I realize you're talking about current players at this moment in time, but your post made me realize that, after rolling a new Warlock through level 10 yesterday, the most outward facing changes yesterday are aimed at new players. The combination of all the new quests (I had six on tap by level 6) and bounties mean that we have a constant stream of stuff to work on, no matter what you're doing. Working through a few quests in tandem while I leveled up was the strongest feeling of forward progress the game has provided to date.
I feel like with 2.0 they are realizing the original vision for the game, of letting you play it in a wide variety of ways and still progress. And it's really nice to have the light system leveling alongside the character level; the two metrics make sense, and will avoid that weird feeling of hitting the level cap and not knowing what to do. We'll know when we hit it that the loot chase is on, rather than there being that old hard pivot.
not to mention how they actually integrated the DLC quests into the random story quests we got in 1.0 are now fantastic.
Everyone remembers just getting thrown to the moon, grabbing the sword of crota slashing the 3 kings and killing them the first time only to immediately be sent to mars/venus.
NOT ANYMORE! It now immediately expands into the dark below after that if you so desire and actually expands in a relative narrative order. While 1.0 story basically is just an introduction to the problems while the DLC now expands on them via quest integration. Don't forget that the quest text has been thoroughly thought through and expands on every 1.0 story quest as well giving more detail then before. It's like they finally integrated the important parts of the grimoire that you naturally had to go onto the website to look up back story into the quests themselves to just integrate it into the game. I got to level 14 yesterday but holy shit if this is the time for anyone to jump in for a first time or level an alternative character it is fucking NOW. It has been an amazing experience thus far and it's even better being top 2 in PvP when your a level 10 vs the 34's XD.....I have white weapons breh come on!
But yes, there is a reason that the update pertains to new players and thats to garner hype to the actual launch for all the post players next week. All in all......Destiny 2.0 has been nothing short of spectacular and I look forward to getting home and journeying even more. I'm happy I deleted my worthless 25 hunter, I would actually be missing out on the beautiful quest integration.
Oh yes, did I mention a lot of the quests give fantastic gear, weapons and ghosts along the way