edit: And the map after I found all the stuff:
Do you have everything unlocked now? 100% completion? PEACE.
edit: And the map after I found all the stuff:
how do I view the map during the game?
Click the touchpad.
Nah, that trophy (as well as another one) is related to a single quest.Do you have everything unlocked now? 100% completion? PEACE.
Well fuck this game. Got to day 74 and was doing really well, had a great base and winter was about to end. Went out for the day and came back like usual, running through the penguins I've ran through 200 times. All the sudden they freak out and all attack at once... Such bs! How would I even know that? Sigh...
Wish they had a free play mode. I was enjoying my home base and my gf watched the entire thing.
Well fuck this game. Got to day 74 and was doing really well, had a great base and winter was about to end. Went out for the day and came back like usual, running through the penguins I've ran through 200 times. All the sudden they freak out and all attack at once... Such bs! How would I even know that? Sigh...
Wish they had a free play mode. I was enjoying my home base and my gf watched the entire thing.
So... Had a sick fort/complex at day 70. I could go forever.
One word: Deerclops
So that's what a walking cane does...By day 70 you should have found and kept a treeguard around your base exactly for this purpose.
I'm at day 30 but haven't found one yet. Have a meatlure taking care of pesky hounds though.
Also should have a walking cane by your first winter. Run like the wind!!
I've only managed to get to day 21 and got killed by penguins, but I'm reading references to things in this game I've never seen. Does the world map grow? Fort/Complex? Pig Armies? Where are these things?
The maps are huge, I doubt you've had the time to explore everything in 21 days, but on top of the whole map there is also an underground you can go into.
The penguins scared the hell out of me but I just avoided them altogether. Pig armies I think is a group of pigs you give meat to so they follow you and become your personal army ? There's a lot of stuff I'm still learning myself and I'm on to around day 80, there's a place where there's a Pig King that gives you gold in exchange for various stuff you can give him, there's another place with pigs guarding a random patch of grass, then there's the way some pigs seem to turn into werewolves at some points. It's a pretty complex game but the fun is in exploring and learning and trying to survive longer each time.
By day 70 you should have found and kept a treeguard around your base exactly for this purpose.
I'm at day 30 but haven't found one yet. Have a meatlure taking care of pesky hounds though.
Also should have a walking cane by your first winter. Run like the wind!!
And how do you start 'Adventure mode'? ... And what is it?
So that's what a walking cane does...
The tree guard got murdered by my pig army haha
Yeah, you give the pig king the gnome and he gives you gold. I just seem to panic at around the 10 day mark. I'm always struggling to find food and always short on supplies. If I concentrate on both I end up with too little of each. I'm definitely improving but Christ I'm finding it difficult.
And how do you start 'Adventure mode'? ... And what is it?
Reached Day 11 and I have a few questions.
1. Can you run faster? I see some fast animals but cant catch them
2. How do you controle youre insanity (brains)?
3. Whats the purpose of caves?
4. Can you carry more items over time? If not where can I stock items?
Reached Day 11 and I have a few questions.
1. Can you run faster? I see some fast animals but cant catch them
2. How do you controle youre insanity (brains)?
3. Whats the purpose of caves?
4. Can you carry more items over time? If not where can I stock items?
Wendy is really cool. I've used Wilsons, Willow and Wendy. Wendy is really nice with it, thanks to Abigail. I'm using her as I finally take on the last two trophies. I got my accomploshrine trophies the lame way. I know adventure mode is gonna take a while, so I turned off monsters (most of them anyway) and put long days, so I could basically run around nonstop revealing the map. I mostly wanted the Maxwell Door, but figured I'd grab the shrine before jumping into the gate. Abigail handled those robots nicely. With long days, it's just one hour of dusk and one hour of night. I just ran around with a torch for the hour, but hardly stopped moving. Uncovered the full map. I did setup a base next to the first touchstone I found though.
Now that that's over with, it's time to get serious again. I tried adventure mode once, and only made it a few days before dying and getting teleported back. I didn't jump right back in then, but I assume I can just go back over and over again, right? I expect it will take a few attempts to beat it. That last scenario sounds horrible. PEACE.
Reached Day 11 and I have a few questions.
1. Can you run faster? I see some fast animals but cant catch them
2. How do you controle youre insanity (brains)?
3. Whats the purpose of caves?
4. Can you carry more items over time? If not where can I stock items?
Some foods restore sanity as well as sleeping. Some characters have specific sanity mechanics as well (Willow gets +sanity for being near fire, WX-78 gets -sanity in the rain). There are wearables that give +sanity as well (garland is easy to make, 12 flowers).
After failing Adventure Mode you'll be able to just waltz right back through the door and try again from the beginning. So you can be pretty cavalier about your safety in your first scenario if you want since the stakes are so low. It's from scenario 2 and onwards that you really need to start being careful.
1. Walking on roads increases your move speed, as do a couple of items. If your main concern is critters you can't catch up to the best solution is a ranged weapon. Boomerangs can be made from a board, a piece of silk, and a piece of charcoal and can handle most of your ranged combat needs. You can hurt yourself with them though, so watch out for that.
2. Eating prepared food (and some unprepared food), wearing dapper clothing (like a feather garland or a top hat), sleeping in a bedroll or tent, and picking flowers all restore Sanity.
3. Exploration and challenge, mostly. In practical terms, they're the only infinitely renewable source of most minerals other than gold, their temperature is constant so you can use them as a respite from winter (or even set up a permanent camp in them, if you're the daring sort), and you can get items in them that aren't available on the surface. They also grant access to the place below the caves, which is... fun. It's entirely possible to lead an opulent lifestyle without ever setting foot in them, but there's some nifty stuff you'll be missing out on.
4. Backpacks allow you to carry more items, but wearing one precludes you from wearing armor. You can also build chests and refrigerators to store items and food in. Basically any non-food item can also just be dropped on the ground and it'll still be there when you get back to it, so if you don't mind your camp looking like a loot explosion just dropping stuff wherevs is a perfectly valid solution to inventory clutter.
Everybody actually loses Sanity in the rain, WX-78's disadvantage is that he also loses Health.
My last run I started out just like you described pretty much. Never got to make dry racks or set up a farm, but in my travels I happened to find a wooden fort in the middle of a field filled with rabbits, beefaloes, grass, berry bushes, and a chest out front. Naturally I set up camp, built my science and alchemy machines; I was ready to go! I decided to store some things in the chest, which proceeded to blow up as I opened it; destroying the fort, setting everything on fire and killing me in the process. WTF is that all about? Pissed me off to high heaven; I knew it was too good to be true.This tells a good bit about Adventure mode.
As for getting further than day 10, this run I'm on what I did really early on was the first day amass as much grass, flint, twigs and berries as possible, I started off near a bunch of those anyway. Built an axe, got some logs and made a fire. Second day I made a pickaxe and found a place with a ton of boulders so I got a lot Rocks, Gold and Flint. From there, you build a science machine, you build a Fire Pit (a campfire with rocks around it so you don't have to create one every night, you can simply light it with any fuel and it resists much better to rain and the likes that killed me so often in my first runs).
After that, I just went exploring. Made some traps, put them above rabbit holes, made a shovel, brough berries near my camp and got some rot and Beefalo crap to fertilize the bushes as they won't grow if you simply re-plant them, you need to fertilize them first and then they should mostly be good until winter it seems), made some ropes with the grass and burned some trees to get charcoal and so I made a lot of drying racks (these can be used to dry meat and make jerkey, which gives you health and sanity and fills you up all at the same time). Also, if you really are low on sanity but have a lot of food, you can make a roll or, even better, a permanent tent and go to sleep. If you've moved a lot of food sources near your base (I have rabbits a few steps away and a lot of berry bushes so berries and jerkey frequently) you should be fine. You can also make farms which I started making in the second summer, planting a seed and waiting a few days and they can fill you up a lot.
It's a lot to learn but I just tried a bunch of things and if I ever saw something I really didn't get then I just looked it up, not going to keep myself from having fun and having to start over if I don't know what to do about, say, a bulb that sprouts in my base and wrecks havoc.
Thanx for the great anwsers. Could you anwser some more?
1. Do you build one great camp and always go back to that camp?
2. Ive seen some pigs (that talk/walk) and some buffelos. Do I need to feed them to become friends?
3. Im attacked by some ''ghost creatures'' Is this cause I go insane?
So I've heard... Sigh. Couldnt they at least give them some kind of indicator? Like glowing red? They all just turned on me instantly and killed me in 3 hits. My damn respawn stone was used up, because I didnt know those eyeplants can eat you so fast.Much like how Beefalos become violent during mating season, Pengulls become violent in the final days of winter. There's not really an immediately recognizable visual indication that they're in their hostile phase, but it usually roughly coincides with the time that they stop guarding their eggs from you. They'll start making a lot of noise if they're planning to attack, but by the time they start doing that you've already aggro-ed them so you'd best already be vamoosin'.
I usually just avoid them as a matter of course. Buncha snooty birds.
What the hell, I had no idea. This will help so much, haha.Click the touchpad.
1. For the most part yeah, you want to set up a main camp. Start by finding a good location: a place near to a Beefalo herd and rabbit holes is best for starting out. If you can wrangle having both of those and manage to get either a pig village or a few ponds nearby, all the better. Then lay down a Fire Pit and start building up. Drying Racks are the ideal food preparation system for a new player, because all you have to do is stick any kind of meat on them to make Jerky, which keeps for a long time and restores Hunger, Health, and Sanity. Building a few should be one of your first objectives after laying down your Fire Pit.
2. Feeding a pig meat will make them your friend for a while. They'll fight anything you attack or that attacks you, and they'll also cut down trees for you if you start getting your lumberjack on while they're following you. The Beefalo aren't exactly your allies, but they don't attack you outside of their mating season and their fur and manure are both useful resources. Baiting some enemies near the herd will result in the enemy aggro-ing the Beefalo, though, which is one of the best defense systems early on. If you see your neighborhood Beefalo herd sporting red butts and snorting a lot, don't go near them. That means it's mating season, and they'll attack anything -- including you -- on sight.
3. If you were attacked by living shadows, then yeah, it's because you went insane. You'll start seeing the shadows at around 66% Sanity, but they won't start attacking you until you drop to dire levels of Sanity. Note that all those tips I just gave you for getting Pigs and Beefalo to assist you won't work for shadows: they're figments of your imagination, and so no allies will help you fight them. Your pig allies will be perfectly content to just sit and watch you be consumed by your delusions, probably spouting rot like "ME LOVE FRIEND" as your fevered mind destroys you from within.
It's funny in retrospect, when that happens. You probably won't be laughing at the time, though.
Thanx man, amazing tips.
I will try to set up an camp in Grasslands. I have one last question.
* When I start the game everything is set on ''Default'' I dont change anything (I read here you can adjust how long the day is) What do you recommend?
For the most part I just play with default settings, but if you want to make things a bit easier on yourself setting the seasons to "Long Summer" is one of the least-intrusive ways to do it.
Some of the settings have some kinda weird effects. Like any setting for hound attacks other than default is actually easier in the long run, even if you set it the highest possible setting. And stuff like turning off the Beefalo mating season seems like it'd make things easier, but since the Beefalo kinda need mating season to... well, mate, turning it off makes them constantly your friends but also turns them into a non-renewable resource. Which isn't really desirable, 'cuz Beefalo are any survivalist's besties. Lots of the settings have some weird side effects like that, so I mostly just avoid fiddling with 'em.
Also, for whatever reason there's nothing you can do in world generation to change the subterranean areas, which has always annoyed me a little. Caves and such are always going to be the same, regardless of what custom settings you apply. Just something to keep in mind.
Edit: Oh yeah, and world generation settings also have no effect on Adventure Mode. Adventure Mode scenarios have their own custom settings and don't take anything you've changed into account.
But If I change the defeault option I can still get all the trophies?
My base.
You should plant some flowers around your bee boxes. Grab some butterflies with your net.
Just downloaded it. Disappointed there was no tutorial to begin with, how do new players know that they have to create a camp fire before night? I've watched some YT video beforehand to see what's it like.
Just downloaded it. Disappointed there was no tutorial to begin with, how do new players know that they have to create a camp fire before night? I've watched some YT video beforehand to see what's it like.
I'm very early on and I'm already struggling to find foodI spent all day trying to find a carrot for my trap...
I'm glad there's no tutorial or hand-holding of any kind in the game.
Don't Starve is a game about learning. The game throws you into a world and you try to survive in it. The rules are fixed, outside of set pieces, some of which can seriously f*** you over, so you learn not to be too greedy.
First night? You learn you need a fire. First time seeing a tallbird? You learn not to go too near its nest. First time seeing a beefalo? You learn they fight back. First hound attack? First winter? You learn you must do more to prepare.
Unless they are penguins, then the game is like "Fuck rules".
Just don't ever walk near penguins...
Got to day six and died of starvation, lol. Great and quirky game I didn't think I'd ever try let alone enjoy.
Got to day 6 but just couldn't find the gold to make a science machine, something attacked me then and I died. It's an interesting game though, will give it another shot for sure.