Yeah that's what you get when you gear around blessed shield. Pretty damn effective. Only problem is it sucks for single target so you better hope theres mobs around when the boss spawns
Lots of room for improvement, not even close to peaking.I think I've peaked with this current set, at least until I find a Mirrorball and a Thunderfury.
Anyone wants to offer any tips, I'm all ears.
This usually makes something like Manticore more preferable for a Cluster Arrow build because attack speed is not that relevant for that build and you want a weapon that hits hard, not exactly fast.
I'm not familiar with Crusader's end-game setup but why does Blessed Shield not seem to cost any Wrath for him?
I'm not familiar with Crusader's end-game setup but why does Blessed Shield not seem to cost any Wrath for him?
If you need gold do the t6 bounty "clear hell rift" with a group. Easy way to get gold/xp
Should I have a recipe for Reapers Wraps? I don't see it listed at the Blacksmith.
I'm not sure I know anyone who could carry me!
Lots of room for improvement, not even close to peaking.
Helm - Andariel's or Broken Crown (the one with attk spd)
Amulet - something with fire ele instead of vit (or even attk spd)
Bracers - Reaper's with 20% fire and 6% crit (or whatever other legendary affix you like) or complement shoulders with Aughild's
Rings - Stone of Jordan, Unity, Royal Ring of Grandeur
Off-hand - Even Triumvirate would be a better source here
Belt - Witching Hour
Weapon - any higher DPS weapon would be better suited (Ancient Bonesaber e.g.)
Bracers/Shoulders/Legs/Pants - these should be filled with set slots. Blackthorne is okay if you don't have anything better but far from desirable. Try building Cain's.
You're stacking vit and life per hit instead of fire dmg or attack speed and I'm not sure why. As fire, your main damage dealer will come from your primary attack, thus you want to attack as fast as possible. If you're dying too quickly to lose all your defensive attributes, use better CC skills like Black Hole instead of Meteor Shower. Probably still worth keeping Prismatic Armor, depending on the difficulty you're farming. Also as fire you should be using Conflagaration. Would be a much better fit than Glass Cannon.
The latest RNG conspiracy theory:
This one actually interested me because it's something that might actually be testable.
TLDR version: He claims that Legendaries drop rates are based on their base level requirement (like a Cindercoat has a base level requirement of 31 even though like all Legendaries it can scale up as a LVL70 drop). The lower the level requirement... the more common a Legendary is.
Furthermore... Legendaries at certain level requirements will drop within that level which he states as +3 (a Cindercoat for example has a very high chance of dropping at LVL34).
The kicker... if you play a LVL70 character in a LVL34 game... you would have a much greater chance of finding a Cindercoat. However, if you just kill mobs you will be getting the LVL34 version of the Cindercoat. BUT if instead you gamble for a Chest and it drops a Legendary... it will be a LVL70 Cindercoat. Gambling always drops items for your current character level regardless of your game's level.
Of course this will not work for items that are already LVL70 base requirement and can't be gambled for (ie. Torment only drops). This can be used to game the system into getting you a Kridershot (if what he says is true).
first day dumping shards onto a witch doctor and i already got a decent mask of jeram, a quetzacotal, a homunculus, a thing of the deep, and some magefists that'll do until i get tasker. not bad.
I'm not sure I know anyone who could carry me!
What difficulty level are you farming and what are your clear times?Thanks for the advice guys, I'll do some experimenting later. I don't really die that much, hence the MS. I liked Black Hole when I tested it, so I'll play around with it some more.
The recipe drops from Malthael.
The loot table thing is different from the level requirement thing but it's all part of the same umbrella. To be honest he has put out two main theories here which need to be tested.
He says the way he checked what items are in his loot table at that game is he farmed T6 Rifts at a very low level. Legendary drop rate is high at that time and because you are playing a low level game you will just one shot everything at high speed. Of course the drops in the Rifts will be low level as well but the point of that Rift run is to scout the loot table of that game. You also still get Shards at low levels to gamble with.
In any case this is a pretty easy theory to disprove. Someone can get on with a LVL8 character and I can come in farm some Blood Shards then gamble at Kadala to see what drops.
Should I have a recipe for Reapers Wraps? I don't see it listed at the Blacksmith.
I beat Malthael, but I don't have the recipe listed. I may have tossed it? <_<
Which leaves me one more week to abuse the quest leveling "exploit" to get all my characters to 70
I kinda just need another person to test this. Someone with a low level character. I already have a lot of keystones so that's not an issue.You're going to need ALOT of keystones/time on your hands in order to do this. That's really the only problem I see. Since apparently you can still get high level gear on your loot table, but you can't get it from Kadala/drop in a low level game. You might have MLW in your table or you might not.
I beat Malthael, but I don't have the recipe listed. I may have tossed it? <_<
I beat Malthael, but I don't have the recipe listed. I may have tossed it? <_<
Do the quest "trailing the coven", go to the entrance to the caves of spiders and stand next to the hermit. You'll get a check point.Please elaborate.
The loot table thing is different from the level requirement thing but it's all part of the same umbrella. To be honest he has put out two main theories here which need to be tested.
He says the way he checked what items are in his loot table at that game is he farmed T6 Rifts at a very low level. Legendary drop rate is high at that time and because you are playing a low level game you will just one shot everything at high speed. Of course the drops in the Rifts will be low level as well but the point of that Rift run is to scout the loot table of that game. You also still get Shards at low levels to gamble with.
In any case this is a pretty easy theory to disprove. Someone can get on with a LVL8 character and I can come in farm some Blood Shards then gamble at Kadala to see what drops.
Eh Daibos are weird because they are 2 weapon drops competing with a crap ton of other 2 weapon drops. Only way to test this would be to gamble for Daibos but it's very hard to get the Daibo you want because it's diluted with a crap ton of other bad 2Hs on top of the price of 2H weapons being expensive.I dont buy that base lvl theory because I have not seen a Flow of Eternity(lvl 29) drop yet with about 200 hours of combined play time between several monks.
Do the quest "trailing the coven", go to the entrance to the caves of spiders and stand next to the hermit. You'll get a check point.
Go back to town, restart the game and check for the vendor, he gives you a quest for the hermit.
Do it as often as you need on t6. You can loot the corpses and chests (two corpses and sometimes a chest) on the way up there. Quest goes from 10 million xp to 14,5 million from 60 to 70
Spawns about once every 4-5 games.
Got about 5 million gold doing it and 2 legs. Not to mention many blues/yellows/gems
Édit : needless to say, you don't have to kill a single mob and can't die.
first day dumping shards onto a witch doctor and i already got a decent mask of jeram, a quetzacotal, a homunculus, a thing of the deep, and some magefists that'll do until i get tasker. not bad.
Normal bounties it is thenStarted up a game after the server maintenance.
Checked to see unsocketing prices, still expensive as fuck.
No patch today guys...![]()
FuuuuuuuuuuuuckStarted up a game after the server maintenance.
Checked to see unsocketing prices, still expensive as fuck.
No patch today guys...![]()
Only way to confirm this is if everyone starts documenting their Legendary drops in single game instances. If a pattern emerges then this might have some weight. If not then it's debunked. Would take a huge sample size though.If that RNG theory is correct and you can join a game where it's impossible for X item to drop, that would.... SUCK. That would suck hard. I tend to stay in the same game for hours and hours.
It would be a really dick move if this were the case. But we'd have no way of ever knowing. Especially if the items we're after are really rare.
If that RNG theory is correct and you can join a game where it's impossible for X item to drop, that would.... SUCK. That would suck hard. I tend to stay in the same game for hours and hours.
It would be a really dick move if this were the case. But we'd have no way of ever knowing. Especially if the items we're after are really rare.
Only way to confirm this is if everyone starts documenting their Legendary drops in single game instances. If a pattern emerges then this might have some weight. If not then it's debunked. Would take a huge sample size though.
Normal bounties it is then.
Maybe I'll just level a DH.