Same. I have another with Third Eye, Small Bore, and Rangefinder that is also beastly (the range means it outsnipes snipers half the time).
I'd like to see that in trials..on the map thats running right now
Just sayin'
Same. I have another with Third Eye, Small Bore, and Rangefinder that is also beastly (the range means it outsnipes snipers half the time).
Ok, whats the best roll for a pilgrim? Gonna start reforging now.
I'll join.Have three for Crota. Anyone else want to join?
PSN- SheriffofPaddys
I'm down but I'm a raid virgin though so be gentle....Have three for Crota. Anyone else want to join?
PSN- SheriffofPaddys
Have three for Crota. Anyone else want to join?
PSN- SheriffofPaddys
I'd like to see that in trials..on the map thats running right now![]()
Just sayin'
Have three for Crota. Anyone else want to join?
PSN- SheriffofPaddys
Have three for Crota. Anyone else want to join?
PSN- SheriffofPaddys
So close. Great sights, headseeker. Hls. But feeding frenzy... Tempted to keep it tho.
♪ Dragon Strikes, Dragon Strikes, go and farm those Dragon Strikes! ♪Got the ash factory, my weapon parts aren't ready...
♪ Dragon Strikes, Dragon Strikes, go and farm those Dragon Strikes! ♪
I have Braced Frame and Hidden Hand on mine, which some say is a great combo. Maxed stability.
Keep in mind Rodeo is useless for a pulse rifle, which I also have. :/
You can use this to play with the rolls.
Rolling Small Bore and Rangefinder might be fun to test out near maxed range.
♪ Can he get weapon parts? No he can't, coz Blue Engrams suck. Look out, he'll be farming forever... ♪You sang that to the Spiderman theme, didntcha?
Smallbore + Rangefinder is pretty fun. I still prefer my Handlaid + Headseeker, but it's a solid roll.
I'm down if you give me couple of minutes.Need one more for Trials, join on perineumlick psn.
Congrats!OMFG The Pilgrim on my 3rd Dragon Strike! Yes!
Psn dyergramNeed one more for Trials, join on perineumlick psn.
Me haha. I'll be ready in an hour! Have to feed my nephews
I'd be interested in teaming up with you when you go for another Trials run. My PSN = Ikkarus.
Alright gentlemen who's coming with crofunso and sticky ikky?
Pushing for Mercury.
Why not
Sent req.Need one more for Trials, join on perineumlick psn.
It was a good run dude and congrats on your first Mercury trip!Thanks so much gentlemen. My first trip to Mercury after starting playing shortly before last weekend after a loooooong 5 month break. So happy to have found DGAF, I feel as at home here as I did in my favorite WoW guilds way back in the day. So awesome to want to get on and run a raid even though I'm already locked out just because the people are great.
Anyway, we had
on card. one opportunity. to seize everything we ever wanted.
and we captured it
unfortunately I was only able to snag this lame looking pistol![]()
love ya DGAF
It was a good run dude and congrats on your first Mercury trip!
A small part of me was hoping you were lying about getting the solar jewel but alas it's true!
I'm down. PSN zewoneNeed a solid third for flawless. Who's up for some trails? Let's go to Mercury!
PSN: DirtyAquaticApe
Thanks so much gentlemen. My first trip to Mercury after starting playing shortly before last weekend after a loooooong 5 month break. So happy to have found DGAF, I feel as at home here as I did in my favorite WoW guilds way back in the day. So awesome to want to get on and run a raid even though I'm already locked out just because the people are great.
Anyway, we had
on card. one opportunity. to seize everything we ever wanted.
and we captured it
unfortunately I was only able to snag this lame looking pistol![]()
love ya DGAF
Check out this guy trolling with his Solar Jewel. Haha.
Great run with you two!
Lol no trial required, everyone is encouraged to join. There's no admin approval needed either, so anyone who requests is automatically approved. Welcome aboard!
Speaking of around the world, I want to take a survey of how many countries are represented in DGAF. Off the top of my head, I can think of USA, Canada, England, Scotland, Belgium, Germany, India, Pakistan, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil and probably a lot more that I'm forgetting right now. Let me know if your country isn't listed here!
Awwwww yissss! About 100weapon parts....
Ash Factory God Roll:
- Warhead Verneirs
- Clow Cartridge
- Javelin
- Grenades & Horseshoes
Clown Cartridge represent!
Dude seriously, after seeing your endless supply of rockets when we played I had to get it.
Athough for trials I think tripod would probably be better. The only thing about the ash factory I don't love it 1 rocket per mag.
Leveling this sucker now!
S. Korea
S. Africa
and last but not the least....Isle ofManwo
I remember cause I've played with one at least one gaffer from each of these countries.
Ok... so here's what I don't like about my current pilgrim.
Hand-Laid Stock gives me maxed Stability but it really cuts my range to "you're better just using a hand cannon at this point" range...
Is braced frame a better option?
Dude seriously, after seeing your endless supply of rockets when we played I had to get it.
Athough for trials I think tripod would probably be better. The only thing about the ash factory I don't love it 1 rocket per mag.
Leveling this sucker now!
Haha I managed to load the bridge checkpoint twice by accident. Nice start
I like braced frame myself.
Clown Cartridge really isn't worth it on launchers with 2 in the mag. You start with 3 total usually, and even if you get an extra one after reloading, you now have 3 in the chamber and 0 in reserve, so you can't even proc CC again. So with CC, you really want 1 in the chamber. Ash Factory is the only launcher I know of that lets you pick up 4 rockets even though it only has 1 in the chamber too.
What's the mag size with Braced Frame?