So it's that time of night again where i start posting messed up theories about VoG. Or lore. Or anything in Destiny really.
I'm still convinced that there's something that we're missing in VoG. I dunno why but i just do.
So, i've been cross referencing the Grimiore
again and the way in which the grimiore for the Vex Mythoclast is worded stands out.
There's a number of things above which to me, is very selective of the words used.
For a start, the weapon is not referred to as a weapon, but as an
instrument. An instrument by its own definition is a tool or implement, especially one for precision work. It's something designed for a purpose.
If the vex was just a weapon, why not call it a weapon?
If you go and have a look at all the "Vex Armoury" grimiore, all of them are refered to as weapons:
Lets look at the rest of what it says about the Vex Mythoclast, particularly about its origins:
The Vex is from
some far-flung corner of time and space, mysteriously fit for human hands.
The Vault of Glass is a place where time frays and a needle moves through it. The needle is the will of Atheon. I do not know the name of the shape that comes after the needle. As per
Vault of glass - Kabr
In VoG you move between the past, the present(?), and the future. Kabr explored VoG alone.
He created the relic Aegis from his own light and the skin of a Vex. Could he himself have retrieved the Vex Mythoclast? Could he have created it like he created the Aegis? What reason is there for it
mysteriously being fit for human hands? Too mysterious i think.
The Aegis is in both the past and the future and then brought back to the present by us, the guardians during the showdown with Atheon. Why is the Aegis in the past and future in the first place?
Atheon wouldn't put it there by choice. Why give us something voluntarily to kill him?
I think Kabr managed to travel to both the past and future himself where he left the Aegis for us.
Finally this piece:
Again if we go back to the fact that this is a "Vex Instrument" and
not primarily a weapon, it hints that it has a purpose. What is that purpose? Why put that in there if it has no meaning?
Like i said at the start of this post, the words used for this grimiore card are very deliberate. It's not just a coincidence or a mistake.
VoG is all about time as per the quote a few up that i posted. You travel to the past and the future when fighting Atheon. Atheons will shapes time. He passes through time as he pleases shaping time as he desires. To go back to that quote though:
What comes after the needle? The needle is apparently Atheon, so what comes after him? There's something....but