Pretty sure that you start with it.
That Edit! Lol
Yeah, I needed to google how the symbol looked because I never read the name, lol.
Pretty sure that you start with it.
That Edit! Lol
I would say around 7 hours if you critical path it and dont do any of the optional areas.
Farm them by helping with boss fights. Yhorm is an easy one to farm if you're that farI've got like 30+ halfway through the game and I've never bought a single one. I've read they are farmable but I don't know which enemies off the top of my head.
You unlock it later iircCastle Spoilers QuestionLothric
Does anyone know how to use the lift contraption in the building to the far right before the Dragonslayer Armour fog wall? It says contraption does not move and these messages are saying "Down".
Castle Spoilers QuestionLothric
Does anyone know how to use the lift contraption in the building to the far right before the Dragonslayer Armour fog wall? It says contraption does not move and these messages are saying "Down".
Farm them by helping with boss fights. Yhorm is an easy one to farm if you're that far.
Really? That seems odd seeing as i have killed. I guess if you include option ones as well.3 lords of cinder and according to a boss list theres like only 5 more mandatory bosses
I guess i will take a break then lol. Game feels so similar to other titles (weapons, areas, enemies) im finding it hard to stay motivated. Not getting that rush i did from ds1 and bloodborne. I can only put it down to 2 things.
1. Im older, married, kid, full time job. Its made me look at my free time differently and because of this i find it hard to find a game that hooks me. This is infinitely more true for long games (over 20 hours).
2. I think i saw ds1 like a puzzle. Working out how to beat the levels and then the bosses was really fun and fairly unique in how it did it. This game is soooo familiar i dont get that anymore. Almost all bosses i can just look at things i have fought in previous games and solve how to beat it really fast. There are acceptions of course likewho had a unique mechanic which was nice. But for the most part im kinda just going "oh its this area / enemy type again".yorm
However seeingfor the first time was a visual treat.boreal valley
Oh yeah, the questlines are major fucking bullshit. I failed Siegward's quest because I didn't do a minor interaction with him( meeting him on a kitchen). I still saved his ass and unlocked the cell he was trapped in, but since i didnt meet him in the kitchen I can't complete the quest. it's fucking idiotic.
This is not true. I didn't meet himin the kitchen either, saved him from his cell afterwards, and still got the reward item doing so.
Castle Spoilers QuestionLothric
Does anyone know how to use the lift contraption in the building to the far right before the Dragonslayer Armour fog wall? It says contraption does not move and these messages are saying "Down".
Edit: Thanks for the answers.
This is not true. I didn't meet himin the kitchen either, saved him from his cell afterwards, and still got the reward item doing so.
This is one of my major gribs with Souls games/series in general.
Many quests are just so easy to miss/fuck up that it is actually out of pure LUCK if you are able to complete them most of the times.
So yeah I reached the point where I said "fuck this, this game is like begging you to read the frigging guide".
Two things keep it from being perfect for me.
1. Theimplementation. Why is it just a copy/paste of theDarkmoon?Blue Sentinels
2. Theimplementation. Yes this is twice. Being only able to invade when another specific covenant that no one uses is being invaded is silly. Takes so much longer than the other covenants that you can just co-op/duel to get.Darkmoon
How does the weapon upgrade PVP limitation works with weapons that can only be upgraded to +5? Does it treat it like it's a regular +5 or does it treat it as a +10?
Oh god, tell me about it. Prime examples for me.
talking to that covenant lady in cathedral of the deep. Join it with zero description of what it is. Dont wear the symbol. Get back to firelink. The npc that pretty much only ever said " we have nothing to talk about" says we are now enemies...... Ok sure lady.
Give nun tome, she says she would rather not as its forbidden but if you insist? Doesn't give the option to say "oh ok i will keep it then". Good bye nun lady i guess.
Games riddled with this crap. Its odd because in bloodborne it was no where near as bad. Covenant people talked to you first and you normally have speak options to back out of things.
What is the item inboss chamber? After beating him I was making my way over to pick it up and an ending cuts cent triggers and took me out. Can I get it back?Walnirs
Farmed a Dark Sword! Took about thirty minutes but it was worth it. Sword is badass.
Blessed infusion seems like it could really use a boost. It's really really weak and I feel like I'm just wasting resources to upgrade my Blessed weapon and should probably pick another weapon without the infusion.
It's a bummer cause i always used to play with Holy weapons.
Where do you get it?
Noooooo..losing NPC is the worst.Greirat bro died when I sent him looting for the second time.
From what I've seen, it's treated as a +5.
Really like that aspect about the games.I'm playing blind apart from the NPC quest lines. So much accidentals you need at least to go to NG++++++ to sort of get all those quests. Nah.
I agree.covenant is so badly done here. It should be like Dark 1, giving you a blue orb to invade people with sin. Making it the same asDarkmoonrenders it useless (especially considering you get it later).Blue Sentinels
Yeah, poor bastard. I miss him tooNoooooo..losing NPC is the worst.Greirat bro died when I sent him looting for the second time.
Which shield are you using?
Really like that aspect about the games.
Man how close some of the bonfires in lcastle are is pretty hilarious but i appreciate it.othric
I really hope that you can start getting shitloads of souls later in the game because otherwise I'll never be able to get rid of hollowing.
Bonfire placement feels supergenerous in this game in general. Could have done a few stretches without the extra bonfire, or maybe make them hidden so atleast you gotta do some effort in finding them/can miss them.
So how do I get the mimic head? I think I've killed all mimics already but still no drop. Do I need to go into NG+ and see if it drops there?
Really? That seems odd seeing as i have killed. I guess if you include option ones as well.3 lords of cinder and according to a boss list theres like only 5 more mandatory bosses
I guess i will take a break then lol. Game feels so similar to other titles (weapons, areas, enemies) im finding it hard to stay motivated. Not getting that rush i did from ds1 and bloodborne. I can only put it down to 2 things.
1. Im older, married, kid, full time job. Its made me look at my free time differently and because of this i find it hard to find a game that hooks me. This is infinitely more true for long games (over 20 hours).
2. I think i saw ds1 like a puzzle. Working out how to beat the levels and then the bosses was really fun and fairly unique in how it did it. This game is soooo familiar i dont get that anymore. Almost all bosses i can just look at things i have fought in previous games and solve how to beat it really fast. There are acceptions of course likewho had a unique mechanic which was nice. But for the most part im kinda just going "oh its this area / enemy type again".yorm
However seeingfor the first time was a visual treat.boreal valley
Bonfire placement feels supergenerous in this game in general. Could have done a few stretches without the extra bonfire, or maybe make them hidden so atleast you gotta do some effort in finding them/can miss them.
I was invaded by two phantomsin theFaraamAre these phantoms NPC's or were they real persons? They acted like real person but I defeated them both, never expected that (one was waiting till my first fight ended)Swamp
So far, the only place that hasn't felt like there are too many bonfires and that the bonfires are too close together has been Cof the Dathedral.eep