Probably will recover a decent chunk of value if you want to level compendium and sell the thingy. Not so bad.
Wish Valve gave people a hat on top of the fountain effect. Effect isn't even permanent!
Probably will recover a decent chunk of value if you want to level compendium and sell the thingy. Not so bad.
how you can sit there complaining about techies when Undying is out there ruining lives
Give me ur gold antimage weapons if you get them.
I'm actually fucking stunned.
Level 1044. I now have two spare gold Luna shields, 2 spare Nightstalker sets, and 2 spare Shadow Fiend arms, along with 3 gold Effigy blocks... but still no fucking gold Anti-Mage bashers. Not even one set.
What's gross about it? It's a reward for people that spent something like $400 actual dollars. I don't really see an issue with that honestly.
It's obviously designed to make a bunch of people who already spent a lot of money on the compendium something extra to spend towards if they already feel like they've gotten all the content Valve can provide. It makes me feel like they're specifically targeting whales and people who like looking at a number, rather than people legitimately interested in having a piece of memorabilia, which kind of rubs me the wrong way.
It feels like something Blizzard would do.
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I don't think so, I'm pretty sure those are the US West Dota servers. Valve may have screwed something up with the back endi think i got ddossed
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I'm actually fucking stunned.
Level 1044. I now have two spare gold Luna shields, 2 spare Nightstalker sets, and 2 spare Shadow Fiend arms, along with 3 gold Effigy blocks... but still no fucking gold Anti-Mage bashers. Not even one set.
It's a nice bonus that you have to spend over FOUR HUNDRED US DOLLARS to get.
Did you just buy all those levels because of that level 1000 thing, or did you buy it beforehand, if it's the later, can I ask why? As I see it there's not really any particular reason for doing it.
I don't understand what point you're trying to make
Still doesn't seem fair that I lose MMR because two of my teammates decide to abandon 10 minutes into the game
You are saying it's "disgusting" to offer a bonus to people that spend an absurd amount of money to support eSports. I don't understand the point you are making.
You are saying it's "disgusting" to offer a bonus to people that spend an absurd amount of money to support eSports. I don't understand the point you are making.
Alternate view:I'm saying that it's targeted towards people who already spent a ton of money and encouraging them to spend more, which rubs me the wrong way. If it was a literal 400 dollar item or if it was announced when the compendium went on sale it wouldn't feel as exploitative to me.
Cyborg matt posted some of them earlieraw yiss, looks like they're gonna add desert themed buildings/neutral creeps for the desert map, gimme dem art assets
Alternate view:
"Hey it's cool some people did Level 1000 we should do something for them"
It's a free kickback people didn't know about. Like people sitting at rank 400 have another option or people at 850 for some reason can either get or sell the damn thing.
People spending $400 for custom stuff isn't new, look at WETA. It's less exploitative since no one knew about it and it is a <$400 with compendium rewards (Immortal levels).
I'm saying that it's targeted towards people who already spent a ton of money and encouraging them to spend more, which rubs me the wrong way. If it was a literal 400 dollar item or if it was announced when the compendium went on sale it wouldn't feel as exploitative to me.
I would think that very, very few people actually buy the compendium or any tournament ticket to "support esports". They buy them for the stuff they get out of it. And I would dare say no one in their right mind buys 400 dollars worth of compendium levels solely to support the TI ( especially since only 100 of those dollars would actually go towards "supporting esports".
The aegis will obviously be something that people want and get enjoyment from owning. But I think the point of it is clear, it's as you say, to get people to spend absurd amounts of money.
Valve wasn't obligated to give anything at all for people spending their money willingly, I say it's really nice of them to recognize those that gave an extra push and made possible this tourney to be one of the biggest ones (in terms of money) yet in the history of e-sports.
I have a hard time believing that someone that spends $400 on this doesn't care about eSports at all.
But do you think that any of those people spend 400 dollars, purely to support esportz, knowing that only 25% of the money goes to that, while valve pockets the rest? And how many people do you think would spend 400 dollars without the compendium rewards or e-peen extension that goes with it?
PS. if anyone here is actually purely about supporting esports and nothing else. I'll happily take your compendium immortals and other stuff from whatever else you've gotten while supporting esports, thanks!
Out of curiosity, can I see your dotabuff?
the venerable Ties was permed today, all ye who knew him rejoice for he lives on in spirit
But do you think that any of those people spend 400 dollars, purely to support esportz, knowing that only 25% of the money goes to that, while valve pockets the rest? And how many people do you think would spend 400 dollars without the compendium rewards or e-peen extension that goes with it?
PS. if anyone here is actually purely about supporting esports and nothing else. I'll happily take your compendium immortals and other stuff from whatever else you've gotten while supporting esports, thanks!
the venerable Ties was permed today, all ye who knew him rejoice for he lives on in spirit
Okay nerds, I admit, Steven Universe is pretty cool. I'm 30 eps in and it keeps getting better.
Amethyst is my girl
Okay nerds, I admit, Steven Universe is pretty cool. I'm 30 eps in and it keeps getting better.
Amethyst is my girl
They want the trinkets, they bought it for the trinkets. What's the issue? Companies make money. I don't see the problem here.
the venerable Ties was permed today, all ye who knew him rejoice for he lives on in spirit
LISA is my favorite RPG of all time and I highly recommend everyone pick it up while it's on sale.
shutup nobody likes u