It's just the website giving wrong info.
Happens to me nearly every reset with PoEs or raids.
Don't worry, in game it will be reset.![]()
Who is making the new OT? Where is Drizzzzzzay?
He be raiding.
He said he has everything ready for it. Just waiting for the rather unpredictable time to post the new one.Is he making the new OT?
Staring up NF if anyone wants to join. I won't be checking here until after I'm done probably. PSN is KC_Darkness, join in. No mic atm, wife is sleep.
Thanks for the run! Sorry for only being 31! Got Obsidian Mind for my Warlock, not sure if it's nice or what.
Thanks for the run! Sorry for only being 31! Got Obsidian Mind for my Warlock, not sure if it's nice or what.
Shank burn.
I can't bring myself to buy it.
Nightfall time, gonna steal ji66a's bones.![]()
Congrats Puma!
Twins? Whoa! Comgrats and good luck.
Congrats, Puma!
Awesome. Start working on those exotic collections for their 16th birthdays!
Yeah! That's awesome man! Congrats to you and the wife!
Edit: lol 'fale human'
kid's just been born![]()
Whoa congrats! Lots of little guardians being born, T-minus 3 months until mine joins the fray
Congrats man!
Congrats Puma! There must be something in the water with these Destiny Players wives getting pregnant.
Oh my god, congratulations!
I don't understand how you were able to choose the classes but congrats anyway.
Start farming Gjallahorns now...
Congrats Puma! The next generation of Guardians looks to be in great hands.
Grats on the twins! My daughter is 2mo now and I cannot be happier. Destiny will be here waiting.
That's beautiful puma. Huge congrats. Also don't envy your nights for the next 3 months. I can't imagine having twins. One little one is already on heroic mode. Twins has to be a no burn night fall lol
Congrats man! You got yourself quite a handful. The sleepless nights await.
Congrats!!! Amazing . . .
Hey Shok where you at?
Room for 1 in nightfall
Looking to get one more NF in for my Titan.
Is he making the new OT?
It's ready, just waiting for this one to reach 20k.
6 for a win, 4 for a loss. It used to be 3 and 2 until like a month or two ago so you're in luckI hardly play crucible, and I need the 100 marks in a week trophy for platinum.
I am having a hard time working out how many marks you get for a win and a loss after house of wolves release. Is it 4 for a loss and 6 for a win?
Does the nightfall bonus affect marks you earn?
Is there a way to maximise your time? A particular game type better than another for earning them?
6 for a win, 4 for a loss. It used to be 3 and 2 until like a month or two ago so you're in luck
As for modes: there isn't a super huge difference in the time it takes for a match to end across modes in my experience. Probably Clash or Control?
And no, Nightfall won't boost Mark gains (only rep).
I had voidfang vestments drop today in a nightfall.... I don't even have a warlock... what gives?
Hmmm anyway to find out what the Queens Bounties are today? I'm currently at work and doesn't seem to show them.
I'm missing two bounties that I can make 5 grimoire from each, want to get those done...
Need 1 more for NFx3. PSN is Darknyss
You don't even need the bounties to get the grimoire. Just go kill whoever it is.Hmmm anyway to find out what the Queens Bounties are today? I'm currently at work and doesn't seem to show them.
I'm missing two bounties that I can make 5 grimoire from each, want to get those done...
Clearly the game is telling you to join the dark side.
Just go to the spot and kill the enemy to get the grimoire. You don't need to wait for the bounty to appear.
You don't even need the bounties to get the grimoire. Just go kill whoever it is.
Pardon the incredibly basic PS4 question, but I see people say "hop in" to their game a lot... is there a way to join someone's game without both people being "friends"? Or are all you people already on each other's friend lists? Up to this point I've always thought you had to get someone on your friend's list in order to join their game / invite them if you don't see them actually in world (and hit the "inspect/invite" button). I know you can set your fireteam to "anyone", but I figured that was just for people running around in the same zone about to do a quest.
If you can join without inviting...I'm sorry I spammed everyone with all those friend requests in order to set up raids![]()
Most of the regulars have each other by now. Otherwise you can join someone's game via party chat if their fireteam is open to Public and not Friends Only.Pardon the incredibly basic PS4 question, but I see people say "hop in" to their game a lot... is there a way to join someone's game without both people being "friends"? Or are all you people already on each other's friend lists? Up to this point I've always thought you had to get someone on your friend's list in order to join their game / invite them if you don't see them actually in world (and hit the "inspect/invite" button). I know you can set your fireteam to "anyone", but I figured that was just for people running around in the same zone about to do a quest.
If you can join without inviting...I'm sorry I spammed everyone with all those friend requests in order to set up raids![]()
Yeah, you can just invite them to party chat and join that way. Never done it myself, but that's how I understand it.
Most of the regulars have each other by now. Otherwise you can join someone's game via party chat if their fireteam is open to Public and not Friends Only.
Coming!2 spots for hard crota from the beginning.
Join on ruthlesbarbarian
2 spots for hard crota from the beginning.
Join on ruthlesbarbarian
We have room for 1. PSN is DarknyssAnyone for that hott NF action?
I'll join, psn Teasing_PinkWe have room for 1. PSN is Darknyss