3 plat sukas in active party while everyone else uber levels to living hell in reserves.......its amazing can get digimon to level 99 in under 30 minutes from what I read lol
Wow. Guess I need to get PlatSukas.
3 plat sukas in active party while everyone else uber levels to living hell in reserves.......its amazing can get digimon to level 99 in under 30 minutes from what I read lol
Any major differences between the PS4 and Vita versions aside from sharper visuals and a physical version for the PS4?
Got an update already from the forum support already within a couple hours of pm'ing my guy who helps me out..................
just login to the best buy forums
include the BB order number and your name. I wrote a letter asking to send a code whenever they receive them.
AGITΩ;194154506 said:Man...I still havent gotten my preorder code emailed to me. Damnit Best Buy. But now that I'm off work for the next 2 days, I can finally start the game.
Same here. I wish they had a chat service. So much easier than calling or emailing ;_;
So if the GameFaqs topic is anything to go by than the Missing content dilemma is affecting both the PS Vita and PS4 version because you can't Digivolve Antylamon to Dianamon and Dianamon's entry is even not listed in the Database (Entry #195).
So if the GameFaqs topic is anything to go by than the Missing content dilemma is affecting both the PS Vita and PS4 version because you can't Digivolve Antylamon to Dianamon and Dianamon's entry is even not listed in the Database (Entry #195).
If I de-digivolve Aguman (blk), does he lose his blk status?
If I de-digivolve Aguman (blk), does he lose his blk status?
So if the GameFaqs topic is anything to go by than the Missing content dilemma is affecting both the PS Vita and PS4 version because you can't Digivolve Antylamon to Dianamon and Dianamon's entry is even not listed in the Database (Entry #195).
If you look at it in a cynical way than this content was purposely removed and the 2 new Digimon are our consolation prize.But I hope that it's just a bug and the 2 new Digimon are actually a Bonus rather than a consolation.It's definitely a glitch then. If I had to guess, they fucked something up when they put in new Digimon for the west (Cherubimon Vice [part of Antyalmon's line] and Beezlebubmon Blast Mode)
Well, he becomes Koromon. But you can re-digivolve Koromon into Agumon (blk)
So if the GameFaqs topic is anything to go by than the Missing content dilemma is affecting both the PS Vita and PS4 version because you can't Digivolve Antylamon to Dianamon and Dianamon's entry is even not listed in the Database (Entry #195).
I'm still in the beginning phases of the game but do the enemies become more than one or two hit kills later on? I'm on normal and just left the detective agency.
It's definitely a glitch then. If I had to guess, they fucked something up when they put in new Digimon for the west (Cherubimon Vice [part of Antyalmon's line] and Beezlebubmon Blast Mode)
Well, he becomes Koromon. But you can re-digivolve Koromon into Agumon (blk)
No. It's a Digimon species all on its own, distinct from the Agumon line, but intersecting with it.
So you can have as many Black Agumon as you want, you've just gotta raise it. Think of the DLC more as an unlock rather than an exclusive Digimon, except for the clothed Agumon. Those ones disappear if you digivolve them I'm pretty sure.
No, it's raised by a certain amount but not by 1. It would take too long to get to 99 that way.
Try it a few times and you'll see though.
how do you get the dlc aguemon?
BlackWarGreymon is extremely useful. He has an attack that can wreck pretty much any story boss if he's buffed. He was one of my most useful Digimon in the late game.Is digivolving to BlackWarGreymon worth it if I'm going for the original WarGreymon? I ask because I'm considering digivolving one of my Agumons to ShineGreymon.
BlackWarGreymon is extremely useful. He has an attack that can wreck pretty much any story boss if he's buffed. He was one of my most useful Digimon in the late game.
Yes on PS Vita but there's a Disc for PS4So this is digital only in North America? (Canada here)
So this is digital only in North America? (Canada here)
BlackWarGreymon is extremely useful. He has an attack that can wreck pretty much any story boss if he's buffed. He was one of my most useful Digimon in the late game.
BlackWarGreymon is better based on what I read because his 1st Special Skill ignores Defense but that doesn't make Omegamon/Omnimon Zwart a bad Digimon to have.Bet that I'm going to go for that one. I want Omegamon Zwart too...any news of if they're worth the postgame trouble?
BlackWarGreymon is better based on what I read because his 1st Special Skill ignores Defense but that doesn't make Omegamon/Omnimon Zwart a bad Digimon to have.
So i only watched up to season 3 but i remember long ago seeing a bit of another on tv and there was this real cool looking digimon, wanna know if hes in.
It was blue had like boxing gloves on and a headband. Ring any bells digigaf
This guy?So i only watched up to season 3 but i remember long ago seeing a bit of another on tv and there was this real cool looking digimon, wanna know if hes in.
It was blue had like boxing gloves on and a headband. Ring any bells digigaf
Gaomon ok thx! I'll have to remember that.Gaomon. From Season 5. He's in.
So if the GameFaqs topic is anything to go by than the Missing content dilemma is affecting both the PS Vita and PS4 version because you can't Digivolve Antylamon to Dianamon and Dianamon's entry is even not listed in the Database (Entry #195).
I noticed people that didn't have the DLC when they were streaming early didn't have BlackAgumon/BlackGabumon show up at all, even as greyed out options. I wonder if you need to complete the Demon Lord DLC for her to show up?
I'm on PS Vita and I just started Chapter 3 and I can tell you right know that I have no access to DLC Missions (Purple posts on the Job Board) when the Japanese guides I read before say I should have some available right now.So the problem wouldn't be Dianamon's removal as a whole (Because I read that you do run into her through the course of the game normally) but not having access to those DLC Missions to unlock her in the 1st place is the main issue.If I recall you do need to complete the 7 Demon Lords DLC missions to unlock the evolution to Dianamon. Unless nothing related to her DLC is showing up at all.
And those do show up in the ps4 version and someone was saying they all showed up in a later chapter on the vita.I'm on PS Vita and I just started Chapter 3 and I can tell you right know that I have no access to DLC Missions (Purple posts on the Job Board) when the Japanese guides I read before say I should have some available right now.So the problem wouldn't be Dianamon's removal as a whole (Because I read that you do run into her through the course of the game normally) but not having access to those DLC Missions to unlock her in the 1st place is the main issue.
I'm on PS Vita and I just started Chapter 3 and I can tell you right know that I have no access to DLC Missions (Purple posts on the Job Board) when the Japanese guides I read before say I should have some available right now.So the problem wouldn't be Dianamon's removal as a whole (Because I read that you do run into her through the course of the game normally) but not having access to those DLC Missions to unlock her in the 1st place is the main issue.
And those do show up in the ps4 version and someone was saying they all showed up in a later chapter on the vita.
Running on hard myself and there's definitely no one shotting going on here, even in the beginning lolI'm still in the beginning phases of the game but do the enemies become more than one or two hit kills later on? I'm on normal and just left the detective agency.