A useful tip I saw in a video: craft an axe, get berries, drop them near a rabbit. Leave a bit of distance for the rabbit to take the bait, when it starts eating the berries slay it with the axe.I can't get past 5Anybody have any tips for a noob?
A mod wrote this on the Don't starve forum
"The auto-save will happen whenever a world is created, a cave is entered, or entering into Maxwell's Door. It will not save the game every night to prevent people from simply closing their game when something bad happens. You have to select the "Save and Exit" game in the Pause Menu to save the game otherwise.
And yes, once you die in the game, it will automatically delete your save game as part of the "rogue-like" design of the game. Part of the game design is for the player to try to survive as many days as they can without dying. Allowing the player to simply load a saved game when they die would defeat the challenge. "
Anyone using Wickerbottom. The fact that you can skip straight to the alchemy machine has helped me immensely in the beginning of a new game.
I haven't found hounds very threatening. I've been attacked several times and I'll just run and take them on. The first few times I had a log suit and spear but this last time two came at me and I just had an axe and was able to dispatch them without too much worry
What's the best way to grow berries? Dig up a berry Bush before picking the berries or after or does it not matter? Can you put manure on them to make them grow faster? If I get a farm going, what's the best thing to plant? Just the seeds right? They only give you one carrot per patch though :/
farms give random vegetables, sometimes they're carrots, other times they're pumpkins or eggplants, which are considerably more filling.
guano can be used to make a bush that respawns berries. as far as I know, regular manure can't be used as fertilizer.
Does cooking food give you more health back when you eat it?
I'm loving this game, but need some help.. Is there a good source of info out there like a tutorial ?
I'm loving this game, but need some help.. Is there a good source of info out there like a tutorial ?
When there's only two of them they are not a problem. Just wait until you get like 6 of them coming to you, the beefalos are probably going to be your only option.
Hmm, how do i summon Abigail when playing as Wendy? I dropped the flower on a floor and murdered a rabbit while standing on top of it but the ghost has not appeared. What am I doing wrong?
I love this game, but would have preferred a bit more structures. Can you have some kind of defenses for your base that can hurt enemies? I'm mostly scared of the hound attacks that multiply later on. I'm not saying turrets, but.....
Pick up twigs and grass. You'll pretty much always need these. You'll want to pick up flint and twigs and make a pickaxe and an axe, so you can cut down some trees for logs and break rocks for stones and gold.
When it's dark, be ready to put a fire down. A regular campfire will do at first.
You generally want to locate beefalo and designate your home base to be somewhere near them. That's always my first order of business -- Try to find beefalo fields and start my base.
Why? For one thing, you need their poop to make farms. For another thing, they tend to be located in fields where there are also plentiful rabbit holes. Finally, beefalo can be used to help you survive hound attacks, and they themselves can be hunted if you need their body parts or meat.
You'll need lots of grass for a varietyt of reasons, but early on once you know about hwerey our base is gonna be, start putting out rabbit traps. You don't need any special tech to make them. They also don't need to be baited, so long as you placed them directly on top of the bunny holes. Put a trap down and go on your way. Come back later and get the bunnies. You want to have a lot of traps -- as many as you can. at least 5-10 or so, I'd think. Remember that you can click the touchpad in for the map and see where all your stuff and traps are.
Another early priority is to get some gold, so youc an make a science machine and an alchemy machine. The science machine is important for a number of reasons, and one of them is that you can make a backpack once you have it, which lets you carry more stuff.
You want to be farming lots of rabbits and as soon as you can start making jerky racks so you can turn their meat into jerky. The reason for this is that jerky takes a very very long time to rot so you can store it up and stockpile it for winter, when it's harder to find food.
I think that covers the basic beginner stuff.
so ive got a little base set up and ive got 4 rabbit holes right next to me harvest - whats the next step i should do? do i need a cooking pot or whatever/
I feel like the general mindset of people is wanting to work towards soms goal, which is weird. I have the same problem feeling like I'm missing something, yet i can just keep playing and keep loving the game. I want more drive to play after I unlock everything. I want to them to weekly generate a random seed, non default, and give the challenge to survive to day x. A bit like the daily challenge in spelunky. Are they still updating the game?
After discovering everything myself, I need to be told something to do. I'm kind of dumb like that. Luckily, I haven't even hit winter once!
Anyone using Wickerbottom. The fact that you can skip straight to the alchemy machine has helped me immensely in the beginning of a new game.
Every time I start a game with a good setup my kid wants to take over and I die.
so ive got a little base set up and ive got 4 rabbit holes right next to me harvest - whats the next step i should do? do i need a cooking pot or whatever/
Was doing pretty well earlier and had a nice camp set up, then some fucking Tree Defender came after me and i couldn't burn the fecker down. Ended up dying to hi,
My camp has a rabbit hole, three gardens, science and alchemy machines. I'm building block wells and have a good forrest going on. I've got a good location to any resource needed, two wormholes and a semi close cave. I've even found the house that starts adventure mode and the shrine for extra life close. It's the longest I've survived at 14 days and now I've got somethat just popped up in my camp. What is this thing? Am I already dead?bulb that eats meat and devours all
So I'm just about on day 50, have 10-15 dry racks, 2 crockpots, 8 Bee boxes with a dedicated storage chest for my Honey, which I use to turn monster meat into edible food during the winter. My area is right on top of about 5 ponds which means tons of fish, tons of frog legs, etc.
I've finished building my camp up pretty damn well, have a rock well around the entire thing, 10-20 berry bushes, have moved a ton of sapplings and gras tuftss near by, and have a bird cage to turn monster meat into eggs. on top of all of this I'm right by a large herd of beefalo.
My question is... now what do I do now? What's the end game? It was fun surviving and building up the camp at first, but now there's really not much left to build or do...
How the hell do traps work?
Meatbulb? Kill it with fire.
drop it and bait it. bait it by getting foods such as carrots or seeds and standing above it with them selected.
Like, I want to ask questions about this game and look stuff up but I also don't.
Meatbulb? Kill it with fire.
Does cooking food give you more health back when you eat it?
Is there any use for items like the fake teeth, ball and paddle, butterfly wings, etc.
My camp, in pictures :
Forgot to mention there's a touchstone right up to the north of my camp, around a 10 seconds walk from it.