This with Shattering Throw is almost OP.
This with Shattering Throw is almost OP.
You guys realize that some development teams work things like connection issues while others work on the core game, right?
I give up on amulets. Entirely. 500 shards...
Anyone have any suggestions for my character? I feel like I am at a point where besides a few pieces (chest/pants/boots) I need a few very specific items (Thunderfury, Shard of Hate, that lightning fist weapon or Odyn's Son) in order to upgrade anything. Not sure if there are specific chests/pants/boots (or other items) I should be looking for? I am trying to reroll the damage on my amulet for crit hit change but the Mystic hates me and I am all out of emeralds. I'm currently farming Torment 3 with some friends, usually have a full game (or close to it). Cyclone Strike works really well with the group.
so the Cache folder and the enUS?Hi all, we're continuing to monitor reports of disconnections when in Nephalem Rifts. If you're continuing to experience disconnects while playing, you may want to attempt deleting the following folders inside the Diablo III game folder:
> Diablo III\Data_D3\PC\MPQs\Cache\
> Diablo III\Data_D3\PC\MPQs\enUS\ (this may have a different name based on your language and region)
Users report being able to play multiple Rifts without disconnecting whereas they could not before deleting the folders.
-From Omrakos' post.
Anyone have any input on the best gem to put in a helm? Thinking about dropping a diamond in that slot, but I'm not sure if the cool down reduction will be noticable enough to be worth it.
This with Shattering Throw is almost OP.
They sure as shit aren't working on the servers. As far as I'm concerned, random disconnects, wasted shards and keys and a completely unplayable game is an 'all hands on deck' problem.
5th straight time getting to the 5th bounty quest, dc right before quest ends, kicked completely out of
Everyone I know is having the exact same problem, zero people logged in now. Time to just go do something else until they get their shit together. This is absurd.
Of course we realize that. We're being salty, and rightfully so because we can't play the damn game right now because of server issues.
lol, 500 shards, that's cute, you're cute, lol
Trifecta from Kadala's. Using it with my Immortal King Fire HOTA Barb.
Trifecta from Kadala's. Using it with my Immortal King Fire HOTA Barb.
nah man, it's like slowdown in an old-school arcade game; when the game stops completely, you know some serious shit is about to go down, like your inventory opening or somebody in your clan logging on
there's also a real bit of suspense when you see an item fall off a chest or mob but not appear on the ground. in 5 seconds, we'll learn whether it's a spear or a death's breath. real nail biter.
Trifecta from Kadala's. Using it with my Immortal King Fire HOTA Barb.
It's an old recommendation but a few of us did this tonight and two of three of us didn't disconnect afterwards. Might just be coincidence but it's worth a shot.
I noticed they're saying they'll be doing maintenance tonight at 5am PDT
Maybe there's hope.
edit: wasn't patching just redownloading cache apparently
I noticed they're saying they'll be doing maintenance tonight at 5am PDT
I'm really sick of their patching priorities. There are a slew of game fixes and feature updates that we've been waiting on for a while now. But what do they decide to fix first?
- Rat Callers and Tusked Bogans no longer continue spawning additional waves of minions after the second wave is defeated.*
- Trivial monsters that spawn during events such as 'The Hive' and 'The Demonic Prisoner' no longer provide experience or loot.*
Oh, Thank god. That stuff was really affecting me. So glad they fixed it.
I wish for once maintenance wouldn't be peak playing time for us Australians. Shuffle the times every now and then blizz.
Just unlucky neither of them had all res but oh well I can probably manage.
re-roll vit for all res then ? unless you already did for that sockets.