We need a new OT title - we're approaching the end soon!
The Grasps only have speed reload for Special Weapon and Heavy Weapon. Spine and Don't Touch Me have for Primary weapons
Destiny lOT♦33| Giant Bomb Approved
Uh, well, shit. GutZ, was I not supposed to approve all of the requests sent to the DGAF community?
I thought these were sent to me personally on PSN (it puts it in your notifications akin to someone sending you a message). Now I'm pretty worried that wasn't how that was supposed to go. There were.... somewhere well over 100. My sincere apologies if I screwed something up here.
I've sent invites to those who were in my inbox and hadn't sent in a community request.
In related news the DGAF community on PSN currently has 671 members holy fuck you guys.
Hum... So I was doing CoO with some gaffers and I got booted to the dash.
Not even destiny's title screen. The actual PS4 dash.
Now I try to log back in and it just stalls until it times out.
Da fuck is going on?
Well, there were already ~500 before I just approved any. I actual recognize the vast majority of the names, too. Insanity O____O671? No way, half of those must be SPAM bots.
Yeah, GutZ and I wanted the Dgaf community in ps4 to only compose of Gaf memenbers with the few expections such as justgotwicked for example. That's why we wanted people to PM their gaf name and psn name so we can confirm who's who's. Welp I think it shows the member in order of acceptation so the newest people will be under the mods. Guess we can go through it again later and clean it up...Uh, well, shit. GutZ, was I not supposed to approve all of the requests sent to the DGAF community?
I thought these were sent to me personally on PSN (it puts it in your notifications akin to someone sending you a message). Now I'm pretty worried that wasn't how that was supposed to go. There were.... somewhere well over 100. My sincere apologies if I screwed something up here.
I've sent invites to those who were in my inbox and hadn't sent in a community request.
In related news the DGAF community on PSN currently has 671 members holy fuck you guys.
Who says you can't snipe in mid air? ]
I can give you a hand. Let me log in. Psn same as gaf.Hey guys, I have a charged argonarch rune and I'm only one fragment from touch of malice. Anyone available to help? PSN is johnnycubsfan.
Hey guys, I have a charged argonarch rune and I'm only one fragment from touch of malice. Anyone available to help? PSN is johnnycubsfan.
I see what you mean. Is that what the order is? It didn't seem to have any rhyme or reason to it so that makes sense.Yeah, GutZ and I wanted the Dgaf community in ps4 to only compose of Gaf memenbers with the few expections such as justgotwicked for example. That's why we wanted people to PM their gaf name and psn name so we can confirm who's who's. Welp I think it shows the member in order of acceptation so the newest people will be under the mods. Guess we can go through it again later and clean it up...
Gimme like 5 minutes and I'll do the rune with you. Probably keep my mic off since I just got home but it's not too complicated.
I see what you mean. Is that what the order is? It didn't seem to have any rhyme or reason to it so that makes sense.
If you remember what our member count was before 8:45 PM, I can delete members until we're back to that number.
I only have 6 PMs in my GAF inbox, so I thought all of these were requests to me personally from GAFfers. After going back and looking at the community page I realized they were (I guess?) just requests that are listed to all the mods?
I'll give you a hand. Add me:kojirospath
I need the void so I'll help. Psn Tigerheli
I do have one job, and it kept me from getting home until after 8pm today, and I wanted to get the community approval stuff done before my newbie raid which starts in negative 7 minutes.Damnit Hawkian, you had one job.
I made that random 'court of oryx meet up' community for destiny, there was 13 members when I went to work this morning
I got home and there is now like 675 and people and it turned it into a LFG site for everything, not just CoO
kind of dissapointed, I wanted it to be focused on just CoO
(there was some spam bots, but I blocked them and there posts)
Haha no idea what it was back around 8:45 pmI see what you mean. Is that what the order is? It didn't seem to have any rhyme or reason to it so that makes sense.
If you remember what our member count was before 8:45 PM, I can delete members until we're back to that number.
I only have 6 PMs in my GAF inbox, so I thought all of these were requests to me personally from GAFfers. After going back and looking at the community page I realized they were (I guess?) just requests that are listed to all the mods?
I do have one job, and it kept me from getting home until after 8pm today, and I wanted to get the community approval stuff done before my newbie raid which starts in negative 7 minutes.
Frankly, I know this is Sony's first attempt at this stuff but the functionality and notification is a bit opaque. I didn't expect to see stuff that wasn't sent to me personally pop up in my notifications especially after turning off Community notifications last night.
I want to apologize to Rawr and GutZ for not understanding the process and potentially accepting people that shouldn't have been. If you want to give me your lists of people from PMs to go over I can remove the members that haven't sent in requests or I can blanket remove the last however many people it was (if one of you can remember the last person you accepted) with an apology to those that came after and would need to resubmit their requests.
Big shout-outs to Koji and commish for helping with that Light Level 300 Strike for my Exotic Sword Quest! Especially Kojiro who didn't even need it! Definitely gonna be my top priority to get him a Spindle next time the Daily rolls around next week!
I do have one job, and it kept me from getting home until after 8pm today, and I wanted to get the community approval stuff done before my newbie raid which starts in negative 7 minutes.
Frankly, I know this is Sony's first attempt at this stuff but the functionality and notification is a bit opaque. I didn't expect to see stuff that wasn't sent to me personally pop up in my notifications especially after turning off Community notifications last night.
I want to apologize to Rawr and GutZ for not understanding the process and potentially accepting people that shouldn't have been. If you want to give me your lists of people from PMs to go over I can remove the members that haven't sent in requests or I can blanket remove the last however many people it was (if one of you can remember the last person you accepted) with an apology to those that came after and would need to resubmit their requests.
I'm sticking with this for OT 33:
Destiny |OT♦33| The 1% of the 1%.
I see. Sorry about this. I'm trying to see if there's a log of acceptance or a "last online" or anything but tools seem a bit limited.Haha no idea what it was back around 8:45 pmit's all good. All the request is from anyone that wants to join. And I went through the PMs and invited each person. we will figure it out. Uhh hmm trying to think of the best way to fix this. I know there was about 200 unknown people who sent a request. But no worries we will figure this out
I started farming Flakes. Got 26 so far. Let's see if I can get 50 before GB finishes raid
I started farming Flakes. Got 26 so far. Let's see if I can get 50 before GB finishes raid
Or just
Destiny |OT♦33| The 0.01%
I need two as well. Will join up on you in a minute. Mic will be off though.I need 2 NF runs . Anyone willing to help?
They patched the 'leave and come back' glitch so it's a little longer but there are maps that show you where all the chest locations are.How fast is the farm? I still need to farm for a sword eventually. Probably work on that Saturday after work.
Or just
Destiny |OT♦33| The 0.01%