CotD is weird because it has one at the very beginning and then another after a flight of stairs. Makes that previous bonfire totally pointless to the point where I forgot about it, and was about to commend the CotD for having only one.
Overall the game has a unbalance placement of bonfires. Some places you won't get one for a long ass stretch and others you'll get one right after another.
What made (npc spoiler)show up in my game?Patches
I randomly found him in Firelink, he apologized for doing me wrong -- as per usual, thing is I don't remember meeting him or being tricked by him in the world. It's quite strange, I forgave him and he became a vendor. I'm kind of spitballing with the theories here, but he was selling Siegward's Catarina armor (it's not clear whether it's his personal set), is it implied because I failed to find Siegward somewhere he was murdered by Patches? Please keep the answer vague if the quest is likely to resolve itself, although that's super unlikely I'm sure.
It's a random chance. I ended up with 8 or something
I found something you might like mid game ish
a ring that gives you normal appearance despite being hollow.
That or any helm that covers you face.
Considering only useful bonfires, CotD actually does only have one. Which is why I love it. You end up finding two shortcuts back to the exact same one.
Surprise surprise.
Getting enforcement notifications from XBL because I invade kids.
Oh I don't mind the appearance, it's just that as you die more you gain more hollowing and apparently at 99 you no longer can retrieve souls when you die. So you got to remove hollowing from time to time which costs 4500 souls at least. Not that much but it adds up over time.
I guess I just gotta "git gud" and not die...
What made (npc spoiler)show up in my game?Patches
I randomly found him in Firelink, he apologized for doing me wrong -- as per usual, thing is I don't remember meeting him or being tricked by him in the world. It's quite strange, I forgave him and he became a vendor. I'm kind of spitballing with the theories here, but he was selling Siegward's Catarina armor (it's not clear whether it's his personal set), is it implied because I failed to find Siegward somewhere he was murdered by Patches? Please keep the answer vague if the quest is likely to resolve itself, although that's super unlikely I'm sure.
This has possibly been asked already, but didn't want to backtrack incase of spoilers.
When you beat the game,does NG+ start immediately like in Bloodborne, or is it more like Dark Souls 2 where you can explore and catch up with anything you missed and start when you're ready?
Considering only useful bonfires, CotD actually does only have one. Which is why I love it. You end up finding two shortcuts back to the exact same one.
How long do I have to wait before I assume? It's been a while now.greirat is dead
patches pulls a patches. If you cheated the 20k key by doing the jumping tree thing it won't make sense. As soon as you go in the tower and come back he locks the door and leaves you to die so he cant loot your body when you starve to death.
He tried to trap me, after I went up the tower at fire link with the 20k key.This happened to me too. He's done something that you just haven't noticed yet. Don't worry, it won't impact your playthrough.
When you accidentally kick the final optional boss.
These stupid pussy fucks who invade me and I sit there giving them a proper 1v1 with no allies and then they run away when they realize you're going to lose... Pure cancer. Sorry but I'm quitting the game and you're getting jack shit.
That ain't true.
Just got dced before I killed him. Guess ds3 thinks I shouldn't kill himomg.
I tried to help others with the boss, but they end up dying after like, 10 seconds into the fight haha.
Really? So the only drawback of hollowing is the appearance and apparently?an alternative ending
Did I do something wrong or was it just luck?If you clear the area boss on where he's looting and he doesn't come back.. Then I have bad news for you..
Did I do something wrong or was it just luck?
Holy shit wut?? That is horrible.. Can you reply to the notification asking them to notify the kids to "git gud"?
It's not luck, but I'm not sure where exactly you are so I'm not sure how much to say, or what you're okay with being told.
Did I do something wrong or was it just luck?
When you accidentally kick the final optional boss.
I sent him out to. I'm currently in theIrythill.Profaned Capitol
It's the same as it always has been.
Kid gets invaded, kid dies, kid gets mad, kid reports.
Only difference now is that those reports for some incredibly stupid reason actually hold weight.
Greirat's survival is tied to other NPCs..Onion bro being on the same area to save him and Patches not knowing where he is looting.
Uh..... I don't recall the order of events too much. And yeah, I beat the jedi pope already.Did you send him AFTER you had already beaten all of?Irithyll
If the answer is yes, then I'm not sure, and I suggest you beat the boss of that area and then check to see if he's back.
I remember we talked earlier about Siegward being in. Did you meet him inthe dungeonbefore that?Irithyll
Well,So what gives?onion brother was there, and I murdered patches the moment I got his stuff off him.
Well,So what gives?onion brother was there, and I murdered patches the moment I got his stuff off him.
was a pushover for an optional bossconsumed king
just got this bonus level to take care of then the final boss and onto NG+ after i horribly murder all the NPCs
fucked up the third ending so ending 2 it is
Yeah, just checked.If this is Irythril there's one way to check if he's gone.go to the sewers where the centipede women are leading to the Kitchen where Onion bro is suppose to be. If Greirat is dead then his body should be there to loot his ashes from.
Might be the easiest boss in the game tbh
Oh I don't mind the appearance, it's just that as you die more you gain more hollowing and apparently at 99 you no longer can retrieve souls when you die. So you got to remove hollowing from time to time which costs 4500 souls at least. Not that much but it adds up over time.
I guess I just gotta "git gud" and not die...