Still not feeling the urge to play yet. As if a huge weight had been taken from it. Although given how I just got dumped, playing Destiny would be a great idea.
Ah yes forgot about the Reef. I do have some gear already for Hunter. Trying to get to 34 as quick as possible though since I have a ton of Etheric light hanging around. Forgot what's required to get to 34.Armor cores? Any Hunter exotics you kept around?
Otherwise it's ranking up Vanguard/PvP. The Vanguard arms are really good (I/D HC reload). FWC helmet is nice.
Except has it been stated anywhere that Destiny 2 is an expansion? And Destiny isn't an MMO. It's a console game.
All those examples posted are PC MMOS. Destiny 2 will be brand new so it can be bigger and in doing so it'll leave the last gen behind leaving any possibilities of it being an expansion to what's currently out.
Ofcourse, I've thought about that.
But what it doesn't take into encounter is the post game content which will be the same level for everyone..the nightfalls, raids and everything. If post game content is level 40.
Then someone who buys Destiny 2 without Destiny 1 and starts from level 1 might need to grind before they are able to play the post game content compared to someone who has played Destiny 1 and has characters at that level. If they don't then the current playerbase will call out for it being too easy for people to hit level similar to them etc etc, but if the new players are made to grind then they might leave the game believing that the game is geared towards older players.
Deej said back in December that characters would carry over to sequels, so why is there still speculation on that?
It WILL have 2 in the title.
Jason Schreier and Kirk Hamilton join us to talk about their experience playing The Taken King at E3!
We hope you enjoy the episode.
Ah yes forgot about the Reef. I do have some gear already for Hunter. Trying to get to 34 as quick as possible though since I have a ton of Etheric light hanging around. Forgot what's required to get to 34.
Anyone want to run a Normal Crota's End around 4:45 PM EST? I'm looking to knock one out before running errands/preparing dinner.
1. OwensboroEsq
Deej said back in December that characters would carry over to sequels, so why is there still speculation on that?
It WILL have 2 in the title.
Jason Schreier and Kirk Hamilton join us to talk about their experience playing The Taken King at E3!
We hope you enjoy the episode.
Oh my, what?Still not feeling the urge to play yet. As if a huge weight had been taken from it. Although given how I just got dumped, playing Destiny would be a great idea.
So you asked for examples from MMOs but now those don't count because Destiny isn't an MMO?
I can see we're having a real discussion here.
Welcome to the master race of Hunters.Also what's up with meleeing as a Hunter? Not sounding creepy but stabbing people in PVP is insanely fun as a Hunter and seems more powerful than normal. I got the majority of my kills that way.
I prefaced this whole thing with "Destiny is an MMO that isn't an MMO."
Bungie is exactly the kind of company who will make us restart from scratch. Look at everything we're going through with the DLCs.
People will buy Destiny 2 because it will have new things and by the time it comes out we'll be bored with the things we have.
Has there been any indication that anything from the current game will be transferred over?
Does anyone use auto rifle?
Does anyone use auto rifle?
On Reddit, a Bungie employee posted that the Necrochasm is beastly in the current TTK build.
I FINALLY got the Monte Carlo from the big chest after you do Dance With Elders.
I wanted the Monte Carlo because it looked good so was so happy to get it.
I've changed from my single shot One/One Synthesete.
There is no way a leak like this comes from a random employee who takes it upon themselves to leak this info secretly to Reddit IMO. That account is probably typed out by Deej IMO and the order to leak the info was authorized IMO.
If I am right then why does Bungie leak info this way?
There is no way a leak like this comes from a random employee who takes it upon themselves to leak this info secretly to Reddit IMO. That account is probably typed out by Deej IMO and the order to leak the info was authorized IMO.
If I am right then why does Bungie leak info this way?
I don't care about flawless. There is literally no adept weapon I care to have above what I've gotten already, and I have 30 some etheric light with every piece of owned gear ascended. In short, no pressure. I sent you a party inv.
Interesting but Kotaku is filled with bullscrap "journalists and journalism" only a couple are good. Was it a good experience for you?
I'm clicking on the giant yellow thing but nothing is happening.
There is no way a leak like this from an official account like that comes from a random employee who takes it upon themselves to leak this info secretly to Reddit IMO. That post is probably typed out by Deej IMO and the order to leak the info was authorized IMO.
If I am right then why does Bungie leak info this way?
I don't think it's that complex; Bungie/Deej do not work that way. I'd take the post as either someone posing as someone from Bungie, or someone from Bungie being over enthusiastic and posting when they should not have.
That account posts a lot of cool info and statistics. Feel free to go through the post history - there are some interesting tidbits.
I put the link in the word episode. I will make the giant yellow thing work as well. Give me a second.
I'm just being a jerk but cool. Already downloaded.![]()
Ah yes forgot about the Reef. I do have some gear already for Hunter. Trying to get to 34 as quick as possible though since I have a ton of Etheric light hanging around. Forgot what's required to get to 34.
Oh my, what?
Sad to hear this, really. :/
Don't know if playing in those circumstances would that good of an idea, but I suppose you just have to do whatever you feel like would work for you.
I mentioned you on the episode. Lol
Nah, it wasn't something that serious. We have been dating for a time, but it ended in the friendzone, sadly. I had a bit of hope things would keep advancing, but.. that's life.
I just want' to be with people, even if digitally. I've been all the evening troubleshotting a serious mess of computer (I'm betting on a faulty hard drive), and I really really need to shoot something.
BTW, one thing about HoW. For the Wrath of The Queen missions, do the wolves spain at specific times? I could try to wait in the divide, but I don't know if they come every 30 or 60 minutes.
BTW, one thing about HoW. For the Wrath of The Queen missions, do the wolves spain at specific times? I could try to wait in the divide, but I don't know if they come every 30 or 60 minutes.
Still need to do a bunch of 32s and 34s.
Anyone want to help?
PSN AdamKoy
Jason Schreier and Kirk Hamilton join us to talk about their experience playing The Taken King at E3!
We hope you enjoy the episode.
Yah don't be shy!
You don't have to talk a lot just communication in raids is essential at times IMO and everyone here is really cool to talk to.
Story, strikes, and lower level Prison of Elders content need very little communication, but Raids, and 34/35 PoE? Those are beasts best taken on with communication.
For raids or competitive crucible yes, but we are nice I promise![]()
The game is fun even by yourself, but Bungie designed it so that in some modes you absolutely need friends to play with and did they allow for matchmaking in those game modes? Nope. Its a really fun game that at times youll notice is very stupidly designed.
add me on psn crophonso
we can bro up and roll sometime, i'm very experienced in getting rejected by woman
it's my class skill
I've been meaning to be in one of these for a while now, even asked once to join...why do I never get asked ?![]()
On Reddit, a Bungie employee posted that the Necrochasm is beastly in the current TTK build.
I'm down psn biggy70686Shit. We lost our third. Don't suppose anyone wants to hop in to help Pew and I try to finish our ticket (6-0 with a mercy left)?
What I find more disheartening is that the sandbox team loves bullet hoses. Sigh.
What I find more disheartening is that the sandbox team loves bullet hoses. Sigh.