I'll never forget my Old Monk battle either. I was unbelievably outmatched. I took two hits from a huge sword and was almost dead on the spot. Started dodging like crazy and managed to get in a single hit with my poison claw. After a few more dodges, it became clear that he had zero poison resistance or poison healing items on him... couldn't believe my luck. I just keep dodging and parrying all over the place and just waited him out... had to be well over 10 minutes of him relentlessly attacking until his last HP ticked off. I only hit him once or twice after that initial poisoning and still managed to walk away with my life.
That match was really exemplary of how Demon's Souls is so way ahead of the curve with its online features. Stuff like that, or the time the Red Phantom invaded my game in 4-2 and rolled off the edge of the level to his death, was just so damn memorable.
That match was really exemplary of how Demon's Souls is so way ahead of the curve with its online features. Stuff like that, or the time the Red Phantom invaded my game in 4-2 and rolled off the edge of the level to his death, was just so damn memorable.