Before I roll it off, just wanted to check that everyone thinks rolling the Cooldown off of this is the best bet. It's gonna drop my char under 40% slightly, but the Vit is so nice to have on it for my current toughness.
Before I roll it off, just wanted to check that everyone thinks rolling the Cooldown off of this is the best bet. It's gonna drop my char under 40% slightly, but the Vit is so nice to have on it for my current toughness.
Before I roll it off, just wanted to check that everyone thinks rolling the Cooldown off of this is the best bet. It's gonna drop my char under 40% slightly, but the Vit is so nice to have on it for my current toughness.
I'd probably roll off the vit. cooldown so important for condemn.
Reroll the vitality, cooldown reduction is important. Slot vitality gems to your chest if you need more of it, or get it elsewhere. Weapons don't really need it IMO.
Thanks, guys. I agree on CDR being important, yea. The real answer here is that it doesn't matter, I just tried to reroll the vit off 15 times and didn't get a socket so back to farming for more souls, ha. already have a socket so of course you wouldn't get a socket. Str would likely be the roll you were looking for...
Loaded for Bear for the Fire version (that uses Cindercoat + Magefist).Standard DH CA build uses Loaded for Bear or Shooting Stars?
He's talking about the new one he found, not the one he got equipped![]()
So I gave my crusader my full lightning set now my barb is fire
including near perfect andariel, great roll reaper's wraps, ice climbers, near perfect SOJ, good roll thundergod's vigor, good roll quadrifecta lightning necklace etc so he's pretty stacked
also still have that unfortunate no str blade of prophecy from a few days ago
is there a lightning build that works with the sword? what shield should I aim for?
Congrats! Such a good feeling to get a useful set item.
Standard DH CA build uses Loaded for Bear or Shooting Stars?
If you want a lot of Discipline you can just use Blood Vengeance plus Nightstalker with the Shooting Star build too. It's not as much Discipline but it's enough to get you by especially if you play at long range.
I see this as a good build but not necessarily better than the standard pet build. It also requires gear swapping because against certain elites you will struggle. In the video he had to swap to an Arcane Amulet just to deal with an Arcane elite for example. If you had the Cluster Arrow build you would just attack from outside the Arcane Sentry distance.
I've been absolutely gagging for a set piece for ages, I still can't believe I finally got one. I've been farming T3 in a group for ages but I've just had no luck at all. Now I need a second piece for 500 strength![]()
I have found 6 Crusader set pieces so far. One chest and five helms. Five.
Loaded for Bear for the Fire version (that uses Cindercoat + Magefist).
Shooting Stars for the Pet build with Marauder set.
Loaded for Bear, since gear definitely favors fire.
You can do a physical build, but it would probably suffer a bit from burning through hatred faster and not having as much elemental dmg available. Goes well with the pets build though, since you're increasing physical dmg to make them hit harder.
EDIT: beaten xD
Why does this game mock me so!? Last night I see a green beam and "source". Hooray! It's my last Tal piece to unlock the 4 set bonus. NOPE. Chantodo.
Is it possible to get Zunimassa stuff from Kadala, or are those drops only?
I have found 6 Crusader set pieces so far. One chest and five helms. Five.
^ should be the next |OT| subtitlegame pls
I've had 8 Gloves, 4 Pants, and 3 Chests.
That's also all of the pieces I've had.
game pls
^ should be the next |OT| subtitle
It doesn't really matter what they change it to... people will still use Cluster Arrow + whatever skill they make Fire.I wonder whether any of these skills would have their element changed in the future. Blizz did mention something about this so I'm hesitant to gear for specific elements.
I wonder whether any of these skills would have their element changed in the future. Blizz did mention something about this so I'm hesitant to gear for specific elements.
It doesn't really matter what they change it to... people will still use Cluster Arrow + whatever skill they make Fire.
Cluster Arrow is 550% weapon damage plus 4x 220% damage for 40 Hatred unruned. The unruned Cluster Arrow beats runed versions of other skills even when you factor in the Hatred cost. The fact that you can dramatically lower cost of fire skills with Cindercoat and Pride's Fall makes it so that you want something that hits hard and fast to increase your DPS... in which case Cluster Arrow is the best choice.
Blizzard doesn't seem to realize that people pick Fire not because it's the best skill to use but it's because of items like Magefist and Cindercoat. If there was a Physical damage variant of these items people would flock to those items and make extremely strong Physical damage build with DHs.
OK WHAT THE FUCCK Ever since the maintenance I get randomly disconnected all the way logged out wtf is this has anyone had that problem its never happened before Tuesday... it just happened right at the end of a rift 99% -_-
It still bugs me that Shooting Stars is the only rocket skill that's not fire-based.
13 bloodshards got 2 yellows and then this happend..
Blizzard just pushed out a hotfix that is supposed to fix a couple of AFK farming spots.
Anyone have any suggestions for my character? I feel like I am at a point where besides a few pieces (chest/pants/boots) I need a few very specific items (Thunderfury, Shard of Hate, that lightning fist weapon or Odyn's Son) in order to upgrade anything. Not sure if there are specific chests/pants/boots (or other items) I should be looking for? I am trying to reroll the damage on my amulet for crit hit change but the Mystic hates me and I am all out of emeralds. I'm currently farming Torment 3 with some friends, usually have a full game (or close to it). Cyclone Strike works really well with the group.
THANK GOODNESS! I was worried they were going to ignore the afk farmers while these crippling 99% rift disconnections continued....
Because Blizzard can only work on one thing at a time right.
To add to this. I'm still shocked the UI loading/notification popup freezing is still in the game, that for me should be top priority just like the server issues (perhaps they are related).They sure as shit aren't working on the servers. As far as I'm concerned, random disconnects, wasted shards and keys and a completely unplayable game is an 'all hands on deck' problem.
5th straight time getting to the 5th bounty quest, dc right before quest ends, kicked completely out of
Everyone I know is having the exact same problem, zero people logged in now. Time to just go do something else until they get their shit together. This is absurd.
This with Shattering Throw is almost OP.Glad I decided to play this at lunch and not pop out for something