Really? Wow. I've only had it not drop maybe twice. I farmed like 4 of them in short order.![]()
7 in a row now. I don't knwo what the fuck is going on....
8th time is a charm. Finally got 1....
Really? Wow. I've only had it not drop maybe twice. I farmed like 4 of them in short order.![]()
Really? Wow. I've only had it not drop maybe twice. I farmed like 4 of them in short order.![]()
Just started playing my WD today. I like the pet build but I feel I am doing too little eDPS despite having 1mn sheet DPS. What build are you running?
entangling shot
He didn't have ES in the video though
Here's the build he used and linked on youtube: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/calculator/demon-hunter#lPSOVX!XeYR!YccaZb
In that build he isn't using cull of the weak.
joined scy and achtius and less than 45 seconds into the rift i already had 3 orange drops. thacker theory is real?!
joined scy and achtius and less than 45 seconds into the rift i already had 3 orange drops. thacker theory is real?!
That doesn't seem physically possible.
Is T6 Ghom even worth the effort? I killed him a half dozen or so times the other day and got nothing but yellows. Maybe the xp/gold from the possible bounty is worthwhile.
It's OK. I'd do it on story if you're going to do it though for maximum speed. No need to run to him since the wp is right outside his door.
joined scy and achtius and less than 45 seconds into the rift i already had 3 orange drops. thacker theory is real?!
I had a leg drop in less than 10 seconds with them as well. It's real.![]()
What is this theory?
here goes nothing...
10 of them. Lol. You'll get something good.
Did something change? played T4 last night for 5 rift run and not 1 Legendary. Just 1 forgotten soul out of the whole thing.
Traded in 200+ shards and not one Legendary there either.
Did something change? played T4 last night for 5 rift run and not 1 Legendary. Just 1 forgotten soul out of the whole thing.
Traded in 200+ shards and not one Legendary there either.
Funny, exact same shit to me too, I did 7 rifts this morning with no leg drops. RNG is bullshit frustrating in this game sometimes. 2/4 zunis, 1/6 jade set completed near RoS launch and month+ later, jack shit. Maybe I have to farm 2 more months.
1st law: The piece that you need to make your favorite build possible always has a lower chance to drop than anything else.
2nd law: The last piece of your set always has a lower chance to drop than all the previous pieces of said set, Blackthorne set is excempt from this law.
3rd law: Once an item is dropped, the chance of the same item dropping again will significantly increase. This chance is further increased if said item is boring or useless to your build.
4th law:When attempting to roll for an affix that you want from the mystic, said affix always has a significantly lower chance to show up than all other possible affixes.
5th law: The chance of any build that you feel is powerful getting nerfed is constant until you decide to try the build yourself and reroll your gears for said build. As soon as your rerolls are done and you have obtained the gears that you need for said build, the chance of the build being nerfed becomes significantly higher.
6th law: The chance for a bad low desnity rift to show up is always higher than the chance of a good high density rift.
7th law: Good gears always take more tries to reroll for the affix that you want.
8th law: When you are farming gears for your build, it is significantly more likely to obtain gears that are only good for any build other than the build you are currently using.
9th law: It is always harder to farm for crafting materials that you need than the ones that you don't.
10th law: The class that you feel is overpowered is never the class that you are currently playing.
I'd prefer higher crit but I guess this will have to do. Drops my DPS by 90,000. I lose 130% crit dmg but gain 8% crit, cluster arrow dmg, and 8% elite dmg.
Shuffling paragon points from CC to CD should recover some of that DPS unless you already did so
Yesterday I saw a guy get 7 legs in Normal bounties.
Just letting you know!
I've always maxed crit damage first in my paragon points. It seems harder to get that than it does crit chance.
I could reroll crit chance on my SoJ to crit dmg. But it's such damn good SoJ. I might want to use another element one day. Or use fire on a wizard. Would be a shame to lock it down to dex\fire to get crit dmg on it.
Wouldn't it make more sense to roll the DEX to CHD then? It's not like main stat on it is going to actually compete with what CHD would do.
Anyone have suggestions on my barb?
He's about as well geared as my wiz and crusader... but he just kills soooo much slower. I mean, even with Wrath of the Berserker on, he's still not as powerful... and after using whirlwind for a while and then subbing in Hammer of the Ancients... which feels better, it still feels bad. D:
Meanwhile, I made a new mini-game last night and just stockpiled all the trash legs. First one to get a real drop gets to claim the prize pool!
We just like to give Scy a hard time. People who play with him seem to find an abnormal amount of legendaries doing Rifts, while Scy himself doesn't seem to have that same luck.
We just like to give Scy a hard time. People who play with him seem to find an abnormal amount of legendaries doing Rifts, while Scy himself doesn't seem to have that same luck.
I should reroll the armor to Int, right?
I'd say he gets just as many as anyone else. He throws most of them on the ground so you can count his progress yourself.
The problem is once you get to the ultra high end, very few of your finds will actually be worthwhile. I've gotten to that point, as I only find an item worth keeping every 2 or 3 days, if not more.
Meanwhile, many who join his games are not so well equipped and happy to grab up those extra drops. Though lately I've noticed fewer people interested in junk souls, indicating that en masse the playerbase is reaching the end of the game's content. Hence Blizzard teasing out the next major content patch, to keep players invested in the game.
I should reroll the armor to Int, right?
Once I'm done with exams, I'll be more than glad to take em for soulsI'd say he gets just as many as anyone else. He throws most of them on the ground so you can count his progress yourself.
The problem is once you get to the ultra high end, very few of your finds will actually be worthwhile. I've gotten to that point, as I only find an item worth keeping every 2 or 3 days, if not more.
Meanwhile, many who join his games are not so well equipped and happy to grab up those extra drops. Though lately I've noticed fewer people interested in junk souls, indicating that en masse the playerbase is reaching the end of the game's content. Hence Blizzard teasing out the next major content patch, to keep players invested in the game.
I'd say he gets just as many as anyone else. He throws most of them on the ground so you can count his progress yourself.
The problem is once you get to the ultra high end, very few of your finds will actually be worthwhile. I've gotten to that point, as I only find an item worth keeping every 2 or 3 days, if not more.
Meanwhile, many who join his games are not so well equipped and happy to grab up those extra drops. Though lately I've noticed fewer people interested in junk souls, indicating that en masse the playerbase is reaching the end of the game's content. Hence Blizzard teasing out the next major content patch, to keep players invested in the game.
He has Mark of Death on his skill bar.First atttempt at killing Ghom on T6 using the same build as the video... I couldn't kill him before my discipline ran out. So then I was running around with no way to attack.
I'm pretty sure he has a calamity in that video because I see mark for death, but it's not in the build he listed.
He has Cull the Weak in his build but I don't see how he is proccing it. Am I missing something?
A variation of the Vampire Bats/Fetish Scyophants build.
Vamp Bats
Spirit walk (Jaunt)
Soul Harvest
Gargantuan (Wrathful Protector)
Big Bad Voodoo (Slam Dance)
Fetish Sycophants
Grave Injustice
Gruesome Feast
Midnight Feast
Since I found enough Zunimassa Pieces to get the full set bonus I swapped out Soul harvest for Fetish Army for the time being. The Build works well with a Thing of the Deep Mojo if you have it.