So, the best way to beat P
is just to two-hand and dps him down?
ontiff Sulyvan
Ok so I saw that apparently the Dancer's enchanted Swords got buffed and got excited because it was a weapon I really wanted to use but was garbage but from what I can tell nothing is changed. Still has D scaling on everything, moves seem to come out at the same speed, and her Sword Art still deals 1/4th of the damage of her R1 attack. Is anyone noticing any actual buffs for the weapon?
shit, apparently my.char is hollowed and looks like shit
how do i get rid of it?
Oh shit, I was helping a dude against CSrystaland a terrible glitch happened during the fight.age
Crystal Sage was almost dead, but the real one completely disappeared and only his clones remained in the arena. But the clones were invicible and the real CS never reappeared. So in the end, the dude I was helping died because the fight was impossible lol
the level up chick
Asking this again: are there any weapons that are truly viable (as in strong) late-game without stat investment (e.g. on the Fire / Deep upgrade path)?
They probably just added a lil more base damage or poise.
Its the kind of weapon that is doomed to be useless. Shame cause its a really fun wep.
If you want a really well-rounded weapon for late-game you should probably go for a Raw weapon and use the proper resin for the boss to give you the elemental damage you need. I know speedrunners used the Astora's Strait Sword Raw to beat the game, although they're changing the route now to use a weapon that scales with stats for late-game. You can definitely use them up to the end of NG, although you will definitely notice your damage falling off hard in the later bosses. I personally don't think it's the easiest way to beat the game but it's totally possible. Just if you plan on playing NG+ you're really going to have to invest in some damaging stat because a Raw weapon is just simply going to deal a lot less less damage then a weapon with 50 in its scaling attributes.
Asking this again: are there any weapons that are truly viable (as in strong) late-game without stat investment (e.g. on the Fire / Deep upgrade path)?
I haven't finished the game yet to be fair but the areas that follow are different, not necessarily better or even worse.So is undead settlement the best area of the game or does it get even better later on???
Can somebody explain to me how the whole affair with Yof Loelworks? Is there any drawbacks to accepting his "offer", getting theondorand letting the5 required thingsyou when you giveFirekeeper heal?her the Firekeeper Soul
If I should go with it, let me see if I'm getting correctly:if you accept his offer, you become Hollow when you die. Every X numbers of Hollowing levels, you get an item. You need to give him 5 of these items and he will die, or something like that. This is tied to an ending, somehow?
I know I'm using a lot of spoilers, but I would appreciate if you could give me as less spoilerish an answer as you could. Like, no specifics about the result of the process in terms of plot. Just if I should go with it, and if there's any permanent negative side-effect to it.
I believe gesture strats are the best way to beat him (lol), the best way to beat Pis just to two-hand and dps him down?ontiff Sulyvan
Quoting myself since there's been like... fifteen pages since I last posted![]()
Something similar happened to me, the boss stopped spawning all of a sudden. I didn't have any clones tho, just an empty arena
I wonder why they won't just increase the damage a lot. Seems like an easy way to make it better since it's damage is very low. Fuck this trend of coolest looking weapons being useless in action![]()
I believe gesture strats are the best way to beat him (lol)
They probably just added a lil more base damage or poise.
Its the kind of weapon that is doomed to be useless. Shame cause its a really fun wep.
shit, apparently my.char is hollowed and looks like shit
how do i get rid of it?
shit, apparently my.char is hollowed and looks like shit
how do i get rid of it?
I believe gesture strats are the best way to beat him (lol)
Maybe it's the scaling that they should buff, I dunno. The problem with that weapon is that it has to go through 3 defenses (physical, fire and dark). Even with high AR having to go past 3 defenses will make them shit.
And they probably are scared that the special action could end up being a poise and health eater move, hence the low damage and non existant poise damage. Poise should def be buffed because it's hilarious how I can't spin on shit without the mob tanking it and interrumping me.
LOL!Gotta love it when the game trolls you into a death lol. I'm not even mad, well played enemy. He suicided for the greater good.
Someone needs to gif his amazing last ditch attack.
Minor early game location spoiler.
Got used to the camera. Just have to follow him manually and then lock. Only sucks if you get under so just roll away and hope.Second phase absolutely.
First phase kinda sucks due to limitations of the (still) shitty camera.
Maybe it's the scaling that they should buff, I dunno. The problem with that weapon is that it has to go through 3 defenses (physical, fire and dark). Even with high AR having to go past 3 defenses will make them shit.
And they probably are scared that the special action could end up being a poise and health eater move, hence the low damage and non existant poise damage. Poise should def be buffed because it's hilarious how I can't spin on shit without the mob tanking it and interrumping me.
Early game? I'm 20 hours in and just now got to that area lol
Think I might try this the info is in the video descriptionOne hour worth of farming with 99 Luck, Gold Serpent Ring and Rusted Coins equals one Proof of a Concord Kept. This grind is unreal. Is there any better place to farm these than?Silver Knights at Anor Londo
Wait, i'm 30 hours in and just got to that area as well, but havent even seen that part of th area. Where is that?
Dgiving me an aneurysm especially since I didn't turn in my Lord Souls beforeanceraccidentally triggering him. Or her.
Got them down to like a thimbleful of health but I can't take more than two hits of the second form and man there are some combos I need to practice against
1)Purging stone will remove it, but if you die, you will start again.
2)You can cleanse it permanently once it's unlock through the fire keeper, but it will end a questline.
Two ways you can get a ring that gives you your human form from Yuria of Londor or go to the top of the firelink shrine after opening the tower in the back get the firekeeper soul on the top of the tower and give it to the lady who levels you up.
main issue is that I'm a shield user and 2-3 hits from a boss almost toally drains my stamina leaving me no way of attacking back...I'm currently at Level 79 with Vigor and Strength at 36 and Endurance at 37...what am I doing wrong?...I never touched Vitality or Dexterity because I those other stats were more important for my STR build
what in the world are you guys doing that's taking you so long?!
On my NG+ run it took me no longer than 8-9 hours to get through cathedral, and that was with doing quite a bit of coop tomfoolery /and/ running through Lothric early.
You're not doing anything wrong - FROM just made shields a lot less viable in this game. I remember tanking Artorias with his own shield...due to the sheer volume of enemy attacks being much greater, you can no longer simply block everything.
It's FROM's way of saying they want everyone to roll, without exception I guess.
probably exploring the game, look for hidden items etc. i usually don't go into the next area until i've seen everything.