How fast is the farm? I still need to farm for a sword eventually. Probably work on that Saturday after work.
Got 25 in like 30-40 min I think. Not as bad as I thought.
How fast is the farm? I still need to farm for a sword eventually. Probably work on that Saturday after work.
I need 2 NF runs . Anyone willing to help?
We need a new OT title - we're approaching the end soon!
No problem man, I barely do anything for the community so I thought it was about time to give something back. Won't be saying no to that Spindle thoughBig shout-outs to Koji and commish for helping with that Light Level 300 Strike for my Exotic Sword Quest! Especially Kojiro who didn't even need it! Definitely gonna be my top priority to get him a Spindle next time the Daily rolls around next week!
Frankly I am unsure. Some of them were gaffers from TTK thread I recognize. I am unsure if people are automatically added if they were invited or they have to accept the invite I sent them. If you remember any of those names, feel free to delete them. Anyways I will be free sometimes next weekend to help clean it up. I have about 130ish confirm PSN names.I see. Sorry about this. I'm trying to see if there's a log of acceptance or a "last online" or anything but tools seem a bit limited.
I could delete the most recent 200 people just to be safe?
edit: Newbies sorry for the delay. Sending out invites now.
Atleast for me, it's the easiest way to confirm gaf name with psn name. There is prob a better way tho haha.Sent in a request for the DestinyGAF community. PSN Mr_antimatter.
Do we have a more formal way of requesting membership besides just IMing members?
Sent in a request for the DestinyGAF community. PSN Mr_antimatter.
Do we have a more formal way of requesting membership besides just IMing members?
Alright, next weekend it is. October 10 to be more precise. That's the date of the King's Fall Flawless attempt. That's enough time for folks to prepare themselves.
Now I just need to get a group who knows all the mechanics and are skilled in certain puzzles for the attempt...
It's... rather likely you've been added nowI forgot about this, im in the normal gaf community but the DGaf one had not added me up until i left for work last night, so if anyone could like, errr, hit the big red button....
No not that button Jeremy.
I would appreciate it
Yeah, the puzzles are my main concern. Especially the first one. I don't have to say why we all know why.The fights are ridiculously easy. Those jumping puzzles though...
Destiny |OT♦33| DUNK!!!! The Taken King!
Yeah, the puzzles are my main concern. Especially the first one. I don't have to say why we all know why.
Everything else is easy.
Second one is easy if you take your time. It's the first one with a certain ship that can ruin runs.The jump puzzles are easy.
Got it. Damn. I felt like 6 in my PMs was quite low, so I was like "oh here they all are" when I saw them in my notifications and just started spamming to get through it before 9. Was doing it rapidfire when I started to get toward the bottom I noticed just how many requests it actually was and was like "oh shit..."Yeah unfortunately there were some weirdos requesting to join the community. Personally I know there were non-Gaffers on my friend's list asking to join after they saw me in it :-/ Communitites is a weird feature, there's not a lot of admin tools.
Looks like I have 4 out of 5 no shows for the newbie raid tonight. That's unprecedentedNone of them said anything in advance for me to seek out alts either...
FRENDEN... come help this newbie and I, we'll 3man VoG lol.
Got it. Damn. I felt like 6 in my PMs was quite low, so I was like "oh here they all are" when I saw them in my notifications and just started spamming to get through it before 9. Was doing it rapidfire when I started to get toward the bottom I noticed just how many requests it actually was and was like "oh shit..."
Need one for fresh Kings Fall raid.
Yes please, lol... this is kinda sadI can give you guys a hand if you need it.
Yes please, lol... this is kinda sad
PSN Zocano
Only got 290-ish lock but have ToM
Mayhem clash = who ever has the most Titans win.
Second one is easy if you take your time. It's the first one with a certain ship that can ruin runs.
That's the one folks will need to practice for. Second one you just need to take it slow.
Crap. My wife got home early. I wanted to help but can't.Welp, anyone else wanna help carry a lone newbie through the Vault of Glass?
So perplexed as to what happened to the rest of my signups,,,
Taken War quest. UGH. I'd rather farm 9999999999999999 flakes.
If it's the ship I'm thinking of then yeah, fuck that ship. I'm definitely not confident enough with the jumps yet to attempt a flawless run.
Welp, anyone else wanna help carry a lone newbie through the Vault of Glass?
So perplexed as to what happened to the rest of my signups,,,
not only do I not mind... that's what this is for! lolif you dont mind having another newb i'll join VoG run (never ran it), (i couldnt find anyone to help with the last portion of the KF raid (last 2 bosses) so i'll join ya if you want a 296 warlock. PSN : SensuiTomo
Yes please, lol... this is kinda sad
The true flawless is not dying with Igor's lagswitch.
Oh it's that ship alright. I can sometimes make it on my first attempt. Other times on my second attempt.If it's the ship I'm thinking of then yeah, fuck that ship. I'm definitely not confident enough with the jumps yet to attempt a flawless run.
I made lasagna earlier. I'm good for now.
vault of glass...?i haven't run the raid yet Hawk, if you got a spot, i will gladly fill a vacancy
Alright, next weekend it is. October 10 to be more precise. That's the date of the King's Fall Flawless attempt. That's enough time for folks to prepare themselves.
Now I just need to get a group who knows all the mechanics and are skilled in certain puzzles for the attempt...
Happy to take on any other newbies that want to do VoG!