Not sure if i got you before in salvage or someone having a similar name to you![]()
I am looking for 4 people for crotas end
If Bungie does a UK promotion, I hope you guys return the favor![]()
I'm in a Crucible match, but I can run it when I'm done.Exactly what I was looking for. PSN Priestfact
I am looking for 4 people for crotas end
I'm down psn MutenTurtleI am looking for 4 people for crotas end
I am looking for 4 people for crotas end
What difficulty?
I'm in for HM crota's end/crota.
And for anybody on xbox one, i need to do a nightfall/32 PoE
DGAF you guys are awesome!
38 weeks Colonel. My first was only 6Ibs 6 oz. My wife is pretty little![]()
i can join for fun run
I am looking for 4 people for crotas end
I'd really like to get in on a run of Skolas, CE or VoG, but nothing seems to be coming together today.
If anyone is still looking to do Crota, I'm in
I am looking for 4 people for crotas end
VoG Hard (full run)
When: as soon as we get a full team
System: PS4
1) Namikaze1
Still farmingDoing some glimmer farming in HM GK. Feel free to jump in. Mic is off
Party will be set to public
Grats on the new addition to the fam. Nice to hear everyone is fine save for some sleep.
Busy day. Will start up later.Doesn't look like the Unstable train is running today!
Nami, fig, hawkian and anyone else who wants to join. Podcast is at 7 pm est tonight if we can get enough people.
Topic is taken king and pricing shenanigans.
Busy day. Will start up later.
Still farming
Busy day. Will start up later.
Trials anyone?
Why wouldn't you buy all the boons immediately?
Not the best, but would love to try for boots/silver...
I usually go just the boon for the initial win then after 5 wins get the mercy then at 7 get the double. Well I actually forgot to get the last 2 then I got them both @ 7-0. Lost the first match which kept me at 7-0 then won for 8-0 then lost.
UrkMcGurk: @TheLegendBlue @DestinyDads Bungie Day should be fun, but it's not a big reveal day. Never the intent! Set expectations accordingly.![]()
What is the for?
Do you know who won the Tournament that included Triple?
Sorry if this has been asked to death, but where does the flag spawn in trials this week?
Sorry if this has been asked to death, but where does the flag spawn in trials this week?
Sorry if this has been asked to death, but where does the flag spawn in trials this week?
Looking for 1 more for Trials, aiming for Mercury. PSN blazeuk
Just outside the room, between the big pillar and that little tunnel near the outside heavy.
Edit - Double beaten ^^
In the outside area, just outside of the middle door.
Outside center.
Team WTSisPoshy wrecked team ShesMyNerd in the final.
ShesMyNerd is the top Crucible player by DTR score but his team was ranked fourth and they upset the second ranked team in th semis.
Poshy had the number one seated team and wrecked it.
As far as I know team Triple didn't make it into the top four.
What is the for? Can you elaborate? I don't know what you mean.
Sorry. Meant to say what is this for. A podcast of sorts? What are you asking for people to help out with? Im curious.
Today was an awesome run for ToO, made many people happy with Mercury hopefully. Maybe squeeze in some games tomorrow, and otherwise next week again!
Oh its the destinygaf podcast. Check out the first page.
We always try to get people to join us, but most people seem to be busy or don't want to join in.