I just beat. How far am I into the game?Abyss Watchers
Loving every second of it.
I just beat. How far am I into the game?Abyss Watchers
Loving every second of it.
I always miss this locked door invalley. Where do I have to go to open it? Been circling around the whole area twice nowIrithyll of Boreal
I always miss this locked door invalley. Where do I have to go to open it? Been circling around the whole area twice nowIrithyll of Boreal
NKameless. Great boss.ING down
So is Titanite Slab farmable or are there a set number of them in each playthrough? I read that it can be a rare drop from the Winged Knights in Lothric Castle but I am not sure if they respawn
So is Titanite Slab farmable or are there a set number of them in each playthrough? I read that it can be a rare drop from the Winged Knights in Lothric Castle but I am not sure if they respawn
So awkward when you get right to the end of the game then realize you need Cinder souls to actually encounter the last boss.
That's the last time I ever go in blind in to anything.
mygreatswrod andwolf knightgreatsword both look like the same, for those panicking about nerfs to greatswords in general (even tho I always thought they were refering to the ITEM greatsword, not the weapon type)lorian's
what do you even mean? its not like you can use them for anything else. its not the boss souls, its the other item they drop
So awkward when you get right to the end of the game then realize you need Cinder souls to actually encounter the last boss.
That's the last time I ever go in blind in to anything.
Ah got it thanks!Later, after you go throughand come back up from behind, you can unlock that door and then a little later you unlockthe sewer areathe gate that leads to Pontiff.
Might be the easiest boss in the game tbh
Well holy shit. I was helping people in Co-op as a sun bro and died during the fight but the host manages to quickly put the last few hits on the boss and somehow it counted for me and I got my medal and ember. Was NOT expecting that.
There are a set number. The winged knights only drop one the first time you kill all three. Someone must've mistaken it for a normal drop.
There's about 5-6 definites. A couple are tied to quests but there's at least 3 you can just get. Never heard of the winged knights thing.
Edit: oh, those winged knights. It's a one-time only drop when you first kill them.
So good that you can get sunlight medals from invasions rather than from helping some scrub cheese their way through the game
I've got like 30+ halfway through the game and I've never bought a single one. I've read they are farmable but I don't know which enemies off the top of my head.
Help other people beat bosses. You get an ember for doing so. Plus you'll also get souls, and you can also get sunlight medals if you're in the Sunslight covenant (or whatever it's called).
Anything thats makes you fat roll is a no.So I got thefor my knight. But I am wondering if its worth it with the massive increased weight it has. I get well over the 70% when having it equipped resulting in fat rolls which again feel like a huge problem when fighting fast enemies.Claymore
Uhm... 25% maybe?
you are barely 1/4th of the way through
Saw this posted regarding the changes for swords in the new patch. Putting the image in spoiler tags for obvious reasons.
Is the Rusted Iron Ring or an equivalent in this game? Would be nice for the Farron area.
So it's pretty much a universalbuff for greatswords?
New page bump, this thread moves fast.
Saw this posted regarding the changes for swords in the new patch. Putting the image in spoiler tags for obvious reasons.
They are key items. You can't use them accidentally. Just go up to each throne and press X in front of it when it prompts you.
Ahh, so its not souls? Do you have to be in front of the throne then and not the back?
That's a bummer, iirc you could buy/farm an infinite amount of them in the previous 2 games just like every other upgrade material
I'm not sure how true that is.
I remember them being incredibly rare. You could farm Darkwraiths in New Londo but the drop rate was crazy low.
Going my second run through. Had a lot of success until late with my longsword build the first time.
Thinking of doing a halberd run. Is Crystal the best upgrade path on it like DS1, or should I just run a Heavy on it?