rip"shutup nobody likes u"
at least satch likes me
rip"shutup nobody likes u"
at least satch likes me
This is probably a very stupid question, but how do you recycle items for Charms properly when the recycle screen blocks the Armory, and seemingly can't be minimised?
immortals today, you heard it here first.![]()
In other Compendium news, the Immortal Treasure III is almost ready for release. We will be releasing it and the additional Compendium Pet style by the end of the week.
I don't know what people expected considering the amount of cosmetic items void had, surely a different model would have meant that e items would have had to be reconfigured.
When you click recycle your armory should be split in 2 parts. The top one has 10 slots for the items you wants to get rid of, the bottom one is your normal armory, although half the height. It should be a drag-and-drop system.
did u fall out of a time portal from three months ago
So wait hats in 2 hours then?no shit sherlock![]()
how much to buy all the levels?
It costs $400 to get to level 1000
Plus $10 for the Compendium its self
So wait hats in 2 hours then?
oy vey£300 FOR THAT?? HAHAHA
It's annoying how we can't we see full stats in the game like in WC3
Today is Thursday. Give hats.
Dotabuff Plus.
it won'tAnyone think that Huskar is going to be the new thing when TI comes around?
If you saw that being sold in the valve store for £300, would you actually buy it?
If you saw that being sold in the valve store for £300, would you actually buy it?
I think it is dumb too but that is a false equivalency. You can't ignore all the other stuff that comes with the compendium.
That's true, you are right about that.
edit: having said that, the items that you got last year aren't selling for much.
That's an exceptional amount of money for something that, to me, doesn't appear to be worth it.
Anyone think that Huskar is going to be the new thing when TI comes around?
so we're in agreement they're dumbos.
are there 25 separate immortals?
so we're in agreement they're dumbos.
If AA wasn't so good against him, he might be. Huskar is really, really useful at the moment IMO.
it won't
way too many counters
I dont think so
If you make $5 million a year and drive a Bugatti, dropping $400 on something you like isnt a dig deal
I mean Valve must make 60% and up of their money off of whales
What about if they last pick him? Assuming he is not banned in the drafting phase yet
Do you really have to struggle thinking about it? Fuck buying shit to prove you are part of something unless you want to support it.I feel like this 1000 level compendium is a little tricky. I'm not mad at Valve as they are better than 98% of companies. However, for people with obsessive issues it could lead to spending disposable income they don't have. I understand all for profit industry and some non-profit industry works like this. However, it is a tricky question on how much is too much.
I'm 50/50 on if I'm getting it. I'm too damn old to go to TI, and this is way cheaper than tickets, air fare, and hotel. On the other hand I might be too old for stupid trinkets like this as well. I guess we'll see how things go, I'm at level 195 already though....
I think I'll just get an Xbox one and a couple of Forza games instead.
Do you really have to struggle thinking about it? Fuck buying shit to prove you are part of something unless you want to support it.
Eat some good food at home watching TI, hand out some gifts or something.Upgrade your PC instead
New monitor by the end of the year for me (assuming the PG279Q isn't shit).
wow awesome monitor
if only it was 4k I would be ready to trade my XL2420G