Huggy said:
I see. The only teleport to the Nexus is at the beginning, so I have to collect souls and then backtrack? It's kind of hard to play the game if you constantly start over from scratch with limited gaming time.
Yeah, at first, only 1-1 is playable until you defeat that level.
Here's a general breakdown of how the game flows:
-Even though enemies respawn, many things are permanent once you do them once, such as opening gates, and activating mechanisms in the level. These generally unlock shortcuts, so that you can get to the area you need to faster from the beginning.
-Soul anxiety is something of a non-issue. You are either farming to gain another level, which is never more than 15 minutes of gameplay time if that's what your focusing on, or exploring further into a level. In this case, don't even consider souls, just focus on learning the level. If you die, don't worry. Just make sure to level up when you get enough souls to do so, even if it means going back to the Nexus when you are deep into a level. The main reason you die and lose souls is when you get too confident, and expect "to probably live against whatever is around this next corner that I have never been to..."
-There is something of a learning curve to the combat, especially in this age of fast-as-possible combat systems. Once the game "clicks" it becomes incredibly enjoyable. Most people seem to give up before that point, around 2/3 levels in usually.