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Dark Souls III |OT2| Welcome to NG+, Unkindled One

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Well it kinda matters where you are. Farron Keep and Road of Sacrifices seem pretty popular places for invasions and game tries to find host in the same area where you are. I've only gotten two summons so far outside of the are I'm currently at. What system do you have? I have ps4 not sure if it matters thhough. Are you also have cross-region play matchmaking on?


bitch I'm taking calls.
Well it kinda matters where you are. Farron Keep and Road of Sacrifices seem pretty popular places for invasions and game tries to find host in the same area where you are. I've only gotten two summons so far outside of the are I'm currently at.
The truth is nobody outside of From really knows how this shit works. Maybe not even from either. With more time and testing we might get a few answers but honestly Darkmoon blade has been the red headed stepchild of covenants in every installment. Even the rewards for it in Dark Souls 3 are terrible.

At least in 1 you had the free summons when people killed the illusion of Gwynevere and walked around dark Anor Londo.
With more time and testing we might get a few answers but honestly Darkmoon blade has been the red headed stepchild of covenants in every installment.
The problem is that it isn't just the Darkmoon covenant, pretty much every auto-summon covenant feels like they're broken.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
The problem is that it isn't just the Darkmoon covenant, pretty much every auto-summon covenant feels like they're broken.
I typically get insta-summoned under Aldrich Faithful... But almost never as a Farron Watchdog (despite being careful not to overlevel/overupgrade my weapon), and not a single time as a Darkmoon/Blue Sentinel.

I kiss the bellbros covenant. That was insanely fun in DS2.
Best covenant of the series.


Does anyone else get super annoyed when invaders just use black separation crystal when they are losing? That should'nt be allowed imo or it should at least count as a victory. Cowards. Ugh.
I typically get insta-summoned under Aldrich Faithful... But almost never as a Farron Watchdog (despite being careful not to overlevel/overupgrade my weapon), and not a single time as a Darkmoon/Blue Sentinel.
I don't get summoned as anything at all. I only ever got summoned as Watchdog when I first got the covenant and then after that I spent another dozens of hours of gameplay completing NG without ever getting summoned for any other auto-summon covenant.


The problem is that it isn't just the Darkmoon covenant, pretty much every auto-summon covenant feels like they're broken.

The weirdest thing is that Aldrich seems to work great for almost everyone while Farron just doesn't. They're the same damn thing I don't understand how they could fuck that up. HOW?
I kept the damn item active at level 30 and hanged out in Roads of Sacrifice (not that I think it matters where you are, so long as the covenant icon glows) for hours and never, ever got summoned.

How in the hell??

Odd. I decided to use Blue Sentinels for fun on one character and at level 25 in the Undead Settlement I couldn't progress because I was getting summoned practically every step that I took.

I ended up deleting that character though and I hope I didn't just ruin my one chance to rank up with those ears. I had less than 4 hours on the character and had been summoned ~18 times.

I kiss the bellbros covenant. That was insanely fun in DS2.
Yeah, me too. I love bells and Dragons (in Dark Souls) and they could have had a mix of those two covenants, considering A
But instead we get neither :(


Does anyone else get super annoyed when invaders just use black separation crystal when they are losing? That should'nt be allowed imo or it should at least count as a victory. Cowards. Ugh.

as a frequent invader I only use them when it's like 4/5 v 1 and the host pops a seed then I just peace out without even attempting to engage them.


bitch I'm taking calls.
I simultaneously hate and like that weapon level factors in to multiplayer. It's good to help avoid twink invasions but sucks because it locks you out of co-operative opportunities as well. Basically punishing you for progressing further than they expect you to within a certain soul level bracket.
The problem is that it isn't just the Darkmoon covenant, pretty much every auto-summon covenant feels like they're broken.
Yea things are weird. Forest guardian was better in dark souls 1 too. That was practically the #2 spot for pvp besides undead burg or Anor Londo.

Odd. I decided to use Blue Sentinels for fun on one character and at level 25 in the Undead Settlement I couldn't progress because I was getting summoned practically every step that I took.

I ended up deleting that character though and I hope I didn't just ruin my one chance to rank up with those ears. I had less than 4 hours on the character and had been summoned ~18 times.
Hm, maybe location does matter more than we know. Also I reckon a lot of people try to stick around there to invade newer players so it makes sense that area and level bracket would have more action.

How did you get the blue sentinels before completing undead settlement? Unless I'm misunderstanding and you were just exploring the already beaten area.
Hm, maybe location does matter more than we know. Also I reckon a lot of people try to stick around there to invade newer players so it makes sense that area and level bracket would have more action.

How did you get the blue sentinels before completing undead settlement? Unless I'm misunderstanding and you were just exploring the already beaten area.

I am fairly certain that it prioritizes the area you area in as I was summoned to the Undead Settlement every time.

Yes I was re-exploring because I rushed to the Crucifixion Woods the first time through, then went back to do Siegward's path and the Greatwood boss.


as a frequent invader I only use them when it's like 4/5 v 1 and the host pops a seed then I just peace out without even attempting to engage them.

Well that's different but if I use 15min of my time to play cat and mouse game with invader and then he just flees when he's losing. Fuck that. It's not like the host could just flee when things look bad.
Met some new friends who taught me you can't judge a phantom by its color



How can I improve my invasion skills? I feel like my build is lacking. I'm pure DEX with 40 DEX, 40 VGR, and 30 END. I have the shadow set because it's badass and light. I have the Washing Pole, the Great Scythe, and the Storm Curved Sword as well as the Bow of Pharris. As for rings, I have the slumbering dragoncrest ring, carthus milkring, obscuring ring, and hornet ring. I get wrecked if it's so much as 2 on 1 though. I'm so squishy compared to most players. I need tips.

Late Flag

Finally finished my first run after 63 hours at level 104. I spent quite a bit of time sun-bro'ing and took my sweet time while exploring new areas.

Fantastic game. Some of the bosses were a bit too much, and NK in particular had a very poorly-designed first phase that shouldn't have made it past play-testing, but otherwise I loved every level of this game.


I kept the damn item active at level 30 and hanged out in Roads of Sacrifice (not that I think it matters where you are, so long as the covenant icon glows) for hours and never, ever got summoned.

How in the hell??

I managed to get 25 concords up until Lv60 and then nothing. It also sucks that you get summoned and the host manages to kill the invader as soon as you join and get squat.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Ultra Greatsword has an insanely fast rolling attack.
Ohhhh do we have a DBS equivalent, finally? What about the 1h running r1? :D

BRB making a strength build

I managed to get 25 concords up until Lv60 and then nothing. It also sucks that you get summoned and the host manages to kill the invader as soon as you join and get squat.
So if anyone else but you, as darkmoon/sentinel, kill the invader, you don't get the reward? So even if you do get summoned and defeat the invader, you might not even get the item? Holy shit, From, fix your shit...
The weirdest thing is that Aldrich seems to work great for almost everyone while Farron just doesn't. They're the same damn thing I don't understand how they could fuck that up. HOW?

Part of it could be that almost everyone who first enters the Aldrich Faithful area is Embered. That probably means there are many more hosts to invade.


How can I improve my invasion skills. I feel like my build is lacking. I'm pure DEX with 40 DEX, 40 VGR, and 30 END. I have the shadow set because it's badass and light. I have the Washing Pole, the Great Scythe, and the Storm Curved Sword as well as the Bow of Pharris. As for rings, I have the slumbering dragoncrest ring,
I've not had much luck in PvP with pure DEX weapons. You're either going to get parried over and over or stun locked by Yhorm's Great Machete and BK Glaive and the like :(


So if anyone else but you, as darkmoon/sentinel, kill the invader, you don't get the reward? So even if you do get summoned and defeat the invader, you might not even get the item? Holy shit, From, fix your shit...

If the invader dies before you finish loading you won't get anything. Otherwise it doesn't matter what kills them.

EDIT: You'll get 1 proof for every invading phantom that dies while you're there. 2 if they're an Aldrich Faithful.
How can I improve my invasion skills. I feel like my build is lacking. I'm pure DEX with 40 DEX, 40 VGR, and 30 END. I have the shadow set because it's badass and light. I have the Washing Pole, the Great Scythe, and the Storm Curved Sword as well as the Bow of Pharris. As for rings, I have the slumbering dragoncrest ring,

Are your weapons infused? I recommend farming for the Carthus Curved sword and infusing it with Sharp. Its really good for a dex build.

Rings for your build I would say Obscuring Ring, Carthus Milkring, Hornet Ring, and Knight Slayer Ring for people that like to hide behind shields.
Man having a tough time against that
Prince boss. Where you have to beat him twice. Second time with his brother hanging in his back.
. So far I haven't had super difficulty against any boss. I can get to phase two but that's when I keep losing. Any tips?

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
If the invader dies before you finish loading you won't get anything. Otherwise it doesn't matter what kills them.
Oh, gotcha.

EDIT: You'll get 1 proof for every invading phantom that dies while you're there. 2 if they're an Aldrich Faithful.
But don't you get "duty fulfilled" and disappear once a single invader dies? How do you get two?

I forget what DBS was, but it was fast enough to punish me for trying to chase a roll and hitting him after the end of it.
Dragon Bone Smasher from Demon's Souls aka the only fun UGS in the whole series IMO
Ohhhh do we have a DBS equivalent, finally? What about the 1h running r1? :D

BRB making a strength build
I forget what DBS was, but it was fast enough to punish me for trying to chase a roll and hitting him after the end of it.


Can NG players be summon into NG+? I was wondering because I finally got plat on my lvl105 and many people I summon seem surprise by the boss damage.


Are your weapons infused? I recommend farming for the Carthus Curved sword and infusing it with Sharp. Its really good for a dex build.

Rings for your build I would say Obscuring Ring, Carthus Milkring, Hornet Ring, and Knight Slayer Ring for people that like to hide behind shields.

I had to edit my post because I'm on mobile and butt posted early lol. The knight slayer would probably help actually. I have the hardest time fighting multiple players. One hit and I'm eating combos that take at least half my health. I try to be stealthy but it almost never works. It would help if I could do tremendous backstab damage.

Orin GA

I wish I could hat you to death
Man having a tough time against that
Prince boss. Where you have to beat him twice. Second time with his brother hanging in his back.
. So far I haven't had super difficulty against any boss. I can get to phase two but that's when I keep losing. Any tips?

Other than getting the timing down...

You can get a good amount of hits on him if you roll into him as he does his special attack. The younger brothers follow up attack should go right over your head.

When he summons those magic balls, keep close and circle around him and dodge when neccesary


But don't you get "duty fulfilled" and disappear once a single invader dies? How do you get two?

I'm not entirely sure how it works, but if there are multiple invading phantoms you can stick around until they're all dead.

If the invader is Aldrich Faithful you'll get a "Proof of Concord Well Kept" instead which you can use and get two regular Concords. Same as a Forked Pale Tongue.
I'm about 35 hours in my first playthrough, and I soloed all bosses so far, and all I have left is
Soul of Cinder
. I am really enjoying the game!


Well that's different but if I use 15min of my time to play cat and mouse game with invader and then he just flees when he's losing. Fuck that. It's not like the host could just flee when things look bad.

Haven't encountered this myself, but, having invaded a lot, I can see why people would be tempted: going through an area to collect your souls after a failed invasion gets old real fast. Not sure why that's a thing. So nice not having to do it when invading as a Farron Watchdog or Aldritch Faithful.


Took about 1hr last night constant farming + invading to get the Aldritch Faithful Covenant to 10 so thats done.

Moved onto Farron this morning...goddamn thats a rare drop from those 3 dudes sitting in Farron Keep (following PSTrophies Plat Guide). And I havent been summoned once under Watchdogs Covenant. Thats using the Shield of Want, Luck at level 20 and popping 5 rusted coins every time I bonfire in.

How are folks getting this Farron Covenant up to 30 easily?

For the record in my entire initial playthrough I killed all mimics (been back through to check) and never got the Symbol of Avarice :( Not got the Crystal Sage Rapier either...

Dont want to start NG+ till i've made better headway with the Covenants.

Deku Tree

What is a good OP weapon to use? I liked Ludwigs Great Sword in Bloodbourne. I don't want to test out tons of weapons to find my favorite. I just want to focus on leveling up one or two really good ones. Thanks!

Collect estus shards. They're a treasure item located throughout the world. When you find one, you can turn it into the blacksmith and he'll give you the additional flask.

Find Estus Shards and give them to Andre.

Have you been turning in your Estus Flask Shards? They should automatically convert to healing flasks, then you can reallocate between Normal and Ashen flasks.

Omg I had no idea. No I never turned in any of those lol. Thanks!
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