Rules question that I don't remember ever being discussed: Can I rotate out players in the middle of a series? for example could I have 1 player subbed out for the 2nd match this weekend?
Of course you can how else would you be able to complete your matches that the nazis gold oil encrusted anbokrs force onto you when your call girl need an abortion before the next map.
Of course.Rules question that I don't remember ever being discussed: Can I rotate out players in the middle of a series? for example could I have 1 player subbed out for the 2nd match this weekend?
Missing team names/logos from: Tobe, Pillowknight, Madouu, Jakkufurosu, Hylian7, and Ksan.
Missing scheduling information from: Ksan/Pillow, IH8Memes/Freakinchair, Vade/Crow, Megaridley/Hylian7, Tobe/DV, and A Sentient Keyboard/Jakkufurosu.
You guys have until the end of today to get me this information. The pre-season is a captain/player activity check so please no flakerino on me. In future weeks if teams have failed to schedule their match by Thursday night, they'll both go 0-2 for the week. So if one captain is unresponsive, please take ample logs of you trying to contact them at different times throughout the week.
Team name in-game: It is all Ogre
'scust. Go back to Diablo.
does that new rule include captains? Makes sense that it would but just making sure.I highly suggest everyone go through the rules (especially "Games/scheduling"), if you have not already done so. The rules will answer most questions with regards to pauses, scheduling, late players, forfeits, etc...
Also, just a reminder that all official games going forward (including these preseason games) must be ticketed. In order for a game to be ticketed, an admin must host the lobby (aka me, TUSR, procarbine, ellen pudge, Sanjay, Demoli, or tSWIFTx). At least one of us should be around for all the games, but in the rare circumstance that we aren't, the winning captain can just screenshot the end screens.
Thirdly, new rule that I forgot to make clear: No spectators outside of admins/casters will be allowed in official games. Please watch one of our caster streams or through dotatv (we have an in game ticket!). Casters, remember to have a 2 minute delay.
Tentative time for dv vs teamtobe is 4pm est sunday.
I think Vade game is set for Saturday 2pm eat right now
does that new rule include captains? Makes sense that it would but just making sure.
IH8Memes/Freakinchair, Vade/Crow, Tobe/DV, and A Sentient Keyboard/Jakkufurosu.
Is the times the teams playing written anywhere? Wanna try and catch some of the games.
Hopefully they are written down somewhere, how else are the casters going to show up.
Preseason Week 1 Official Games said:Friday
-Team Hupsel vs Team Jambi @ 4 PM PST
-Team Crow vs Team Vade @ 1 PM PST
-Team Madouu vs Team Normalfish @ 6 PM PST
-Team Freakinchair vs Team I H8 Memes @ 11 AM PST
-Team Pillow vs Team Ksan @ 12 PM PST
-Team Tobe vs Team Dreams-visions @ 1 PM PST
-Team A Sentient Keyboard vs Team JakkuFurosu @ 2 PM PST
-Team Ellen Pudge vs team Arab @ 5 PM PST
-Team Megaridley vs Team Hylian7 @ 6 PM PST
We've got our first IHL games this weekend, and I'm psyched!
Are the first two matches supposed to be AM? That's what it looks like based on the order?
Can we get a list of what admins should be available for which time slots.
Are the first two matches supposed to be AM? That's what it looks like based on the order?
so do i have to turn off steam broadcasting
im not sure if you can set a delay but its really easy to see who is watching at any point if anyone
the 11 one you're right, but 12 PM is noon so that's probably right.
Yeah, the first Sunday game is AM, sorry.
Did a ticket for this get added/rejected? I don't see anything in the OP.
Did a ticket for this get added/rejected? I don't see anything in the OP.
Oh boy... Team Madouu vs Team Normalfish at prime time on Saturday.
Can't wait.
We've got our first IHL games this weekend, and I'm psyched! Here's the schedule:
Remember that pretty much anyone can cast the games as long as you have a stream up and are actually casting and have it on 2 minutes delay. Make sure to put your twitch in the broadcaster channel. Also remember, no spectators aside from admins and casters, no exceptions.
All games should be ticketed (so notify an admin to host your lobby), and games can be viewed through twitch (aka our casters) or through dotatv as we have an in game ticket. Can spec off someone from the IHL guild I'm sure, or go to the tournaments ---> amateur league tab and find ours.
Are lobbies passworded? If so, how can casters get those passwords? I am looking to cast tonight.
I believe the lobby passwords on on the schedule tab of the spreadsheet.
Thanks. I see astroboy already signed up for it. There allowed to be multiple groups of casters?
yea, read anbokr's post that you quoted
I will pay $3.22 for any Shira Heroic itemsBtw captains, always always try to get an admin to ticket the game so we can see stats and stuff on dotabuff for the league![]()