Are people really having hard time getting summons for Sentinals/D.blads? I've seen a lot of success on both the PC and PS4. The only covenant that I needed to farm for was WoF, and even then I would occasionally get summoned in between runs.
I get that it's ENBs first playthrough and he's got a weird way of doing things, but he really doesn't need to show the 10 attempts at a boss just because he's trying to learn its attack patterns and be satisfied that he didn't just power through it. Edit it down man!
I had a deathless run going perfectly all the way to Aldritch.
And then I fucked up the invisible ramp to Yorshka, and accidentally back-stepped right off the invisible platform.
Ha ha!
Though too bad. At least there isn't a reward for it, right?
I'm level 58 and am just now exploring. I feel a little underleveled? Should I be higher?Lothric Castle
Do you have at least 10 intelligence?
I realize this is a dated reply but you are lucky you found his ashes...I sent him out and supposedly Siegward or Patches can save him, but siegward didnt show in the kitchen, and Patches just carries on in Firelink being his same old self...I would love it if his ashes showed up...just give them to the maiden and she will sell his goods.Ehhmm... I just foundAshes in the sewers of Irithyll.. So he's apparently dead. What am I missing out on by not having him there? Any weapons/rings I won't be able to get or questlines I won't be able to complete? Apart from the fact that I liked the character, I won't miss much right?Greirat's
Oh well, the struggles of a blind playthrough...
Wikidot (the superior info source) says no. Fextralife has always been shit for specific things. I've read so much wrong shit on there in the past week. Wikidot is just slower to develop.
Ok, so having tested both warden blades with bleed infusion (47 bleed) and brigand daggers (44 bleed currently) vs a friend with 248 bleed resist (not really important) I can say that bleed is built on hit, but also depends on moveset.
I only have 8 :O
do I need 10 atleast? that would make sense.
Not for me just can't do it You just hold it down and double tap to jumpCircle/B for jump has always been terrible. L3 is a much more reliable input to use.
So what is this mechanic?
Yeah, it makes the Estus Flasks more powerful, i.e, each use gives more health.Burning Undead Bone Shards to strengthen Estus Flasks, I'd assume.
Try going into a roll after a sprint.Not for me just can't do it You just hold it down and double tap to jump
Late-game:was my favorite boss in the series. Wow. Amazing!Archives
Thing is, there are multiple message boards with people saying they're testing its bleed properties. Confusing.
From Reddit:
Not for me just can't do it You just hold it down and double tap to jump
Try going into a roll after a sprint.
You sure he's not talking aboutLothric Prince i assume.
After 99999999 tries on, i give up, fuck that camera, i cant fucking see his moves on first phase. fuck off;.Nameless King
After 99999999 tries on, i give up, fuck that camera, i cant fucking see his moves on first phase. fuck off;.Nameless King
Thats the same bossYou sure he's not talking about?Twin Princes
Dat ninja editThats the same bossUnless you quoted me right before my edit where i wrote the wrong one hehe. But yeah, that boss, indeed.
Late-game:was my favorite boss in the series. Wow. Amazing!Archives
Hehe yeah, thought maybe you quoted me right after i editedDat ninja edit![]()
I wouldnt say that the fight is very easy. Of course it depends on your skill level, but i've seen most people rank NK as one of the hardest bosses in the game, and personally i agree with that.The fight is very easy, expecially the first phase. You just need to attack his foot, bringing attention to the flame he does from times to times which can insta-kill you (or at least it insta-killed me).
Beating the "last boss" doesn't lock you out of the extra area or anything. You can finish the main quest and then if you want you can look up where to find the extra stuff afterSo I feel like I'm near the end, but have probably missed a bunch of stuff. I hear there's at least one entire secret area to this game, I'm sure there's optional bosses I've missed, too.. Should I just read spoilers on how to see everything? Or beeline it to the ending? I'm torn.
So I feel like I'm near the end, but have probably missed a bunch of stuff. I hear there's at least one entire secret area to this game, I'm sure there's optional bosses I've missed, too.. Should I just read spoilers on how to see everything? Or beeline it to the ending? I'm torn.
Lothric Prince i assume.
Late-game:was my favorite boss in the series. Wow. Amazing!Archives
Don't lock on
you're not supposed to lock on 100% of the time in a souls game
If you've placed all four Lord of Cinders ashes on their thrones, then maybe quit and reload. See if Hawkwood's dialogue changed. Check Ludleth too.Having a problem if someone could be kind enough to help me:
I can't get to the Kiln of the First Flame. I've defeated the twin princes and placed the cinders on the throne, the fire keeper dialog won't trigger. Not sure what i'm missing or doing wrong.
Your quote is referring to bleed infusion. They have no intrinsic bleed property. However some weapons will benefit more than others when infused with certain gems. The Brigand Twin Daggers look to be one of them.
So I feel like I'm near the end, but have probably missed a bunch of stuff. I hear there's at least one entire secret area to this game, I'm sure there's optional bosses I've missed, too.. Should I just read spoilers on how to see everything? Or beeline it to the ending? I'm torn.
Having a problem if someone could be kind enough to help me:
I can't get to the Kiln of the First Flame. I've defeated the twin princes and placed the cinders on the throne, the fire keeper dialog won't trigger. Not sure what i'm missing or doing wrong.
Two areas actually. I usually play through the game the first time without checking the wiki. You need to beat the game multiple times if you want to get all the items and trophies/achievements anyway. With DS3, i finsihed all that i could, but didnt trigger the ending (you can trigger the ending and still say in NG though). Then i went to wiki and tried to finish as much as i could in NG before moving on to NG+.So I feel like I'm near the end, but have probably missed a bunch of stuff. I hear there's at least one entire secret area to this game, I'm sure there's optional bosses I've missed, too.. Should I just read spoilers on how to see everything? Or beeline it to the ending? I'm torn.
Don't lock on
you're not supposed to lock on 100% of the time in a souls game
If you've placed all four Lord of Cinders ashes on their thrones, then maybe quit and reload. See if Hawkwood's dialogue changed. Check Ludleth too.
I also died a lot before learning what made it much easier for me, especially the first phase. I gave up doing the boss solo in NG because i died too much (lost motivation), but made a better effort in NG+ and made it solo then. I rather went for attacking the head since it makes it quicker to kill the boss' first phase. Trying to bait him to do the ground flame attack. Otherwise not trying to stay right under him, make it less likely for him to do the air attacks.