one enemy.
What item let's me end an online session ? Just need help on one enemy.
Is there a way to farm Embers or buy unlimited amounts later in the game? Seems like they really limited them.
I think FromSoft asked streamers to stop at 50%, and that was thedancer
It's called the Black seperation crystal.
black separation crystal
Oh yeah, thanks
Oh yeah, the questlines are major fucking bullshit. I failed Siegward's quest because I didn't do a minor interaction with himOkay, it's official. I am never playing a souls game blind again. I just spent an hour retrekking the entirety oftrying to findIrythill Dungeon. I literally checked every single nook and crany and I couldn't find him. I finally look him up online, and I'm supposed to go around theSeigward's celland which leads be back into the dungeons.profaned capitol
Obviously, right?
Between that, and getting locked out of two different side quests I was highly interested in going through without any sort of warning that that was going to happen, accidentally finding out I doomed thatto insanity because I apparently wasn't supposed toblind nun, and basically fucking over pretty much every side quest I had going on, I decided that I'd rather get spoiled than have my entire game fucked up because Dark Souls hates the player.give her dark tomes
And I don't want to get spoiled. While I don't think the first experience is the be all end all, there is a uniqueness to it, but these stupid random dick punches the game keeps throwing at me that I have no way to knowing are coming is just...this is just stupid.
Is there a way to farm Embers or buy unlimited amounts later in the game? Seems like they really limited them.
Is there a way to farm Embers or buy unlimited amounts later in the game? Seems like they really limited them.