Huh.... I've just noticed Matayoshi switches between 'Kyo-Kyo' and 'Kyo chan' as nicknames for her in dialogue. (Love the game, just finding all these little 'issues' interesting)
EDIT: he just swapped between the two within 3 boxes of dialogue lol
Huh.... I've just noticed Matayoshi switches between 'Kyo-Kyo' and 'Kyo chan' as nicknames for her in dialogue. (Love the game, just finding all these little 'issues' interesting)
EDIT: he just swapped between the two within 3 boxes of dialogue lol
Do we know if they will release the launch bundle DLC separate later or is this really the "only time" to get grab it?
That beezlemon dude looks dope as hell.
No money for it so I'm hoping I can wait for a PSN price drop and pick the launch dlc later. Some of the digimon intrigue me.
There are a lot of errors in the translation. There have been multiple times the game has called me he/him/guy even though I'm playing as a girl, the dialogue options sometimes run into each other, grammatical errors, etc, etc.
The game itself is fantastic though so I'm not letting it bother me.
There are a lot of errors in the translation. There have been multiple times the game has called me he/him/guy even though I'm playing as a girl, the dialogue options sometimes run into each other, grammatical errors, etc, etc.
The game itself is fantastic though so I'm not letting it bother me.
I don't find it bothersome, I just like keeping a tally![]()
you can still get beelzemon without the DLC. But you cant get his alternate mode, though.Do we know if they will release the launch bundle DLC separate later or is this really the "only time" to get grab it?
That beezlemon dude looks dope as hell.
No money for it so I'm hoping I can wait for a PSN price drop and pick the launch dlc later. Some of the digimon intrigue me.
Would really like to know more about the real world parts of the game and the side quests and mini games. Any impressions would be great.
Does hard mode increase exp gain or anything like that?
I'm guessing I should sell medals?
Just curious since I haven't run into any so far (I'm on Chapter 5) and I've seen a few digivolutions that use them, but are the digi-eggs story related or do you get them some other way?
Wait, so does this game have an English option? If so, I'm in.
Only reason I've found is if you're grinding ability points, you get more if you level them. There was a mega Digimon I wanted that required 80 ability points so I had to de-digivolve and digivolve a lot. Haven't gone all the way to cap since it keeps increasing and is at 99 now for my mons but..Is it better to digivolve/de-digivolve when I cap the digimon's level or it doesn't matter?
I went with Sakuyamon since I already had a dark type. I wish I had gone with Kuzuhamon instead though and replaced my dark type. Sakuyamon's color scheme is so unappealing imo compared to Kuzuhamon' kuzuhamon or sakuyamon... i dont know which to pick as both seem very similar.
Even if it doesn't get put up for sale later (I don't see why Bamco wouldn't), you can still get regular Beelzemon, just not his blast mode.
Here's what regular Beelzemon looks like.
you can still get beelzemon without the DLC. But you cant get his alternate mode, though.
Still cranky this isn't getting a physical release in Australia.
So now I have to hope that it actually shows up on the PSN tomorrow, and I have no idea how much it's going to cost.
Thanks Bandai Namco!
Still cranky this isn't getting a physical release in Australia.
So now I have to hope that it actually shows up on the PSN tomorrow, and I have no idea how much it's going to cost.
Thanks Bandai Namco!
Nokia just raised my bar of "annoying as fuck" noise standard in terms of tone. Her voice is not technically "that" high pitched.
But it managed to annoy me to no end
and honestly, Nokia?
Nokia just raised my bar of "annoying as fuck" noise standard in terms of tone. Her voice is not technically "that" high pitched.
But it managed to annoy me to no end
and honestly, Nokia?
Just wait until Samsung and Motorola show up!
Nokia just raised my bar of "annoying as fuck" noise standard in terms of tone. Her voice is not technically "that" high pitched.
But it managed to annoy me to no end
and honestly, Nokia?
She became the best character later on. One of her scene in chapter 10 made the game special for me. It calls back to something that was always amazing in anime since forever ago.
wut? lol
Don't mind my terrible, dated humour that only I find funny.
Also I meant to ask, if I'm finding normal a little easy, what does hard change? Are the battles just a little more difficult or is it more than that?
I wanna know this too!Random question, can you ever change the main character's outfit?
Play on hard. Normal is super easy. Hard makes the battles more of a challenge via tweaking damage and health among other things. Even Hard is still pretty easy tbh
So far I'm just getting the Digimon from the first three seasons since that's all I've seen. Then I'll start branching out. But it's so hard to pick which ones to use because I like so many. I want them all on my team. ;-;
So what's going on with the Dianamon DLC on PS4? From my own JP Vita version which has no DLC installed can see her entry right from the start of a new game, Worried this is more then just a glitch.
I wanna know this too!
I noticed people that didn't have the DLC when they were streaming early didn't have BlackAgumon/BlackGabumon show up at all, even as greyed out options. I wonder if you need to complete the "DLC" quests for her to show up?
See I thought that as well which is why I booted up my JP copy and started a brand new game and I could still see them all in the entry numbers.
I know.I'm in the same boat. My farm is filled with all these awesome Digimon I can't use and it's like choosing a favourite child![]()
That's a bummer. But I guess my outfit could be worse.No, you'll have to live with yellow and black.![]()