I find woodchopping by far the most irritating part of the game.
I agree. Shoveling stumps gets a very fast and painless 1 wood, though, so carry a shovel around and take out the stumps all at once.
And btw,There's an unlockable character who can cut down trees quicker.
Made it past winter and to day 40. Furthest yet!
Here's my setup..
I like to plant lots and lots of saplings and bushes near my base. I love shoveling.
I've been exploring a lot more now that winter's over. I'm still trying to find some gears. Still no dice.
Incidentally, this map has given me an absurd amount of gold. Vein after vein after vein. I have been making gold tools for a while now, I have 46 gold stockpiled, and I know where more gold is if I need it. So strange.
Click the touchpad.
My wife and I are done with the game now after a 25 hour binge this weekend.
Could have played more if it wasn't for an unfortunate crash on the PS4.
After several trial runs, we finally managed to set up a solid camp
( Fire, tent, farms, 6 crockpots, 6 dry racks, 20 bunny traps, the whole works)
Dog attacks were no longer a problem, we would just kite them into the tentacle field and the penguins near our camp were under control as well.
Then, on day 34 on a frozen berry run, i set down a fire to heat my stone and i crash to the XMB. Last save was somehow day 4.
That's when we realized there is no reward to this game, which is really too bad, since the concept is fun.
Ideally, you will want to save and quit at various points in the game. If you do this, a crash / power cut / whatever will simply mean to start at the point you last saved and quit. If you do this once a week or so, then you can have no fear of a crash losing lots of progress. I think entering caves saves the game also.
From what I can tell, the 'reward' lies in adventure mode, rather than sandbox. That is the real single player, rather than the mode we start in. It's a strange way of doing it, but I can see why, as it is harder than sandbox mode.
Seriously? OMFG...
I was kinda thrown off by the "auto save feature" that it mentions in the first screen.
Didn't think it was only at the cave.
I might give it another run in the adventure mode, but a loss like that really killed it.
I would have been fine by just dying, since i had 2 resurrection pads ready.
My wife and I are done with the game now after a 25 hour binge this weekend.
Could have played more if it wasn't for an unfortunate crash on the PS4.
After several trial runs, we finally managed to set up a solid camp
( Fire, tent, farms, 6 crockpots, 6 dry racks, 20 bunny traps, the whole works)
Dog attacks were no longer a problem, we would just kite them into the tentacle field and the penguins near our camp were under control as well.
Then, on day 34 on a frozen berry run, i set down a fire to heat my stone and i crash to the XMB. Last save was somehow day 4.
That's when we realized there is no reward to this game, which is really too bad, since the concept is fun.
Sorry to hear that. I read something about it only saving when you quit, so I have been sure to quit occasionally.
BTW, why six crockpots? everything I've ever cooked has been ready in a few seconds. Maybe the resulting food after cooking keeps infinitely before being harvested? Did I just answer my own question?
BRB, off to make more crockpots.
BRB, off to make more crockpots.
As you said.
Noob question, how do I find/generate manure?
Noob question, how do I find/generate manure?
Noob question, how do I find/generate manure?
Never needed a second crockpot in base. I almost always cook and eat immediately before night time hits, with another dish cooked after that for morning, for full hunger.
Now crockpots with meat stew in them at touch stones. That's a good use of charcoal.
I also have fire pits along major roads quite a ways off my base, along with a crockpot and a chest full of wood, in case I explore too far and get stranded
Seriously what kind of food do you guys cook in the crockpot to need so many of them to heal hunger?
A mod wrote this on the Don't starve forum
"The auto-save will happen whenever a world is created, a cave is entered, or entering into Maxwell's Door. It will not save the game every night to prevent people from simply closing their game when something bad happens. You have to select the "Save and Exit" game in the Pause Menu to save the game otherwise.
And yes, once you die in the game, it will automatically delete your save game as part of the "rogue-like" design of the game. Part of the game design is for the player to try to survive as many days as they can without dying. Allowing the player to simply load a saved game when they die would defeat the challenge. "
They are good to have, because you can throw crap in it and get a good meal out, for example you can use 1 monster meat and anything else, to get a good, healing meal from them. As they keep, you can just fill them up with damaging crap like mushrooms you wouldn't otherwise eat, with a bit of jerky or something in there, then use as needed. Crockpots and drying racks with a few traps can see you live indefinitely.
Placing firepits at different travel points is the way to go, and how I have played in my current game. When winter comes, it is priceless to have.
Comes out the end of Beefalo, wherever they roam, usually on grassy plains alongside rabbits, is where you'll find manure.
There's some herd animals knocking about (like cows but not cows), you can just pick up their manure.
Like others said, Beefalo's. You can also feed pigs and they will produce a nice steaming pile for you; I find petals are a great use for this.
You do know that before you cook, whatever you put in a crockpot still spoils right? Icebox is the way to go.
Seriously don't bother with making meatballs. They're only good for hunger. If you want to heal, honey nuggets (honey, 0.5 meat), honey ham (honey, 2 meat) or bacon and eggs (2 eggs, 1.5 meat) are the way to go if you don't have access to farms.
Yeah, I know you need the four things to cook or it will spoil, but usually that's easy to find with gash shrooms, berrys and monster meat. I don't put anything in them unless I can fill it to cook.
Meatballs are worse than the honey ham etc, but far, far easier to make in a pinch. Honey is troublesome to attain, needing the bee keeper hat and a log suit to stand a chance at farming them. This also requires spider webs to make the hat, so it's a fairly complex route to take for me. Icebox again requires gears, which I have yet to encounter in any of my games. Never seen them.
get used to that, some games are already doing the same and more will do it in the future
I found my first 2 gears in graves, just dig them out. the other stuff you find you can trade in at the boss pig for gold nuggets, keep the gems for magic crafting or upgrading chester to a fridge-chester
Developers need to use the touchpad to pinch to zoom in and out on maps. Such an obvious thing.
Yeah, I know you need the four things to cook or it will spoil, but usually that's easy to find with gash shrooms, berrys and monster meat. I don't put anything in them unless I can fill it to cook.
Meatballs are worse than the honey ham etc, but far, far easier to make in a pinch. Honey is troublesome to attain, needing the bee keeper hat and a log suit to stand a chance at farming them. This also requires spider webs to make the hat, so it's a fairly complex route to take for me. Icebox again requires gears, which I have yet to encounter in any of my games. Never seen them.
Nah. If you can make meatballs, you can make pierogi or bacon and eggs, with a farm or a bird cage.
I found my first 2 gears in graves, just dig them out. the other stuff you find you can trade in at the boss pig for gold nuggets, keep the gems for magic crafting or upgrading chester to a fridge-chester
I always just go pick a fight with a spider or something. You don't need to be the one to get the kill, either. If you've got a pig village with nearby spider dens or something you can just drop the flower in the midst of a swirling pig versus spider melee and she'll pop out.
You can also find and kill a Lureplant to get a Lure Bulb. The bulb can be planted and immediately counts as an enemy, but it takes several days before it grows up and becomes dangerous. Just plant it and immediately kill it for an instant, completely safe, endlessly repeatable Abigail summon.
Yeah, I know you need the four things to cook or it will spoil, but usually that's easy to find with gash shrooms, berrys and monster meat. I don't put anything in them unless I can fill it to cook.
Meatballs are worse than the honey ham etc, but far, far easier to make in a pinch. Honey is troublesome to attain, needing the bee keeper hat and a log suit to stand a chance at farming them. This also requires spider webs to make the hat, so it's a fairly complex route to take for me. Icebox again requires gears, which I have yet to encounter in any of my games. Never seen them.
Werepigs show up if they're stuck outside during a full moon (Pig behaviour is traditionally to run to their houses once dusk sets in, but sometimes they'll get stuck outside or it'll roll for them to stay outside if they're too far off-screen, I think).
I wish you could build those ever-lasting pig torches.
watwatwat? you can do that? amazing....or upgrading chester to a fridge-chester![]()
Noob question, how do I find/generate manure?
Nah. If you can make meatballs, you can make pierogi or bacon and eggs, with a farm or a bird cage. Also, just make bee boxes and collect their honey. Just harvest and run. They give up very fast.
Gears are pretty easy to get. Just farm up a bunch of hunger items, go dig up graves, then run back, sleep, and heal up hunger. Alternatively, find the chess biome, poke the clockwork rook and get it to destroy all the other clockworks.
Spiders are also really easy to kill and monster meat and spider glands are also useful. You just need to explore more before the first winter.
I use meatballs for hunger issues and dragonpie for health, It regenerates 40 Health and 70 Hunger
for infinite dragon fruits build a bird cage, place a bird in it and feed it with a dragon fruit. It will then "drop" 1 or 2 dragon fruit seeds. so in the worst case you get +-0 dragonfruits. rinse repeat for affordable HP Regen Food.
Meatballs are very easy to get, just burn down a forest with a lot of spider nests (preferrable tier 3 spider nests) and collect monster meat, add 3 random vegetables (no honey!), preferrable berries and enjoy your meal.
Can I ''safe'' kill beefalo's?
Thisis not necessarily true. Meatballs require 0.5 meat (eg a morsel) while bacon and eggs requires 2 eggs and 1.5 meat (3 morsels, or 1 large meat + 1 morsel). So if you have 4 morsels and 2 (normal) eggs, you can make meatballs, but not bacon and eggs
How do you get your bird to lay eggs? I'm sure I read this could be done.
How do you get your bird to lay eggs? I'm sure I read this could be done.
My wife and I are done with the game now after a 25 hour binge this weekend.
Could have played more if it wasn't for an unfortunate crash on the PS4.
After several trial runs, we finally managed to set up a solid camp
( Fire, tent, farms, 6 crockpots, 6 dry racks, 20 bunny traps, the whole works)
Dog attacks were no longer a problem, we would just kite them into the tentacle field and the penguins near our camp were under control as well.
Then, on day 34 on a frozen berry run, i set down a fire to heat my stone and i crash to the XMB. Last save was somehow day 4.
That's when we realized there is no reward to this game, which is really too bad, since the concept is fun.
From a few pages back:Yep I crashed and lost a ton of time too. I've learned the game hardly ever auto saves unless you die or something. I save and quit every now and then and go back in just to make sure it's saving
A mod wrote this on the Don't starve forum
"The auto-save will happen whenever a world is created, a cave is entered, or entering into Maxwell's Door. It will not save the game every night to prevent people from simply closing their game when something bad happens. You have to select the "Save and Exit" game in the Pause Menu to save the game otherwise.
And yes, once you die in the game, it will automatically delete your save game as part of the "rogue-like" design of the game. Part of the game design is for the player to try to survive as many days as they can without dying. Allowing the player to simply load a saved game when they die would defeat the challenge. "
This game basically has zero accessibility. Is the only way to learn how to play is through trail and error?
Makes Dark Souls look like childs play