I got something similar on my barb, but since I always take some form of damage, I just sharded it.
I don't remember what non-souls look like.
When you're hunting for a specific item, this game really sucks. I've spent a week's worth of blood shards trying to get Ice Climbers, which amounts to easily over 2k+ per day.
Definitely losing the drive...
When you're hunting for a specific item, this game really sucks. I've spent a week's worth of blood shards trying to get Ice Climbers, which amounts to easily over 2k+ per day.
Definitely losing the drive...
What do you even reroll here? Higher dex? Go for the 0.5% increase in cc?
For a Crusader using Shard of Hate and running Lightning, is Fist strictly better than Hammers? And Slash over Justice? If Justice, is the Passive worth it just for Justice alone, without Hammers?
There don't seem to be that many DPS options for Crusaders through Passives. Finery seems pretty weak (7 sockets, x70 = 490 Strength), but people still take it. No other good options?
Does the RIF community frown on you if you join Torment+ rifts with a lower leveled character (like level 15-20) just to get some experience? Obviously I'd be more than willing to open a rift. I just kind of figure I may as well get some leveling on my wizard or something.
Blood shards exist as a reason to do rifts. I hate that blood shards are the best way to find a specific non-set slot piece. I much prefer trying to hunt for drops. Still a crappy systemDoes anyone ever wonder why blood shards even exist? Why not just use regular gold and reward rifts and bounties with giant piles of gold? You can't trade gold so why invent a secondary currency that the first can serve?
I apologize, I was unclear. What I was getting at was that if a legendary drops off-screen and you don't notice it and don't pick it up, it still resets your timer. This happens a lot with split farming;
This is why I'm not bothering with the firebird set, even though i have a few pieces of it. I have a cindercoat, magefist, SOJ, reapers wraps (72% fire damage and 25% elite damage) and Pox Faulds. a couple aren't even great rolls and yet they'd still beat out the entire firebird set with good rolls.You don't even need to go all fancy and replace the Firebird with other generic sets to outclass it- even if you're a fire wiz, Cindercoat, Magefist and Andys are going to outperform that set, hands down, and leave you with three other pieces to get whatever you like. That dot is incredibly pathetic when you consider you could just have a flat 60% fire element damage instead AND the amazing cindercoat effect.
Nephalem uptime for speedruns and... Lord Commander? Crusader passives are shit. :lol
I can easily afford to re-roll the CC into 6.0.
Well once I have enough gold that is.. lol.
I would pay cash for this option, real hard earned cash.Man I wish there was an option to spend a little more forgotten souls and reset your item stats to what they originally where when you found them, cause I ended up re rolling the wrong stat on my Cain's Scrivener, and could get the trifecta stats =/. Well....its my fault anyways T.T
I think one of the better ideas I've seen is swapping the Hellfire Ring with the Ring of Royal Grandeur.
This whole section of the game seems wasted. Ubers could be an interesting concept, but nobody wants this piece of crap ring when the Stone of Jordan and Ring of Royal Grandeur exist.
But I'm willing to bet people wouldn't mind farming the keys then doing ubers for their shot at a RoRG. It would be a lot less mind-numbing than act 1 normal bounties....
Done with Monk's trashcan DPS. Put on the zDPS physical suit for groups and took all my fire gear and put it on my DH. Class is a pile of garbage solo.
Done with Monk's trashcan DPS. Put on the zDPS physical suit for groups and took all my fire gear and put it on my DH. Class is a pile of garbage solo.
I'm just going to stack 20 mil toughness w/ full blackthornes and iceclimbers w/ as much cdr as I can get & spirit regen then only do epiph into dashing exploding palm with zero dps. Thug life.
When you're hunting for a specific item, this game really sucks. I've spent a week's worth of blood shards trying to get Ice Climbers, which amounts to easily over 2k+ per day.
Definitely losing the drive...
I'm just going to stack 20 mil toughness w/ full blackthornes and iceclimbers w/ as much cdr as I can get & spirit regen then only do epiph into dashing exploding palm with zero dps. Thug life.
Crit chance is more important even if it's 0.5% versus more Dex.You don't think maxing out the dex would be more beneficial? Can't it go up to 750? I'd have a tough time choosing between those options.
Damn good Pride's Fall.
I think one of the better ideas I've seen is swapping the Hellfire Ring with the Ring of Royal Grandeur.
This whole section of the game seems wasted. Ubers could be an interesting concept, but nobody wants this piece of crap ring when the Stone of Jordan and Ring of Royal Grandeur exist.
But I'm willing to bet people wouldn't mind farming the keys then doing ubers for their shot at a RoRG. It would be a lot less mind-numbing than act 1 normal bounties....
Welcome to the monk sucks ass club!
Other builds I have slots for already. Well, I could use Andy's cold/arcane, but I use Tal's helm in group play. Those builds are just a SoJ roll away from being complete.If the only thing you're looking for is Ice Climbers to complete your build, maybe you would get more enjoyment out of earning the shards on a different character?
Surely there are also sidegrades / alternative builds to explore?
Done with Monk's trashcan DPS. Put on the zDPS physical suit for groups and took all my fire gear and put it on my DH. Class is a pile of garbage solo.
Hell with that.
Gimped as we are I refuse to degrade myself to be nothing more than a CS bitch for wiz's / wd's.
OT: the patch is out on US right? any patchnotes (nothing on diablofans that I can see)
I might be paranoid (justified imo with how blizzard operates in the past 5 years) but can anyone check if they stealth nerfed the earthen set for barbs or leap or quake somehow?
A clanmate was telling me people were asking for nerfs on the forums (what? why?) and if people whine then blizzard nerf, wether it's warranted or not
Random crazy thoughts for the day:
-Change dex's mitigation component a mechanic similar, if not identical, to the stagger mechanic used by monk tanks in WoW. Stagger basically caused monks to take only a portion of any given damage "staggered" up front with the remainder being taken over time after the hit. Dex scaling would increase the amount of damage "staggered" and you could tweak the mechanic to add more mitigation after the fact if needed for balance. (i.e. introduce a dodge chance component specifically for the staggered dot ticks) This would give dex classes their own spin on damage reduction, and take the stat away from its current feast or famine nature.
-Merge attack speed and cooldown reduction. Not a feasible idea for the current balance, but perhaps something to consider for the next xpac. They're thematically similar- with attack speed basically functioning as "cooldown reduction" for your basic attack animation- and builds seem to value only one or the other. This is just a random thought that I haven't given real deep consideration, so I'm just throwing it out there. It might be terrible in practice, but I just thought it'd be a neat idea.
-Bring back act end boss legs to story mode at level 70, starting with torment 4 difficulty. The rules would be similar to the current way Malthael functions, with one guaranteed drop per reset from the Butcher through Malthael, with a very slightly increased chance to get class set items off these drops. This would do a number of things: increase the incentive to farm on higher difficulties, give players a reason to consider story mode again, introduce a new type of run that wouldn't crowd out other existing runs, (the intent being that rifts should be still be tuned to be higher density, noticeably more efficient for legs in general and provide the Kadala angle, and bounties better for xp and gold) and bring back the excitement of the old Baal type runs, where working up to and getting close to a boss actually has meaning for the player. Lastly, it would give those frustrated with current set progress a way to make them a priority, at the expense of reducing their efficiency in other areas, as described above. The set drops could even be given a very slight bias based on act on top of the increased drop rate, such that Act 1 is slightly better for boots, act 2 legs, act 3 chest, act 4 shoulders, and act 5 the helm, with the gloves having a similar rate across all 5, or however they'd want to distribute it.
Would this still be worth using if i rolled in a socket?, I'd loose 750 +int from my current weapon (it has no legendary bonus) which has pretty much perfect damage and stats (full +atk speed, full +int, almost full damage etc).
As a wizard, I'd rather see resource cost reduction merged with cdr. Attack speed and cdr are fundamentally different for wizards, but rcr and cdr have to fight for the same spot.Random crazy thoughts for the day:
-Merge attack speed and cooldown reduction. Not a feasible idea for the current balance, but perhaps something to consider for the next xpac. They're thematically similar- with attack speed basically functioning as "cooldown reduction" for your basic attack animation- and builds seem to value only one or the other. This is just a random thought that I haven't given real deep consideration, so I'm just throwing it out there. It might be terrible in practice, but I just thought it'd be a neat idea.
This kind of sucks. I can't even be happy with some of the items I got because they all require re-rolls to even be usable. Re-rolls constantly dick me over so much that I'm flat broke. I've got no veiled crystals and like 300k gold. I'm in a situation now where I have to sell half of my rares and break down half and then I'm still just fucked.
Just had this drop from a chest (this would take me to +92% fire damage) - this is for a fire wizard..
Would this still be worth using if i rolled in a socket?, I'd loose 750 +int from my current weapon (it has no legendary bonus) which has pretty much perfect damage and stats (full +atk speed, full +int, almost full damage etc).
Really gutted it didn't roll with +int.
Sell. Everything. You. Pick. Up.
I made over 5 million yesterday, and all I did were Rifts. Played for *maybe* 3-4 hours. Hell, I was even salvaging a ton of stuff before I decided to start selling again.
The Rift It Forward community is perfect for making gold, as long as you have rift keys. If you are fast enough you don't even have to spend rift keys, just join the game, kill the boss, get the xp/gold. That's it.
Seriously. How can people say it's hard to make gold when you literally get 85k gold for completing a T2 rift. Even the random cursed chests that are everywhere give you around 50k gold.
Hell with that.
Gimped as we are I refuse to degrade myself to be nothing more than a CS bitch for wiz's / wd's.
I just pretend that my LTKs are the reason the health bars are dropping down every second.
I did sell everything... until I ran out of veiled crystals, too.
And just one re-roll on a ring costs like 1 million gold. And it sometimes takes like 20 rolls to get what you need. That's how people are broke.
It would, at the very least, introduce a third ring to endgame consideration, which currently seems to consist of only ring of royal grandeur and a soj of the appropriate element for pretty much everyone.
I just pretend that my LTKs are the reason the health bars are dropping down every second.
Sell. Everything. You. Pick. Up. Also. Salvage. It. All. For. Mats