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Dark Souls III |OT2| Welcome to NG+, Unkindled One

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Don't lock on

you're not supposed to lock on 100% of the time in a souls game

Thanks, that helped a lot
Also i ditched my dark sword with chaos infuse, cuz i went to the wiki page and saw he has fire resistance.
Infused a Claymore with dark and reinforced to +10
My god this helped a lot on my damage
Hes dead now.

fire every mothafucka involved in Dark Souls 3 western marketing

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Then don't do it?
It's crazy how simple the solution is but nobody ever listens because "mah platinum".

Because I'm not planning to do other playthroughs for the game, but I wanted achieve those endings by myself.
If you're using cheats and exploits to get them, does that really count? :p

l3 jump smh... jump on O is infinitely better
Yikes. Hell no. Dedicated button that has no chance of being accidentally pressed >>>>>>>> the other option.


fire every mothafucka involved in Dark Souls 3 western marketing
What the... What is this shit?


Save scumming might not be cheating, but the game wasn't intended to support it for a reason.

Lol, save scumming. It's always your save, you are not using an exploit or whatever, your character is exactly the same so I don't know how this can be considered cheating (even because, you know, you are just watching an ending). You can do this since Dark Souls 1 using Plus to store your save, if not from Demon's souls which had a time-lock for uploaded/downloaded saves.

If you wanna do the game three times to see a cutscene of 40 seconds, go for it, I just spared another two playthroughs since I won't replay it for a long time, or ever.

What a time, when From itself suggest to back-up your saves often. I can't really see a problem with this honestly, since I always had multiple saves since 1990 at least.

If From wouldn't support this, they would just store your saves into their servers, so you can't manage your saves.


So I'm playing with a Pyro build. I have low endurance so blocking many hits is impossible. I'm trying to get better with parrying, especially for pvp, and it's so frustrating. I guess I need a lot of practice for that. Messing around with weapons, I only have 12 str and dex so my choices are very limited. Have an Chaos Estoc and a Dark Barbed Sword which have ok damage. Currently level 64 with 24 Vig, 30 Attunment, 10 Endurance, 8 Vit, amd 25 int and faith. I guess I need to level up more to see some real damage. Also, pyro spells seem very limited. To me it looks like Chaos Orb is the best spell for damage, the others are pretty useless except for maybe Sacred Flame. I also tried using Rapport and that didn't seem to work at all... Any tips for a pyro? It sure is nice for enemies weak against fire, and those damn curse spiders go down with ease.


lol @ ENB not knowing which Crystal Sage is the real one.

"I think it is the one, with the homing spell!"

Dude, it is the one with the purple magic. the fake ones have blue magic. xD


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
I get that it's ENBs first playthrough and he's got a weird way of doing things, but he really doesn't need to show the 10 attempts at a boss just because he's trying to learn its attack patterns and be satisfied that he didn't just power through it. Edit it down man!

Yeah this is starting to get annoying. Obviously it's his run and he should do what he wants, but you could consider your audience for a bit. The game is a month old, we don't need to see you 'figuring out' a boss. That time he had one hit left on Aldrich and he let himself get killed... ugh


fire every mothafucka involved in Dark Souls 3 western marketing

Yeah this is hilarious stuff, and goddess Chelsea Wolfe is surrounded by filth


Yeah this is starting to get annoying. Obviously it's his run and he should do what he wants, but you could consider your audience for a bit. The game is a month old, we don't need to see you 'figuring out' a boss. That time he had one hit left on Aldrich and he let himself get killed... ugh

I haven't figured out the arrows yet... Dude..


Between the lack of ascetics, red phantoms and the overall linearity the NG+ has been kinda boring.

I don't understand how could they fuck up it so bad after DS2 fantastic NG+, like for what purpose did they remove the bonfire ascetics? Bleah.
What weapon do you recommend for a pyro build ?

It's really just whichever weapon you like the moveset for. Just make sure you have 2 weapons on you. One infused with Chaos for anything weak to fire, and one infused with dark for everything else.

Here is a spreadsheet that shows how each weapon scales with different infusions. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-sm_mSATMS0XFBG-dH3HhQcfM3dxh6hbLNR8Qe_1vaI/htmlview?usp=sharing&sle=true#

-Taken from the DS3 subreddit.
It's really just whichever weapon you like the moveset for. Just make sure you have 2 weapons on you. One infused with Chaos for anything weak to fire, and one infused with dark for everything else.

Here is a spreadsheet that shows how each weapon scales with different infusions. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-sm_mSATMS0XFBG-dH3HhQcfM3dxh6hbLNR8Qe_1vaI/htmlview?usp=sharing&sle=true#

-Taken from the DS3 subreddit.
Raw Astora Straight Sword

Allright, thanks.
I'll try with raw Astora Straight Sword and I'll try to infuse other weapon as soon as I can :p


Anybody on PS4 have a Titanite Slab they don't want? I can trade for most anything else, I think I have at least one of each boss soul spare at the moment too.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Last boss was too easy. Forward Roll Souls saved the day.

Anyway, great game! I did not like it as much as DS1 or Bloodborne but I really enjoyed the game and can't wait to buy what Miyazaki does next!
Question about Parameter Bonus

Does a weapon scale with only one stat? If it has bonuses of B and B for Strength and Dexterity, will it scale with the two stats or just one? I'm asking because apparently, the Dagger is better with scaling bonuses of E for strength and S for dexterity than B for both.


Anybody on PS4 have a Titanite Slab they don't want? I can trade for most anything else, I think I have at least one of each boss soul spare at the moment too.
You can't trade upgrade materials.

Question about Parameter Bonus

Does a weapon scale with only one stat? If it has bonuses of B and B for Strength and Dexterity, will it scale with the two stats or just one? I'm asking because apparently, the Dagger is better with scaling bonuses of E for strength and S for dexterity than B for both.
Scales with both stats, hence the utility of a quality build. The dagger scales better uninfused for you probably because your STR/DEX aren't even. S scaling is God-tier as well.
Question about Parameter Bonus

Does a weapon scale with only one stat? If it has bonuses of B and B for Strength and Dexterity, will it scale with the two stats or just one? I'm asking because apparently, the Dagger is better with scaling bonuses of E for strength and S for dexterity than B for both.

All Param Bonuses are taken into account.


Can I still invade as a watchdog after beating watchers?

Last boss was too easy. Forward Roll Souls saved the day.

Anyway, great game! I did not like it as much as DS1 or Bloodborne but I really enjoyed the game and can't wait to buy what Miyazaki does next!

Scales with both stats, hence the utility of a quality build. The dagger scales better uninfused for you probably because your STR/DEX aren't even. S scaling is God-tier as well.

My Dex is actually one point lower than Strength (23 vs 24). Maybe it's because every level of scaling is exponentially better than the previous one?
I wonder what's the fastest way to cosplay as
and what spells/miracles work best for him.

You'd have to do the sequence break and fight him early for his armor/weapon.

And spells? Pssh, you have to go full melee: halberd in main hand and Caestus in the other for punching + the Horse ring for dem kicks yo!


I'm dueling at the High Wall on PS4 remote play. It's working.....surprisingly well. Refined Partizan is wrecking.

Not sure how my Obscuring Ring is working though. I can't see the effect.

Joey Ravn

Shot 97 arrows at this dragon and I don't get an item or at least a gang of souls?

Come on From

If you're talking about
the first dragon, you do get an item when it flees.

If you're talking about
the pair of dragons in the castle... you're not done just yet. Wait and see.
Controls are shit if you don't lock on.
Unless you have three thumbs, i guess.

Dodge is on the face buttons, but you need the thumb to control the thumbstick and actually see shit, so you have to resort to "the claw" which is never very comfortable (not for a long stretch) nor a reliable position.

oddly enough I can play not locked on without the claw

but no that must not be possible


Finished it as well today. Great game but I still prefer Bloodborne's combat design. However, the bosses are really well done in Dark Souls 3. I'll come back to beat
Nameless King
after additional content has been released. Still can't beat his 2nd phase after more attempts than any other Souls boss to date (the camera certainly doesn't help)...
Standing around for 20 minutes and not being summoned as a Darkmoon is depressing. I'm lvl 100 in NG. Should I move on to NG+ for results?

Your not going to get any better results, I keep darkmoon on at all times and never get summoned lol. I almost got my 100% besides the covenant items I have to farm. Farming the Silver Knights for the ears is definitely not fun hahaha.
Your not going to get any better results, I keep darkmoon on at all times and never get summoned lol. I almost got my 100% besides the covenant items I have to farm. Farming the Silver Knights for the ears is definitely not fun hahaha.
Crap. I'm not going to farm silver knights so that's why I held out hope. That sucks.


I'm lvl 40 and keeping blue sentinels covenant active on Road of Sacrifices keeps getting me summoned constantly. I have 24 covenant items collected already. I guess if you start collecting those proof of a concord kepts at lvl 100 you are out of luck. At higher levels people have better covenants to keep active than Way of the Blue. :/

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
I'm lvl 40 and keeping blue sentinels covenant active on Road of Sacrifices keeps getting me summoned constantly. I have 24 covenant items collected already. I guess if you start collecting those proof of a concord kepts at lvl 100 you are out of luck. At higher levels people have better covenants to keep active than Way of the Blue. :/
I kept the damn item active at level 30 and hanged out in Roads of Sacrifice (not that I think it matters where you are, so long as the covenant icon glows) for hours and never, ever got summoned.

How in the hell??
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