Holy shit the boss at the end of chapter 3 was no joke. Literally none of my mons could do damage to it so I spent fucking 20 minutes fighting it because it was strong against each of my digimon at the level able to fight it.
I'mma need some HEAVY team reconsideration.
Are all poop silhouettes Plat or are there non-Plat poop digimon.
So when is the earliest I can get the exp item equip for my PlatSukas?
There is a GoldNumemon which is more of a slime I guess but some might call it poop lol.
I think it may be a reward for something (I forget but I'm sure I got one from a reward at some point in the game). Besides that, an enemy near the end of the game drops it rarely and I think it rarely pops up in the item hunt thing in the DigiFarm.
Is this game like Pokemon? Honestly never played a digimon game before.
Is this game like Pokemon? Honestly never played a digimon game before.
.Q: Is this like Pokémon?
A: Yes and no. Yes in the fact that this is a turn-based JRPG with monsters, no because thats where the similarities end. The gameplay has more in common with Shin Megami Tensei/Persona titles.
Is this game like Pokemon? Honestly never played a digimon game before.
when you say potential, is that the Ability stat in the NA version?Not sure. It took me awhile to figure out what I needed to do when I was playing. The main thing you need is 100 potential, which will take a little bit to get. After that you need to farm train the stats and then grind up its level. Probably Chapter 11 would be reasonable.
Plan to pick this up soon.
Any tips for A complete newbie? How is the difficulty? Any difficulty spikes like Neptunia 1?
when you say potential, is that the Ability stat in the NA version?
cool, thanks!Yes.
Had to change my squad up a bit.
Basically how much your digimon likes you. i.e. friendshipWhat's CAM?
Forgive my ignorance on this, but is there a reason I can find so few reviews for this game? Did Bamco not send out early review copies or something? I see a few write ups here and there at small sites, but nothing from major outlets.
Had to change my squad up a bit.
I'm not far but I'm really loving this game so far. Current party is Terriermon and Gabumon.
When does the dlc lady become accessible? I'm currently in Kowloon lvl 2.
The boss of the gold cupwas no joke. I barely pulled through with a team full of ultimates and I had to use all of my healing sprays.Flamedramon
Had to change my squad up a bit.
Basically how much your digimon likes you. i.e. friendship
Digimon you take with you into battle build it up whereas digimon you let rot in the farm don't unless given certain items.
Blue Blaster's always been a fire attack. It's a blue flame.Wait the first ability my Gabumon gets is fire spell? I thought he was supposed to use water attack like in the anime
Wait the first ability my Gabumon gets is fire spell? I thought he was supposed to use water attack like in the anime
Oh I hope even reserved ones built it up.
Blue Blaster's always been a fire attack. It's a blue flame.
That's blue fire, not water. In the Japanese version of the anime that attack is called Petit Fire.
Blue Blaster's always been a fire attack. It's a blue flame.
That's blue fire, not water. In the Japanese version of the anime that attack is called Petit Fire.
NeoGAF just viciously killing those childhood beliefs.
She's standing outside the Detective Agency office.
Here's an update on the situation.
I think I've singlehandedly caused a huge amount of misinformation on gamefaqs and I'm really sorry about that.
I posted it over here, and it's a little long, so I'll leave it there.
tl;dr I f***ed up, mistook a reviewer's copy for the definitive commercial version, it might not be a bug.
I don't have the game yet, but usually you can get away with using any digimon if they are strong enough..? Maybe you can use a Vacine - Virus - Data party for maximum balance, throw a healer/status booster in there and you are golden (again,I don't have enough knowledge about this game in particular).
For this game, a solid team would probably be covering all the type advantages as that gets you pretty far. My best advice would probably be go with the Digimon that look the most appealing to you. That sounds shallow, I know, lol.
Do other games work? If they do then you must have gotten a faulty disc.My PS4 disc drive must be broken because it won't read this brand new game
Guy who started the whole "Broken game" issue is correcting his mis-info.
So the purple missions are just actual DLC that isn't out yet? (when are they 'sposed to appear, anyway? I've got the PS4 version and haven't seen them, I assume I'm not supposed to.)
Should I level a digimon fully or until they reach the evolution I want?
Ok thanks! so I'm digging my current team (Terriermon, Black Gabumon, Gaomon) which seems to have every type covered. Do all there digivolutions default to the same type (Data, Vaccine, Virus) or are there specific evolution lines I should be looking at following to maintain their types?
I'd say evolve as they reach the correct level just so you know how much ABI is required to get the evolution you want.