Do you actually want a PBS or would you be happy just to hold a +5 Sharp weapon to get the trophy? If it's the latter I'm happy to help. You said you were SL122 on EU, right?
Hunter.. I should have picked a knight but I'm doing okay I guess.
I'm a bit scared to fight bosses though. I went through 4-1, but at the end there was a red eyed skeleton guarding the fog.. so I thought fuck that, I had just gotten like 9000 souls so I just headed back to the nexus.
Spider boss in 2-1, couldn't kill him on my first try, I'll try him later tonight.
Hunter.. I should have picked a knight but I'm doing okay I guess.
I'm a bit scared to fight bosses though. I went through 4-1, but at the end there was a red eyed skeleton guarding the fog.. so I thought fuck that, I had just gotten like 9000 souls so I just headed back to the nexus.
Spider boss in 2-1, couldn't kill him on my first try, I'll try him later tonight.
As a hunter, there are plenty of ways to take out most bosses with arrows. Slowly chipping away at their HP and taking cover. It's not the most enjoyable way.. but hiding isn't always a bad thing. I did that type of method for almost all the bosses on my first play through, lol.
Hunter.. I should have picked a knight but I'm doing okay I guess.
I'm a bit scared to fight bosses though. I went through 4-1, but at the end there was a red eyed skeleton guarding the fog.. so I thought fuck that, I had just gotten like 9000 souls so I just headed back to the nexus.
Spider boss in 2-1, couldn't kill him on my first try, I'll try him later tonight.
The bridge part.. you know I did all of that without running?
It's just... this game is a bitch.. I mean sometimes it's kinda unfair you know? Especially in the beginning. In the beginning if you get around 5000 souls, then die because either you made a misstep or the game fucks you over you can go berserk! At least I did .
Well.. the game is just amazing, but hard as hell. But I want to beat it!
Thank you GAF for recommending this game!
I started playing a few weeks ago (royal - lvl 87 atm)
The game is hard sure, but in a fair way. It's usually a slip-up on my part when I die. (overconfident when farming or bringing the wrong gear for the job etc.)
I'm probably not trying for the platinum, but I'm sure this game will have me hooked for a run or 2. This RPG really has me trying different weapons and armour in different situations, where I would just powergrind my way through any other RPG. (beat the boss of FF12 barehanded for example)
I jumped in kinda late, because GAF made me think that this game was impossible, which it isn't.
He had a fucking SLIVER of health left, I was ramming the square button to use a full moon grass but my fucking idiot character didn't fucking use it and now I"M DEAD
Wasted 10 full moon grass and I still died what the fuck man
What a fucking cunt man I swear to god I get stuck in an fucking loop with this boss
He sprays his web bullshit on me, then hits me with a fireball, while I'm down he hits me with his webspray, then he hits me with more fucking fireballs
He had a fucking SLIVER of health left, I was ramming the square button to use a full moon grass but my fucking idiot character didn't fucking use it and now I"M DEAD
Wasted 10 full moon grass and I still died what the fuck man
What a fucking cunt man I swear to god I get stuck in an fucking loop with this boss
He sprays his web bullshit on me, then hits me with a fireball, while I'm down he hits me with his webspray, then he hits me with more fucking fireballs
But it's (IMO), one of the easiest bosses in the game:
When you enter rush to him, eventually blocking his fire balls, if he spits the web don't panic keep walking and blocking, if he throws the combo of fireballs, block 2 and roll to the side, when you are close enough basically he has a melee attack easily blockable and another move when he basically put his ugly face in the floor so you can fuck him hard, do so, repeat process and when you see fire in his mouth run the fuck off to the entrance....
If you think this is bad, you should see maneater....
He had a fucking SLIVER of health left, I was ramming the square button to use a full moon grass but my fucking idiot character didn't fucking use it and now I"M DEAD
Wasted 10 full moon grass and I still died what the fuck man
What a fucking cunt man I swear to god I get stuck in an fucking loop with this boss
He sprays his web bullshit on me, then hits me with a fireball, while I'm down he hits me with his webspray, then he hits me with more fucking fireballs
lol, one of the many legion of great things about this game is this can happen anywhere, anytime if you aren't being methodical and taking your time to kill stuff. You can be playing New Game +++++ and think you are the man and then a Giant Depraved one comes over and smashes your face into the muck.
it's never unfair, it's just that Demon's Souls doesn't know what forgiveness is.
lol, one of the many legion of great things about this game is this can happen anywhere, anytime if you aren't being methodical and taking your time to kill stuff. You can be playing New Game +++++ and think you are the man and then a Giant Depraved one comes over and smashes your face into the muck.
it's never unfair, it's just that Demon's Souls doesn't know what forgiveness is.
Giant Depraved are awful First Game or New Game plus-whatever, those motherfuckers are my worst nightmare alongside wolfs.
And yeah, that happens a lot: Yesterday I was fighting that False Idol boss, she was almost dead, I discover his real body, I charge full of myself and then a glyph in the floor paralizes me and a shower of magic rays kill me a few moments later without having a chance to either block or roll...
It was painful...but a part of me liked it, DS is making me a masochist....
But it's (IMO), one of the easiest bosses in the game:
When you enter rush to him, eventually blocking his fire balls, if he spits the web don't panic keep walking and blocking, if he throws the combo of fireballs, block 2 and roll to the side, when you are close enough basically he has a melee attack easily blockable and another move when he basically put his ugly face in the floor so you can fuck him hard, do so, repeat process and when you see fire in his mouth run the fuck off to the entrance....
If you think this is bad, you should see maneater....
Actually after I died that time and lost about 10.000 souls in his lair, I went back to 1-1 and 4-1 and farmed a bit of souls, arrows and herbs. Came back to the armor spider lair and just stood in the back with my compound longbow +1 shooting arrows at it and it died so quickly.
Didn't want to kill him that way but fuck it, wasn't gonna go through 10 full herbs again.
Actually I have found two, but why is it so important since right now I'm just killing anybody I come across ( aside from the occasional red eyed enemy off the path ).
Also, what's the best way of taking care of the magician who spawns ghosts in 4-2? Bow?
Actually I have found two, but why is it so important since right now I'm just killing anybody I come across ( aside from the occasional red eyed enemy off the path ).
Also, what's the best way of taking care of the magician who spawns ghosts in 4-2? Bow?
Because you can't take the grunts for granted -- especially in black tendencies. The Thief Ring makes you more undetectable to all the monsters and I think invading black phantoms too. You may not be able to run away that quickly say... by the cliff.
Yes, I usually use bow until I was really strong to face his gang.
Actually I have found two, but why is it so important since right now I'm just killing anybody I come across ( aside from the occasional red eyed enemy off the path ).
Also, what's the best way of taking care of the magician who spawns ghosts in 4-2? Bow?
Walk to the opposite side of the top of the room (where you enter), kill a few blue ghosts. Right above the Reaper's head, lock on. Flame Toss 3/4 times. Done.
There is 3 of them throughout the level. The one at the start, I always ran up to the edge of the platform up top and popped shots off really fast to kill him before the spawns hit me.
Others prefer to drop down to the ground from there and shoot him from there. Really just up to you.
The second one is hiding behind a corner later in the level after going back into the caves or what-have-you. Past the second spawn, he's behind a small wall and you can usually rush-hit him once or twice which will make him fall off the ledge and die (his body will end up being in the room which you fight the boss).
The 3rd is also slightly hidden, you'll basically run right into him. I've always dispatched him with a meat cleaver after my first play through, but I think I ran past and rolled down the stairs and then got around the corner and bowed him from the bottom my first time.
Because you can't take the grunts for granted -- especially in black tendencies. The Thief Ring makes you more undetectable to all the monsters and I think invading black phantoms too. You may not be able to run away that quickly say... by the cliff.
Yes, I usually use bow until I was really strong to face his gang.
Well yeah I know I have to be careful around grunts, especially the ones in 2-1 and 2-2. I'm pretty sure I have a black world tendency there so they do more dmg am I correct?
Don't have a problem with invading forces as I'm not connected online..
But like I said, if you want to level up the fastest way possible, why would I want to avoid monsters? If I can kill them I get souls/drops, and if they take my health down I equip the ring and shield that restore HP so within a minute I'm back to full health without using any herbs. Ofcourse that tactic doesn't work on bosses but I'm pretty sure the ring also doesn't work on bosses regardless.
I did pick up a ring that makes you hard to detect against black demons or something? Can't remember exactly what it said but it was different from the Thief Ring..
Also, is the Lava bow better than the sticky compound long bow+5? Ofcourse right now I only have a Compound Long Bow +3 or something..
And what's up with those crystal gekko's? I killed one of them, but the rest just runs away when they see me, even if I try to shoot them with my bow. And if I hit them I don't kill them in one hit so they just run away!
gdt5016 said:
Walk to the opposite side of the top of the room (where you enter), kill a few blue ghosts. Right above the Reaper's head, lock on. Flame Toss 3/4 times. Done.
Compound Long Bow + 5 is better than Lava Bow and White Bow (?) because it scales with your dexterity stats.
I fired it on an invading black phantom and took 60% of his life. He panicked and I tried to jump behind him to melee his *ss. Unfortunately, I took a step too far and jumped into the river in 1-3 instead (lol).
This might be somewhere recent in the thread, but I skimmed for a while and didn't see it.
I'm trying to kill the blue dragon on this playthrough, and I can't seem to find the supposed safe spot halfway up the stairs. The wiki vaguely mentions it, but it doesn't say which side, and I accidentally killed Biorr (?) in the Penetrator fight earlier, so he's not there to distract the dragon or show me the safe spot where I have read he hangs out and occasionally shoots his crossbow.
I'm just getting tired of going through all the trouble of getting his health halfway down in the first part, then getting immediately roasted looking for the safe spot.
I've never beaten the spider boss in 2-1 or the 5-1 boss without using the hallway/long-range exploit methods. I've beaten all of the other bosses with melee, at least. I actually have never died on the Old King either, and I'm on NG+++ on my main. I still felt the need to admit that I'm cheap when it comes to those other bosses for some reason.
I was surprised you shied away from adjudicator your first trip....
his head is a soft spot (which of course you could mash with a knife if you hurt his owie thingy, but that takes time and effort)....if you put on THEIF RING (as his tongue can get you quickly other wise) and lock on to his face on the top level at the right side, and equip soul arrow with 31 magic, and at least an equal amount of faith while using the talisman of beasts, and turban + kris blade + ring of magicical sharpness....... he goes down in one hit......takes all of 8-9 seconds
....Even on NG+. I would hate to see how high a level you could go to one hit this guy with Morian and Clever rat ring in the mix.
JUst for kicks I tried doing hyper mode on a few a$$es in NG+++ with an old character. i.e. Morian plus clever rats ring. THe north regalia was doing 1200 damage in one swing. I killed the REd dragon in around 6-7 fly-bys but that was by shooting two arrows per was with a plus 5 sticky long bow and only 22 dex.....if you time it right and shoot just after the scream the arrow still hits even though the dragon is not visible yet, then one extra one at the end just before he flies out of sight....must be at the far right opening on first tower lines up perfect if you put your target just to the left of the door back to phalanx. I remember spending 35 minutes and 150 arrows on this guy as a noob....beautifully powerful feeling to quash such a previously resilient beast.
COuldn't stop there carried on to TOwer NIght. Soul ray with MOrian, ring of MS, CLever rat ring, T of beasts, and Turban. Ducked and rolled up to the left ledge (left if facingthe door and TK but I am certain either ledge is the same.) Made sure no arows hit me while getting rid of the three archers from that side. THis was a little tougher than one hit with HSA as he is out of range and holds his shield up most of the time he is not throwing his magic sowrd at you. At first his throws hit the brincks and I just stood there dumbfounded that he was not hitting me out in the open....but then he repositioned and I had to take cover. BUt his throws are the key. Duck out from behind the brick protrusion you were hiding behind (any of those perches that the archers use) after his throw. once he raises his arm to throw the next one, fire soul ray while locked on to his face, and then quickly roll to avoid the spear. I got hit a couple times at first before I got the timing (but with second chance still lived...this wrecked hyper mode only temporarily as I equipped makoto in the hideout, lowered health than got back to business.) FInsihed him off with 4 more soul rays. COuldn't havebeen more than 6-7 soul rays total, and once I got the pattern, zero health loss. YEah I know....cheese is cheese, but after dying so much as a noob Iwanted to pay back this bastage and makehim feel what it is like to have a futile existence for a change.
Don't have a problem with invading forces as I'm not connected online..
But like I said, if you want to level up the fastest way possible, why would I want to avoid monsters? If I can kill them I get souls/drops, and if they take my health down I equip the ring and shield that restore HP so within a minute I'm back to full health without using any herbs. Ofcourse that tactic doesn't work on bosses but I'm pretty sure the ring also doesn't work on bosses regardless.
First, online is awesome and even though I have played this game since 2009 its what brings me back....not the offline stuff. I love asking help of guys and gals on 5.2.... and then just giving them the Large sword of MOonlight as a prize......they can't beleive I'm so generous....until their third playthroigh where they finally realize three of one type of sword is usully not necessary....unless you want to have a crushing, moon, and blessed great swsord on hand, whcih I do for several characters......
Thief ring is IMPERATIVE for noobs doing several bosses, the most NB of which are flamelurker and Old Hero. NOt only does using it solo help give you time to heal and change weapons etc., if you do play online, the boss will inevitably see the other players first and ignore you. Leaving you to take your time learning the moves and changing your weapons as appropriate.
MMaRsu said:
I did pick up a ring that makes you hard to detect against black demons or something? Can't remember exactly what it said but it was different from the Thief Ring..
THat's the graverobber....easiest way to get is to do the back door flip off the edge of the walkway where the dual archers are on 4-1 (just above the copper key) and get it at the top of the planks toward adjudicator.
flipping off that ledge also enables you to kill adjudicator within 2 minutes of starting a new game such that you can farm souls on 4-2 next to IMMEDIATELY after phalanx....try this in pure black world tendency as a female with avarice, bracelets and soul thirst for kicks!!!!!)
THe graverobber is more powerful than theif agaisnt black phantoms, including any ofthe red glowing enemies, not just invaders. As host, you always therefore have the advantage and will see the invader first befofre they see you if you have it equipped. TO really screw with invaders, mix and match your magic or miracles with GR and or THief, (depending on your preference for ring slots vs. magic slots) you can't stack all four, but any two time combo of grave and theif or cloack and the other one makes you prety much invisible........until its too late. REmember to take off other magic buffs etc. or it won't work as the buffs show your glowing outline and it is obvious you are there despite your body is missing. You can tell by looking atthe top left of your screen....NO indicators best be there to be virtually invisible to black phantoms.
MMaRsu said:
Also, is the Lava bow better than the sticky compound long bow+5? Ofcourse right now I only have a Compound Long Bow +3 or something..
THat's why this game is so awesome...there is no other answer to that except it depends......Lava is better early on and only if you pump magic, but automatically gives you fire which stunslocks enemies ( i have never trapped black phantoms on the firewalk in front of a dragon for example)....not as great asthe wiki says. The Sticky bow is better later on if you pump dexterity and can be the best bow, but only if you choose dexterity over magic, if you have high magic and low dex....laval bow is better. YOu can mix and match arrow combos and experiment for surprising results at times....try white arrows in your lava bow and fire arrows in your sticky bow for example! FIanlly it still depends on your enemies! Certain enemies are resilient or weak to either fire or magic, so you gotta know what you are is best for skeletons and any enemies on 4. Holy are better vs. very little actually, although things that shoot fire are usually killed easier by magic and vice versa. WHite Bow is virtually useless as it will not out-damage either ofthe other bows mentioned, except during far-ranged attacks....I think its sole purpose is to hit far away mantas on the place it is found (4.2) Another sue might be in 1-2 before Tower knight wherethe tow archers are so high up thatthey are hard to hit with much damage (unlesss you are in hyper mode adn they fall in three hits each!)
MMaRsu said:
And what's up with those crystal gekko's? I killed one of them, but the rest just runs away when they see me, even if I try to shoot them with my bow. And if I hit them I don't kill them in one hit so they just run away!
THese are imperative if you want to upgrade different and interesting types of weapons......and who does not like trying new and awesome weapon upgrades!!!!!!???? For example, if you want a MAXED Moon great sword for a demon mage character, the only way to get 2 pure moonlightstones with any consistency is to get the geckos during pure black in 3-2 and 3-3.I have NEVER seen pure Darkmoonstone, used to finally max out that cresent falchion +5, without going pure black during storm king and nailing at least one of the two geckos. Each world has their type of stone that geckos drop....they re-spawn one time extra for each boss in a world to a max of 4 spawns total. YOu can kill all enemies around, then reload 3 times to max your farming potential most efficiently for each world. i fyou want to get will be seeing these shiny little friends in your sleep.....the pit in 2.2 is fun to do quickly with firestorm or wrath of god, but Ihave never got ALL of them without thief ring and a good bow.....THIEF RING IS IMPERATIVE for tough crystal geckos that run away too fast. YOu are starting to hear that thief ring is imperative in lot of situations man.....lots of specific MUST HAVE uses for it, despite not keeping it on ALL the time.
Doesn't matter...just like above, some enemies just hate fire, others love it and magic is necessary (flamelurker comes to mind) Soul ray or soul arrow is ALWAYS a staple for ANY character..... unless you are anal about exclusive melee.
Never was into invading until tonight. Just stuck around 1-4, since I like being a blue phantom in that area as well. Got my butt kicked bunch a times; also was unfairly mismatched against a couple poor plebes who could barely dent me with their L2 swings. Ended my night invading the same high-level guy for the fourth time; since I knew I couldn't beat him with my weapons or skills I just withdrew my weapons and shed my armor. Surprisingly he did the same and then for the next 30 minutes we just sparred with our fists, practicing parries and backstabs. A lot of the weapon/shield/armor sound effects were still in play even though we didn't have any of those. Hilarious "duel."
Never was into invading until tonight. Just stuck around 1-4, since I like being a blue phantom in that area as well. Got my butt kicked bunch a times; also was unfairly mismatched against a couple poor plebes who could barely dent me with their L2 swings. Ended my night invading the same high-level guy for the fourth time; since I knew I couldn't beat him with my weapons or skills I just withdrew my weapons and shed my armor. Surprisingly he did the same and then for the next 30 minutes we just sparred with our fists, practicing parries and backstabs. A lot of the weapon/shield/armor sound effects were still in play even though we didn't have any of those. Hilarious "duel."
ONce you try invading in 5.1 or 5.2 you will never go back....those levels are hard enough without you the bastage badass to make the futility complete......or you could just start clearing deparved ones for the poor bastage and everyone can sing 'kum ba ya' together.
This might be somewhere recent in the thread, but I skimmed for a while and didn't see it.
I'm trying to kill the blue dragon on this playthrough, and I can't seem to find the supposed safe spot halfway up the stairs. The wiki vaguely mentions it, but it doesn't say which side, and I accidentally killed Biorr (?) in the Penetrator fight earlier, so he's not there to distract the dragon or show me the safe spot where I have read he hangs out and occasionally shoots his crossbow.
I'm just getting tired of going through all the trouble of getting his health halfway down in the first part, then getting immediately roasted looking for the safe spot.
Giant Depraved are awful First Game or New Game plus-whatever, those motherfuckers are my worst nightmare alongside wolfs.
And yeah, that happens a lot: Yesterday I was fighting that False Idol boss, she was almost dead, I discover his real body, I charge full of myself and then a glyph in the floor paralizes me and a shower of magic rays kill me a few moments later without having a chance to either block or roll...
It was painful...but a part of me liked it, DS is making me a masochist....
Actually I have found two, but why is it so important since right now I'm just killing anybody I come across ( aside from the occasional red eyed enemy off the path ).
Also, what's the best way of taking care of the magician who spawns ghosts in 4-2? Bow?
Thief ring is really important in...4-2!! for example...
because there's a section of the level (after the first mage) where there's a lot of flying motherfuckers that will spawn long range magic at you, well you can kill them with the bow, but you surely don't want to deal with them while fighting golden skeletons..., with the thief ring, they won't attack you, and you can deal with the skeletons and then if you want take down those flying manta rays
Edit: well also the thief ring for 4-2 boss is pretty useful...
Also my favorite way to take down the first magician is just run straight fell to the bottom floor at kill him with 2-3 arrows, neither the ghost or the mage will attack will take a bit of damage but it's probably the fastest way...
in 1-4.
So glad he's out the way for good, I thought. Now to continue to
Old King Allant.
That bastard stole a soul level from me. And on about the 5th attempt, he combo killed me when literally one more hit would have killed him. What a drag =(
Phew. Think I'll calm my nerves with some Pokemon Black before giving him another try tonight! Any tips?
Sort of, it actually removes the stat you have increased the most. So if your Faith starts at 7, and you increase it to 20 and your Dex starts at say 13 and you increase it to 21, your Faith would be lowered. Since you put more levels in it, even though it's a lower overall level. Also, VIT can not be deleveled at all.
They do accumulate between games, but the sage's trophy (all spells learned) needs 2 playthroughs with one character since some spells require the same demon soul.